ASUS X58 Mobo Sneak Peek


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Spend a few minutes with ASUS’ new Nehalem motherboard, the P6T Deluxe.

Update: "Supposed to support SLI." No drivers or certification yet. So it is in the "wait and see" column.

Update 09/29/2008 - ASUS has requested that we remove this X58 video. Just to let our readers know, we followed our NDA contract to the letter and were not in any kind of violation of trust. The video will be reposted at a later date, but by that time, there will be better ones on line here. :)
Hey Kyle,
Sweet board. I like where they put the battery. Won't be covered by the VGA's anymore. I noticed you didn't mention if the board supported SLI as well. Does the board support it as well as CFX?
It's pretty. No mention that the motherboard has 2 SAS ports or sli support.

Wow, you suck when it comes to listening. :eek:

I did mention the SAS and pointed it out, and this board does NOT have SLI support. It supports CrossFire and CrossFireX. It has no NVIDIA logic on it to support SLI to my knowledge. If it did, I think it would have an "N" in the model number. If I am wrong, please correct me. The board did not come with a manual.

Got an email in to ask ASUS. Nothing listed in the manual section on the driver CD.
Drooooool.... and I am with dandapice, does this bad boy support SLI too? I thought nVidia gave up the gold and is letting intel drop SLI onto their X58's.
Really nice video. I like the look of the board, can't wait to hear your full thoughts on it in a review though. I like how the CPU model number and stuff were taped off.

As someone mentioned above, the location of the battery is rather nice. I had to look at it carefully a couple times before it clicked though. I don't like the location of the CPU Fan header all that much, but if thats my only layout complaint thats a good thing.
Thats what I thought. Sorry about the SAS, kid distracted me. I thought all X58 chipsets had nvidia support by bios for only like 16x-16x or 8x8x8 if no nvidia chip on the board.
Well, remember all this SLI on X58 has to be "CERTIFIED by NVIDIA" previously noted, I have the question in.

Here is the "navtive" X58 SLI article.

NVIDIA will have an SLI certification process for motherboards so it will be able to maintain a quality control standard. This means that the SBIOS on certified motherboards will have a key that allows NVIDIA SLI configurations to be supported properly by NVIDIA’s SLI drivers. NVIDIA SLI certification will be REQUIRED for SLI enablement.
Nvidia might be waiting to release the "CERTIFIED by NVIDIA" till the Big Bang 2 release.
The two SAS ports are interesting. Does this suggest that this board doesn't just use an ICH10R slapped in or is the SAS on a separate chip? If the prior, I wonder if the onboard RAID has seen any improvement.
Yeah, I remember reading an article that has Derek Yu talking about how the nForce 200 on the X58 board is already working and in some cases passing expectations. It also mentions how they are running into heat issues because of that as well and are working on finding a cooling solution that works. Hopefully certification and cooling implementation won't take too long and we will start seeing sneak peeks of these boards very soon. So how long until we get a full i7 review from you guys Kyle? I am starting to like the video reviews more and more that you are putting out. Hopefully we can start seeing some performance reviews hitting the pages in video format soon as well.
The two SAS ports are interesting. Does this suggest that this board doesn't just use an ICH10R slapped in or is the SAS on a separate chip? If the prior, I wonder if the onboard RAID has seen any improvement.

SAS has to be on a seperate chipset as It isn't built into the ICH10R. And ICH10R is virtually identical to ICH9R. Nothing really special about it.
So when are these getting released to the public? The wait for i7 is just getting painful.
Looks great... Great job Kyle... Loving the video clip preview.... And its funny cause just last night I was bitching to friends how with less then 2 months to go *ballpark* where are all the damn mainboards... Anyways :cool: thanks for the sneak peek! Much appreciated.
I lol'd at "hardware pr0n" Kyle :p

And that is a sext NB sink. Awesome looking setup! Bring on the benchies!
"Supposed to support SLI." No drivers or certification yet. So it is in the "wait and see" column.
Nice vid again Kyle. Board looks awesome, although I wont buy an x58 until its certified for both SLI and Crossfire so hopefully Nvidia gets of their butts and make it happen. Thanks for keeping us informed and [H]ard! Looking forward to benchies. :)
AARRGGHHH the wait for benchmarks is killing me! We haven't seen any yet with any X58 board running at full speed with all DDR3 channels running. What processor do you have there? The 965, the 940 or the 920 (predicted model numbers)? The overclocking potential should be huge.
damn that looks like it will support one hell of a sweet setup... too bad I don't have money on me for another build now, all I got is a 680i, 8800 Ultra, and Q6600... not that it's bad or anything, but the Antec 900 I got is a PAIN IN THE ASS to work in and something like this with a fresh start would be amazing.

This + Nehalem + 12 GB RAM + 2x 15,000 RPM SAS drives in RAID 0 + 2x 4870X2 in Crossfire + 30" 2560x1600 display + X-fi Fatality Champion + Gigaworks 7.1 setup = PWNAGE
Kyle: be sure to have a SAS drive onhand when you test this one. I'm very curious to see how this works in the mainstream world.
Kyle: be sure to have a SAS drive onhand when you test this one. I'm very curious to see how this works in the mainstream world.

I think I have some fairly new Seagate SAS 15K RPM drives to test it with. :)
Oh man, my current PC isn't even a year old, its way too soon to want to put together a new rig. :eek:
It's kinda hard to tell in the video, partly because of tears in my eyes, and probably because my P5B Deluxe has epeen envy, but does having six dimm slots crowd the cpu area any? I'm thinking of the larger cpu coolers out there...
Nice video Kyle. Would be pretty cool to see the person behind the videos.

I really like the layout of the Asus P6T Deluxe. One of the features of the layout I noticed immediately is the placement of the two upright SATA ports from the ICH10R. Neither of the two upright ports block the PCIe slots. Very big plus in my book.

Hopefully the board performs as good as it looks.
It's kinda hard to tell in the video, partly because of tears in my eyes, and probably because my P5B Deluxe has epeen envy, but does having six dimm slots crowd the cpu area any? I'm thinking of the larger cpu coolers out there...

Six DDR3 DIMM slots.....triple channel DDR3.