3D Printing Some Lung Parts


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Build a little 3D printed trachea and bronchial branch stickhouse out of collagen, then use stem cells to help fill in all the open spaces, and voila, you get a airway feeding into a real lung. OK, maybe it is not quite that simple, but we are getting there according to MIT Tech Review. I really like the "rubber chicken" reference. Rubber chicken makes all stories better. Rubber chicken. Not to be confused with "rubber biscuit."

Check out the video.

A lung made from collagen won’t help anyone: it’s to a real lung what a rubber chicken is to an actual hen. So United is also developing ways to impregnate the matrix with human cells so they’ll attach and burrow into it, bringing it alive.
I wonder what that smells like.

It looked cool, and, I wonder where our scientific achievements would be if stem cells weren't banned several years ago.

Can you imagine the guy at Kinkno's printing your new replacement spleen.......Kinko's does the 3D printing now right, someone does....Staples.....

Apologies in Advance if that link is VERBOTEN...uh don't think it is....
Doc I’m looking for a replacement on a 1975 Meniscus...
Rubber chicken makes all stories better? The first thing that came to mind was "rubbing the chicken," followed rapidly by "choking the chicken." Half a roll of hyper-absorbent Bounty later and I agree, rubber chicken makes all stories better.
Can't wait to 3D print a bigger penis. You know you want to.

Why wait? I seem to recall the ads in the back of magazines like Hustler for those things that looked like transparent solder suckers which just might help. I think they still sell them.
This is cool and all, but I need them to get busy on cartilage replacement. Imagine how good joint replacements would be if they were "OEM" parts that were cultured from, and maintained by your own body.

I know they 3d print joints now, but not like that. That would be much better like that. Same for any organ, body is less likely to reject you being replaced with yourself.