AMD Will Not Be Livestreaming the RX Vega Reveal


Aug 20, 2006
AMD’s newest additions to the Radeon family are expected to be unveiled at tomorrow’s Capsaicin Siggraph 2017 event, but it appears that only attendees will be the very first to hear what the company has to say: the Radeon Pro Twitter account has revealed that the show will not be livestreamed at all. Many are already accusing AMD of having "nothing to show," but let’s see what happens.
it must be bad and they are afraid of riot.

we expact a great release first quarter 18

we wanted it to be great and it is, we refuse to define great.

we think you will love the low performance and the high power and price.
AMD expects a big flop, really sucks for AMD to have worked so hard on PR focused around gaming to end up in 2017 with gamers not able to buy any of their cards, either because of mining or because of a retarded perf/$ with the latest release
Hopefully the review embargo lifts when the event starts. Presuming AMD actually sent out cards for review...
I thought last year's unveil was a let down. Wasn't this the Fury? Not saying it was a terrible card, but it was second class to Nvidia's high end card.
We'll see about this one.
I wonder if whatever is wrong the Vega (something must me wrong they didn't expect) can be fixed with the planned 2018 respin or if we are stuck till 2019 earliest.
Yeah this is pretty clear. If you're proud of the product you're launching then you would have this streamed.
I wonder if whatever is wrong the Vega (something must me wrong they didn't expect) can be fixed with the planned 2018 respin or if we are stuck till 2019 earliest.

Vega card is a 14nm respin of the Fury cards (and I'll believe this until proven otherwise). Nothing is "wrong" with it, aside from being a year too late.

And the decision to go with HBM memory isn't providing AMD with a competitive advantage.
Smart move, I wouldn't want to livestream the biggest disaster since Bulldozer either. Especially since the CPU division worked its ass off to finally develop some goodwill among consumers. They should quietly release it in small quantities and then forget Vega ever existed as they concentrate on Navi.
I really hope AMD can pull something off, but these are some bad signs. Blind tests using freesync and gsync? No streamed unveiling? Ruh-roh. As an owner of a freesync 4k monitor, I was really hoping to be able to switch back to AMD for a single GPU solution, but the 1080 Ti I'm using now will probably have to do for at least the next year. I'm just not willing to go back to a multi-GPU solution even to support a 4k adaptive sync monitor, support is iffy at best. I'll take V-Sync and a single GPU any day of the week, frankly.
I really hope AMD can pull something off, but these are some bad signs. Blind tests using freesync and gsync? No streamed unveiling? Ruh-roh. As an owner of a freesync 4k monitor, I was really hoping to be able to switch back to AMD for a single GPU solution, but the 1080 Ti I'm using now will probably have to do for at least the next year. I'm just not willing to go back to a multi-GPU solution even to support a 4k adaptive sync monitor, support is iffy at best. I'll take V-Sync and a single GPU any day of the week, frankly.

Sell your FreeSync display and get a G-Sync one because you'll be waiting an eternity on AMD to finally give you what you want.
I said cancel any live event because Koduri will torpedo any hope for this launch because he's terrible on stage. Lisa is also window dressing in RTG events.

Glad someone in the marketing department was wise enough to think the same thing.
Just release the card for sale with no site reviews (the faithful and miners will buy), let the chips fall and start talking up Navi next month.

There's nothing to gain or lose having a live presentation.
Regardless, AMD is going to make its money with Vega. The miners will have their way with em.
Regardless, AMD is going to make its money with Vega. The miners will have their way with em.

Pretty much. After they released a mining specific card? Oh boy, you know which side their bread is buttered on.
Sigh. How could they live stream it when the technology of streaming (and your paltry displays) couldn't do it justice?


My fingers are crossed. SIgh.
NVIDIA released silently the Titan XP. Does it mean it is a bad card?

No but the amount of hype that has surrounded Vega has been astronomical. People knew Nvidia were going to release a Titan Pascal, par for course from Nvidia. For Vega to be a silent launch is really weird, especially from the way AMD has been fueling the hype machine.
I was hoping that amd was going to make some waves and maybe make nvidia cut their FU pricing.
But it doesnt' look that way
I really hope AMD can pull something off, but these are some bad signs. Blind tests using freesync and gsync? No streamed unveiling? Ruh-roh. As an owner of a freesync 4k monitor, I was really hoping to be able to switch back to AMD for a single GPU solution, but the 1080 Ti I'm using now will probably have to do for at least the next year. I'm just not willing to go back to a multi-GPU solution even to support a 4k adaptive sync monitor, support is iffy at best. I'll take V-Sync and a single GPU any day of the week, frankly.
I'm finding the exact opposite. I've been using a pair of 1080ti in SLI on freesync monitors the last two weeks and participated in a LAN Party this weekend. I definitely miss the smoothness of the Crossfire Fury X-l and freesync. I'd go back in a heartbeat. But I already sold the Fury X to help fund the 1080ti.
I was hoping that amd was going to make some waves and maybe make nvidia cut their FU pricing.
But it doesnt' look that way

Nvidia isn't dictating prices, not since the Miners took over.
Smart move, I wouldn't want to livestream the biggest disaster since Bulldozer either. Especially since the CPU division worked its ass off to finally develop some goodwill among consumers. They should quietly release it in small quantities and then forget Vega ever existed as they concentrate on Navi.

Interesting that their CPUs went from being underwhelming but had competitive GPUs to the opposite. It would be great if they had good options for both.
AMD had a live streamed event when releasing the Vega FE that people keep saying isn't a gaming card. The fact is that a livestream is one of the better ways to engage with people in the gaming market.

It always puzzled me that the gaming card was going to be released at Siggraph which is a conference for scientists, engineers and computer graphics professionals. It also puzzled me that AMD launched the FE prosumer card at GDC in front of gamers/game developers. This at the time seemed entirely backwards to me since it would make more sense to show a gaming card to a gaming audience and a prosumer type card to the engineers and scientists. I agree with other posters that this likely means they are not confident in the gaming performance of VEGA. I hope to be pleasantly surprised but don't think its likely.
So buy a 1080 now before the prices go back up?! :D

Seriously though. Still hoping the Lower end Vega cards will be decently priced. If power consumption is truly as high as feared... Defiantly not buying without a month or more of reviews and such regardless. If the miners snap them all up then I guess just stay Team Green GPU wise for a while longer.
AMD had a live streamed event when releasing the Vega FE that people keep saying isn't a gaming card. The fact is that a livestream is one of the better ways to engage with people in the gaming market.

It always puzzled me that the gaming card was going to be released at Siggraph which is a conference for scientists, engineers and computer graphics professionals. It also puzzled me that AMD launched the FE prosumer card at GDC in front of gamers/game developers. This at the time seemed entirely backwards to me since it would make more sense to show a gaming card to a gaming audience and a prosumer type card to the engineers and scientists. I agree with other posters that this likely means they are not confident in the gaming performance of VEGA. I hope to be pleasantly surprised but don't think its likely.

completely agree with this one, it made absolutely no sense.. could it be a bad sign possibly but i'll just wait for the reviews.