Anybody seeing slow loading times, esp Political meme thread?

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Extremely [H]
Jan 2, 2001
Experiencing some really slow load times in the political meme thread, and many pics are not loading at all. Flushed the DNS cache, it seemed to make some pages on [H] a little snappier, but political meme thread is still slow/no go. Was fine last night.
Just hard reloaded that page, quick as ever.
darn it, still slow for me, and getting this for many of the pics:


*sigh* checking other sites seem same/fine as usual, IDK what's causing this. Any suggestions?

flushed DNS and rebooted. Still slow/

Arrg. I may have to call SuddenStink.
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OK the GIF thread is same deal. I think I may need to rephrase: other forum pages and navigating around is fine, but the forum pic server is what I'm having problems with (I realize problem is probably on my end)

long story short, political meme thread and GIF thread not seeing pics...........

*scratches head*
I've adjusted a bit the restrictions for proxy images.
Please try again now.
I've adjusted a bit the restrictions for proxy images.
Please try again now.

Arrrg. No change. The GIF thread is the same, so I think it is just the pics. WTH? Everything was fine yesterday, now Political Meme and GIF thread is molassass/no load most pics:( (maybe 1 in 10 loads, slow, the rest look like:


The rest of the forum pages load fine. What on my end could cause this?:banghead:
Arrrg. No change. The GIF thread is the same, so I think it is just the pics. WTH? Everything was fine yesterday, now Political Meme and GIF thread is molassass/no load most pics:( (maybe 1 in 10 loads, slow, the rest look like:

View attachment 169303

The rest of the forum pages load fine. What on my end could cause this?:banghead:
Both threads for me are loading about as fast as I can scroll.
I'm seeing some slowdowns on the picture pages (gif/funny pic/etc) myself, some days it's like a slug is loading the pages and I get the no image box or "attach######"

It's rather random, lasts about 10 minutes, and them I'm back to normal. Text only pages aren't seemingly affected, but also load way less data. Happens more often after I load a gif to post, but isn't required.
Political meme thread is much better, if a little slow. All the pics load at maybe 75% of normal. The GIF thread is still choking out on me though. I'm showing a 4mb down off the wifi while page loads. *sigh* maybe it will all be back to normal tomorrow. If not I'm calling SuddenStink tech support:

OK still slow, pics wise. The GIF page loads at dial up speeds- literally. It fluctuates between 2kbs to 20kbs when trying to load the GIFS. The hardforum GIF page itself loads up fast, rest of the hardforum site is snappy, but for some reason the hardforum pic server OR somewhere along the way on my end it's only dl'ing at dialup speed for the pics:


This is a real head scratcher for me folks. I am open to any suggestions as to cause or cure.
OK still slow, pics wise. The GIF page loads at dial up speeds- literally. It fluctuates between 2kbs to 20kbs when trying to load the GIFS. The hardforum GIF page itself loads up fast, rest of the hardforum site is snappy, but for some reason the hardforum pic server OR somewhere along the way on my end it's only dl'ing at dialup speed for the pics:
Images are lazy loaded, that's why.
They are not loaded all at once.
Images are lazy loaded, that's why.
They are not loaded all at once.

end result is still maybe 10% load after a long time, rest end up as this:


Bottom line, it wasn't doing this two days ago. Pics loaded (all of them) fast enough, I had no complaints. Now they are not, so something's changed. I realize since I'm the only one having this problem it is in all likelihood a problem on my end. I just wish I knew what it was. As said, I'm open to suggestions.

Since I'm at an impasse I won't keep beating a dead horse, so I won't post in here again until I have something new to add or to answer a question. Thanks in advance for any help.
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What happen if you right click on those images then select "Open image in new tab"?
Does it load fine?

I'm seeing some slowdowns on the picture pages (gif/funny pic/etc) myself, some days it's like a slug is loading the pages and I get the no image box or "attach######"

It's rather random, lasts about 10 minutes, and them I'm back to normal. Text only pages aren't seemingly affected, but also load way less data. Happens more often after I load a gif to post, but isn't required.

This is my experience as well. Has been for a while now.
Works fine for me loading a thread with bunch of images every reply/post.

Images are loaded as you scroll.
What happen if you right click on those images then select "Open image in new tab"?
Does it load fine?


Be few hours before I'm back on the laptop, but everything works fine and fast on my Android tablet, so I've narrowed it down to my laptop. Will post back later today with results of your request. Thanks
Everything back to normal, closing thread. I rebooted router and cable modem, but don't think that was it. Whatever, just happy it worky now.:confused:
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