Batman: Arkham Knight PC Sales Suspended

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Holy cow, what a massive cluster this has turned into. :eek:

We want to apologize to those of you who are experiencing performance issues with Batman: Arkham Knight on PC. We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version while we work to address these issues to satisfy our quality standards. We greatly value our customers and know that while there are a significant amount of players who are enjoying the game on PC, we want to do whatever we can to make the experience better for PC players overall.
Honestly, I hope more costly mistakes like this occur.

For the most part, I can't trust PC gamers at all to make a difference. Whine and complain about how every game under the sun is a terrible port, buggy, etc., and then they just go out and purchase it, expecting everyone else to support their boycott.

And I don't really blame developers. The decision makers who provide budget & a time table (along with features they want implemented) are typically removed from the process of creation. The developers take the blame, and marketing & management take the profits.

The only way to change things is with $$$, so if it takes an epic screw-up, which forces recalls, or game suspensions, or freebies, and this happens enough, maybe things will start to change.
Just don't start calling Warner Bros. then start asking for Bugs Bunny to fix the problem.
Un fukcing acceptable. This is why you test with a large audience in a closed beta.
The one thing I want to happen out of all this is the one thing that probably won't happen. Some journalist needs to get an exec from WB on the record force them to answer one simple question, "What made WB think this game was actually ready to ship for the PC?" Because either their QA procedures are woefully deficient, or at some point in the process, someone saw that this game was still riddled with problems and said "Ship it anyway."

Actually, I want two things to come out of this. The other thing I hope to see is a sharp decline in the number of pre-orders for PC games. The only way this kind of behavior is going to change is if developers/publishers face financial pressure to deliver stable, well-performing games.
Honestly, I hope more costly mistakes like this occur.

For the most part, I can't trust PC gamers at all to make a difference. Whine and complain about how every game under the sun is a terrible port, buggy, etc., and then they just go out and purchase it, expecting everyone else to support their boycott.

And I don't really blame developers. The decision makers who provide budget & a time table (along with features they want implemented) are typically removed from the process of creation. The developers take the blame, and marketing & management take the profits.

The only way to change things is with $$$, so if it takes an epic screw-up, which forces recalls, or game suspensions, or freebies, and this happens enough, maybe things will start to change.

Exactly. When I decided to boycott a developer, I stuck to my guns knowing full well no one else would do it. Gamers have enabled this type of abuse that we get these days. On the plus side now that I only game on the Xbox, it is nice how things usually work. No waiting for community based work a rounds, no hunting drivers, etc....
Just don't start calling Warner Bros. then start asking for Bugs Bunny to fix the problem.

I don't think that Bugs would get involved in fixing something from ACME games and their lead developer Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius). :D
QUOTE=dewbak75;1041690843]The one thing I want to happen out of all this is the one thing that probably won't happen. Some journalist needs to get an exec from WB on the record force them to answer one simple question, "What made WB think this game was actually ready to ship for the PC?" Because either their QA procedures are woefully deficient, or at some point in the process, someone saw that this game was still riddled with problems and said "Ship it anyway."

Actually, I want two things to come out of this. The other thing I hope to see is a sharp decline in the number of pre-orders for PC games. The only way this kind of behavior is going to change is if developers/publishers face financial pressure to deliver stable, well-performing games.[/QUOTE]

I would say WB QA is actually pretty good overall, better than a lot of places. Now the person/people signing off on a project having the feedback from QA is another story.

Exactly. When I decided to boycott a developer, I stuck to my guns knowing full well no one else would do it. Gamers have enabled this type of abuse that we get these days. On the plus side now that I only game on the Xbox, it is nice how things usually work. No waiting for community based work a rounds, no hunting drivers, etc....

+1 If everybody could stick to just one idea like this if could eventually make a difference. In this case I agree playing Batman on Xbox works very well.
Technically, Iron Forge handled the port. So i wonder how much Rocksteady/WB actually tested prior to release. You think they'd have learned their lesson after Origins though...
My guess is that steam's new refund policy had a huge effect on this. Before, if you bought a game and it was buggy, all you could do was say, "Well, I won't do THAT again." But, that doesn't really do any good. The publisher already got their money, they couldn't care any less. What Steam's new refund policy does is it allows people to talk with their money NOW rather than later, and that makes a big difference.

No I course, it would be better if people would stop pre ordering altogether, but refunds are a step foward.
I have a PS4, but have no intention on getting it on it. At this point screw WB...I'll wait until after they fix it, then wait a little longer for it to show up for $12.50 with all the DLC on a Steam sale....If I really wanted it now, I'll GameFly it on PS4...I wan't WB to get as little money as possible for me to play through this game.
Technically, Iron Forge handled the port. So i wonder how much Rocksteady/WB actually tested prior to release. You think they'd have learned their lesson after Origins though...
Iron Galaxy, not Iron Forge

I have a PS4, but have no intention on purchasing it on it. At this point screw WB...I'll wait until after they fix it, then wait a little longer for it to show up for $12.50 with all the DLC on a Steam sale....If I really wanted it now, I'll GameFly it on PS4...I want WB to get as little money as possible for me to play through this game.
I had been anticipating the release of this since they announced it. I told myself that I wouldn't pre-order. I actually stuck to my plan... until GMG had a 40% off deal. I bit. Now I know why it was 40% off... what AAA title launches with 40% off?!?!

Anyway, hoping they fix this !@#$ quickly. And maybe throw in something (free DLC?) for those that had to put up with this.
I just wait for game of the year editions to be released before purchasing. That way, I know the game has survived and has been patched well. I do buy early for multiplayer centric titles but at my age, I'm not gaming on PC enough to care anymore.
So I guess the next major developments will be how long it takes to reissue the game and if indeed the quality does improve enough to sufficiently fix the problems. It would me interesting to get the real facts on why this happened and why it seems to happen far to often with the PC. Is developing games for the PC that much more difficult especially when it comes to quality control because of the open and varied nature of PCs? That's certainly some it but it should be possible to identify major problems in testing that even attempts to test.
Technically, Iron Forge handled the port. So i wonder how much Rocksteady/WB actually tested prior to release. You think they'd have learned their lesson after Origins though...

If people bought it and they made a good profit, then no there was no lesson for them from Origins.

If WB didn't follow-up and regularly inspect work from a sub-contractor the fault is on them. Blaming strictly the sub-contractor is pretty low and disgusting really on WB's part after they signed off on it and confirmed it was ready for release. A game doesn't just release on its own, there are procedures and signatures required.

We saw it with Ubisoft on AC Unity... sometimes if you make enough of a shitstorm you can get something done. Good.
So poorly porting yet another wash-rinse-and-repeat super hero comic book kids game based on some crappy 60-year old spandex-clad goth-emo introvert who refuses to seek counseling with his MILLIONS of monies and goes fighting incompetent villains by throwing unusually deadly bat-themed plastic toys at them in order to heal his childhood grief wasn't a good idea? Raise your hand if you're surprised.

If you raised your hand, hit yourself in the face with one of your treasured injection molded, mass produced, bat-themed collectibles because you're and adult and should have both grown out of that stuff and know better by now.

Now go claim your refund and use the money to buy something vastly more useful like a snack or maybe a pair of shoes.
So poorly porting yet another wash-rinse-and-repeat super hero comic book kids game based on some crappy 60-year old spandex-clad goth-emo introvert who refuses to seek counseling with his MILLIONS of monies and goes fighting incompetent villains by throwing unusually deadly bat-themed plastic toys at them in order to heal his childhood grief wasn't a good idea? Raise your hand if you're surprised.

If you raised your hand, hit yourself in the face with one of your treasured injection molded, mass produced, bat-themed collectibles because you're and adult and should have both grown out of that stuff and know better by now.

Now go claim your refund and use the money to buy something vastly more useful like a snack or maybe a pair of shoes.

You know you're a party pooper right? LOL
So I guess the next major developments will be how long it takes to reissue the game and if indeed the quality does improve enough to sufficiently fix the problems. It would me interesting to get the real facts on why this happened and why it seems to happen far to often with the PC. Is developing games for the PC that much more difficult especially when it comes to quality control because of the open and varied nature of PCs? That's certainly some it but it should be possible to identify major problems in testing that even attempts to test.

I think it comes down to a matter of priorities and resources. Devs/Publishers just don't prioritize PC as highly as consoles when it comes to cross-platform releases for whatever reason. There's really no excuse for such a poor release that is broken for so many PC configurations (myself included). At least pulling it from stores acknowledges that they're taking it seriously and plan on fixing it.

I'm not a PC-only gamer. I game on consoles too. However, I try to get the PC version of any cross-platform games that I want to play because the PC version has the potential to be the best version (when done correctly). It's a sad state for PC gaming when these types of releases happen so often.
what issues are people having with the game?

problem that are so bad they pulled the game. just think about that for a second. how many times can you remember this happening with a aaa title?
gamers need to put a stop to the pre-ordering madness!!!
it's a shame as I loved the series. I refuse to pre-order nowdays because of so many problems like this and sure am glad I stuck to that for this pile.

Hopefully they get it patched up and I can pick it up cheap on some steam sale in 2016.
Is it really that hard for people to go into the ini and set that cap up to 60? At least that's easy to fix.

Sure you can, but you shouldn't have to. That one change doesn't fix all the other issues the game has. All it seems to do is make the FPS swings even more dramatic when it tanks to single digits from just panning the camera around a little, then you wait for some textures to load in, before it snaps back into the 50's until you pan the camera again.

Trying to play it felt like Batman was having a seizure most of the time. Not smooth and fluid at all like it should be for that type of game. :(

Its a shame really that they cut so many corners on this.
I hope more companies take to heart Rockstar's approach and execution with GTA V for the PC. Quite frankly, I don't mind waiting for a polished PC version of the game.

In my mind Rockstar and GTA V have set the bar for "how it should be done."
I personally think Iron Galaxy (that's who did the port?) needs some more attention/focus over this fiasco. Maybe some nuts nailed to the wall over there as well.

From what I have read, sounds like they really pooched the port sideways big time. But the blame still should continue to roll uphill in this case.