20 Years of StarCraft


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Blizzard is kicking off a big 20th Anniversary campaign for StarCraft with upcoming videos on Youtube, and live streams on Twitch later this month. Mark your calendars for March 30 and 31. Also there will be a Sarah Kerrigan Ghost skin for Widowmaker given away this month as well if you login to Overwatch. This will of course confuse all the kids as they have no idea as to what it is supposed to be.

Check out the video.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the release of the original StarCraft, and throughout the entire month of March, we will be celebrating across all of our games as well as on Twitch. Visit StarCraft2.com/SC20 to learn about all of the awesome events and how you can participate.
Case study on how to ruin a gaming franchise.

*Shrug* Personally, I'm rather enjoying StarCraft remastered (though StarCraft 2 does appear to have gone a little overboard with the cosmetic items of late). I think they actually came closest to blowing up a franchise with the Diablo real money auction house.
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I played WoL and HotS and don't remember seeing anything as a required paid item? This does remind me I still need to grab Legacy of the Void.
I played WoL and HotS and don't remember seeing anything as a required paid item? This does remind me I still need to grab Legacy of the Void.

Correct...no required paid items (except for the expansions themselves, of course). AFAIK, the closest they've gotten is co-op heroes, but I believe you can earn those by playing (but don't quote me on that).

P.S. There is a fourth pseudo-campaign (mission packs or some such) focusing on Nova, but as far as I know they haven't taken that idea any further.
That was such a good game until you learned how to play it. It just turns into a stressful mess of trying to spam commands faster than your opponent with light elements of strategy.
That was such a good game until you learned how to play it. It just turns into a stressful mess of trying to spam commands faster than your opponent with light elements of strategy.

My biggest complaint as well. From a pure strategy standpoint, I preferred Company of Heroes since resources don’t accumulate as quickly so it’s a lot less hectic. StarCraft became a game eventually where people memorized a build order recipe and hard counters and it became as you described. That’s not to say there’s no skill involved, but I simply can’t devote the time to learning that and how to click a mouse 300 times per minute.
Starcraft + Diablo put the game industry on lockdown for what? 18 months?
StarCraft is good. i used to play it many hours a day. Then I moved on to WarCraft 3.
I love to be able to heal my troops, can't stand to see them die.
You guys don't like Overwatch? :(

I love OW

Starcraft 2's Use Map Settings, or whatever they call it, gave me a ton of time. It just got boring after a few years.
Correct...no required paid items (except for the expansions themselves, of course). AFAIK, the closest they've gotten is co-op heroes, but I believe you can earn those by playing (but don't quote me on that).

The co-op heroes are unlocked to start, then there is eventually a level cap and price to unlock. Or pick a different hero. It's like giving away the first chapter of a book, if you like it you'll probably buy it.
I still love the game! I play once a week with friends for a few hours and have been doing this for 7 years now. I think Blizzard has done a great job balancing the game while keeping it feeling fresh and the IEM Katowice tournament was honestly one of the best in years.
The co-op heroes are unlocked to start, then there is eventually a level cap and price to unlock. Or pick a different hero. It's like giving away the first chapter of a book, if you like it you'll probably buy it.

So just like the Starcraft demo.
Cool. Just logged into Starcraft 2 today to claim some UI/Portraits. Now I want to replay the original Starcraft campaigns, for nostalgic reasons. I certainly feel old though.