
Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
AMD & NVIDIA GPU VR Perf. - The Brookhaven Experiment - If naked mutants from another dimension with horribly bad skin conditions interests you, this is YOUR VR game! The Brookhaven Experiment is a tremendously intense 360 degree wave shooter that will keep you on your toes, give you a workout, and probably scare the piss out of you along the way. How do AMD and NVIDIA stack up in VR?
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Basically if its made with Unreal Engine 4 DX11, AMD runs it total crap.

Why is that? Every single UE4 DX11 game, AMD is 25-50% behind. Let's see, go to official sources:

Develop on NVIDIA Hardware!

NVIDIA and Epic have a long history of collaboration. In fact, UE4 is optimized for NVIDIA GPUs and mobile chips.

"Epic developed Unreal Engine 4 on NVIDIA hardware, and it looks and runs best on GeForce." - Tim Sweeney, founder, CEO and technical director of Epic Games.

When we compare that to Unity where the playing field is NEUTRAL, and we see a completely different result.
Basically if its made with Unreal Engine 4 DX11, AMD runs it total crap.

Why is that? Every single UE4 DX11 game, AMD is 25-50% behind. Let's see, go to official sources:

Develop on NVIDIA Hardware!

NVIDIA and Epic have a long history of collaboration. In fact, UE4 is optimized for NVIDIA GPUs and mobile chips.

"Epic developed Unreal Engine 4 on NVIDIA hardware, and it looks and runs best on GeForce." - Tim Sweeney, founder, CEO and technical director of Epic Games.

When we compare that to Unity where the playing field is NEUTRAL, and we see a completely different result.

I swear the standard line for when AMD does badly is that it's Nvidia/Intel's fault. But when AMD does well it's because they truly care about us consumers and want to give us value for money, unlike the evil Nvidia/Intel corporations.
Basically if its made with Unreal Engine 4 DX11, AMD runs it total crap.

Why is that? Every single UE4 DX11 game, AMD is 25-50% behind. Let's see, go to official sources:

Develop on NVIDIA Hardware!

NVIDIA and Epic have a long history of collaboration. In fact, UE4 is optimized for NVIDIA GPUs and mobile chips.

"Epic developed Unreal Engine 4 on NVIDIA hardware, and it looks and runs best on GeForce." - Tim Sweeney, founder, CEO and technical director of Epic Games.

When we compare that to Unity where the playing field is NEUTRAL, and we see a completely different result.

Really? Which Unity based VR game test has shown a different result?
I watched the advert / trailer and it immediately reminded me of Doom 3 with the flashlight mod. That's an immediate turn-off for me.
I watched the advert / trailer and it immediately reminded me of Doom 3 with the flashlight mod. That's an immediate turn-off for me.
I thought the same as well, but actually its a good point for me.
Basically if its made with Unreal Engine 4 DX11, AMD runs it total crap.

Why is that? Every single UE4 DX11 game, AMD is 25-50% behind. Let's see, go to official sources:

Develop on NVIDIA Hardware!

NVIDIA and Epic have a long history of collaboration. In fact, UE4 is optimized for NVIDIA GPUs and mobile chips.

"Epic developed Unreal Engine 4 on NVIDIA hardware, and it looks and runs best on GeForce." - Tim Sweeney, founder, CEO and technical director of Epic Games.

When we compare that to Unity where the playing field is NEUTRAL, and we see a completely different result.

No, you don't. In most titles, the 480 is still measurably behind the 1060. The problem is that, for most titles, 10-15% slower than the 1060 means you're seriously impacted by reprojection, because the 1060 routinely flirts with that boundary. You don't have to look any further than Raw Data to see that UE4 can crush both 1060 and 480 alike. Yes, UE4 *does* have a preference for NV hardware. Their marketing and the fact that there's an official dev fork just for NV hardware points to the fact that it *should*. Games that are built solely around functionality that only exists in the NV fork means that AMD is going to suffer heavily (looking at you, multi-res) until they develop a similar branch to handle things of that nature.

Just like AMD was able to toot its horn about smashing NV in Vulkan for a while, NV has put in the effort here and it shows. Nothing is stopping AMD from fleshing out support for UE4 except maybe lack of resources.
Basically if its made with Unreal Engine 4 DX11, AMD runs it total crap.

Why is that? Every single UE4 DX11 game, AMD is 25-50% behind. Let's see, go to official sources:

Develop on NVIDIA Hardware!

NVIDIA and Epic have a long history of collaboration. In fact, UE4 is optimized for NVIDIA GPUs and mobile chips.

"Epic developed Unreal Engine 4 on NVIDIA hardware, and it looks and runs best on GeForce." - Tim Sweeney, founder, CEO and technical director of Epic Games.

When we compare that to Unity where the playing field is NEUTRAL, and we see a completely different result.
That is great rhetoric till you run a Unity engine game that is intensive and find out your message does not stick. There are way more unity games covered here than any other.
Once ATW is out of beta, I think the default for most users will be ATW on, Reprojection off. Everyone on reddit seems super pleased with it so far.

Reprojection doesn't seem necessary anymore unless you are really struggling to keep a semi decent framerate.
Yeah, it only takes that first time that it scares your kids when they see you lose your equilibrium from that. After that my daughter always makes sure I turn off all the "graph stuff" and set it so we can play normally, which means turning reprojection back on.

Well then sir, for your daughter's very peace of mind I say you should, nay you MUST, get a new nvidia graphics card this holiday season so she doesn't have to worry about you any more!
I know that feeling and it shocked me tonight testing the AMD branded 75th Anniversary Remembering Pearl Harbor VR tribute getting dropped frames and reprojection almost full time. Why brand your name on anything running unreal in VR if it runs like crap!
But it's a Premium VR experience...
Well at least you have a Kukri at your disposal. A vicious chopping blade even a Ratpad couldn't stop. :D


(yeah it sliced on into the kitchen tile too)