1080s best selling high-end GPU in history

Yeah, these damn GPU companies having successful strategies to make money is bullshit. :rolleyes: While the entire Founders Edition plan and execution by NVIDIA was a total clusterfuck, it still seems to have worked. If there are hardware enthusiasts that are accepting of an early adopters tax and/or find value in reference cooler and PCB designs, you simply cannot deny that.
It's mid-range though, not high end. Argument is invalid.
It's mid-range though, not high end. Argument is invalid.

$699 is pretty high-end.

I'm surprised, I thought it was a supply issue. I guess lack of competition and a product that blows away the previous generation in a climate where people have been holding on to their wallets waiting for the next-gen cards is a winning combination. I guess putting it like that it's not surprising.
But it's the single fastest card on the market currently. How does that make it midrange?
I dunno -- because Nvidia already has a Titan and TI model in the works at the same time, so this just comes out first to satiate the current people who have been eargly awaiting an upgrade. It's not the fastest card of it's generation if a TI version of the same name will be out within a reasonable timeframe, no? It's the same as when the 980 came out, once the 980TI came out everyone called the 980 "mid-range". Same principle applies, I guess.
No surprise. This is possibly the biggest jump in performance / ratio I have seen some time or so it seems like. For a while now performance gains have been a mere babysteps over the last generation and if you wanted something massive you had to shell out big bucks for Titan or Ti versions. Now a mere midrange 1070 is trading blows with last gen Titan X.
Best selling bas
It was more of a joke than me being completely serious.

I'm just mad that a $699 card is faster than the card I paid $1200 for in March of last year :(

I hope that's a joke, otherwise you don't seem to really understand how tech works :/
Every time I've tried to order one it's either removed from my cart or if a successful order is made I receive an email that my order has been voided and my card not charged due to inventory. We can play with definitions here. Is leaving money on the table by releasing before building up inventory to demand really selling well? Because I'm salty I would say it's underselling.
It was more of a joke than me being completely serious.

I'm just mad that a $699 card is faster than the card I paid $1200 for in March of last year :(

My 1080s (got three) are faster than my four TitanXs so I know what you mean but then again I did not pay cash for any of them ;)
My 1080s (got three) are faster than my four TitanXs so I know what you mean but then again I did not pay cash for any of them ;)

Why 3? Did they not state they aren't supporting anything above 2-way SLI anymore?
OK, so they sold out of their 500 cards and the couple they held up at the shows? What's the big deal :D
It was more of a joke than me being completely serious.

I'm just mad that a $699 card is faster than the card I paid $1200 for in March of last year :(
We need a sympathize button. +1 for explaining.
#1 Almost nobody can find these cards. They are very limited in stock.

#2 Not one has ever been sold at MSRP price. All usually Founders Edition price or higher.

#3 Maxwell 2.0
#1 Almost nobody can find these cards. They are very limited in stock.

#2 Not one has ever been sold at MSRP price. All usually Founders Edition price or higher.

#3 Maxwell 2.0
Actually used PC Hound to build a buddy a high end system two days ago and he purchased a 1080 from Best Buy at MSRP while we were on the phone together.
Have to be honest here, is that site in any way credible? It looks like an amateurish blog post. And without actual contact from nvidia how do we know whether the supply is just low?
The craftsmanship was just irresistible.

On another note, i'll just quietly wait until the real pascal comes out with nvlink and hbm2 later on this year.

nvlink and hbm2 this year ? lol

I think we wont see see that until next gen , or you have to buy a Tesla =)
The craftsmanship was just irresistible.

On another note, i'll just quietly wait until the real pascal comes out with nvlink and hbm2 later on this year.

I don't think nVLink is going to be utilized on consumer mobos for some time - if ever.

I own two TitanX cards (and even a 980Ti) and I am happy as a clam that the 1080 is as good as it is. Not that I won't wait for something better yet before contemplating an upgrade, but I welcome the 1080's performance figures. I got no assurance from nVidia that the TitanX would be the stoutest video card for all time, all you have to do is look back at all the previous top of the food chain cards that are no longer competitive to see the writing on the wall.
#1 Almost nobody can find these cards. They are very limited in stock.

#2 Not one has ever been sold at MSRP price. All usually Founders Edition price or higher.

#3 Maxwell 2.0

I got my founders edition from amazon for $686. Under msrp.
On another note, i'll just quietly wait until the real pascal comes out with nvlink and hbm2 later on this year.

You mean early next year. I just can't bring myself to pay more than $1000 (CDN) for any video card so I think I'll pass on that new Titan. But the numbers look good so by all means do wait.
It's true, I work in the channel and have never seen this many back orders for a high end gpu before. There are thousands and these are only trickling in 50 at a time twice a week. If it helps anyone, absolutely stay away from the FE cards, that is certainly an early adopters tax. I picked up Evga's acx 3.0 model and compared the two. The acx is cheaper, quieter, faster and runs cooler. I also think the acx version looks a lot nicer, too, but that is personal preference I guess. The card is an absolute beast, worth waiting for if you're in need of an upgrade.
It's true, I work in the channel and have never seen this many back orders for a high end gpu before. There are thousands and these are only trickling in 50 at a time twice a week. If it helps anyone, absolutely stay away from the FE cards, that is certainly an early adopters tax. I picked up Evga's acx 3.0 model and compared the two. The acx is cheaper, quieter, faster and runs cooler. I also think the acx version looks a lot nicer, too, but that is personal preference I guess. The card is an absolute beast, worth waiting for if you're in need of an upgrade.
Good god........ Another shill?
Good for us. Nvidia spent a lot of R&D to create this platform. We need it to sell well so they can make future platforms. I won't be buying it, but doesn't matter. I will buy a card in the future.
No surprise. This is possibly the biggest jump in performance / ratio I have seen some time or so it seems like. For a while now performance gains have been a mere babysteps over the last generation and if you wanted something massive you had to shell out big bucks for Titan or Ti versions. Now a mere midrange 1070 is trading blows with last gen Titan X.
So what? A 970 was also trading blows with the Titan Black, and you could actually get your hands on those at launch for the MSRP of $329 or close to it.
Missed getting a evga 1080 2x yesterday from newegg and im using nowinstock. Its like playing a video game buying a card. The fastest response times win. I never made it though, my card got removed before I could finish cause of stock limits.
So what? A 970 was also trading blows with the Titan Black, and you could actually get your hands on those at launch for the MSRP of $329 or close to it.

True dat. I recall there were quite a few 970s available on launch day and I picked one up from NE at MSRP.
Missed getting a evga 1080 2x yesterday from newegg and im using nowinstock. Its like playing a video game buying a card. The fastest response times win. I never made it though, my card got removed before I could finish cause of stock limits.

I've been doing the exact same for the 1070 and have not had any luck either.
Memory Express said they had over 500 orders, and in the last 2 weeks only had 50 to distribute

Means the GTX980 I bought at launch means I broke the bloody lottery
I've been doing the exact same for the 1070 and have not had any luck either.
I used the Distill chrome extension which is faster than now in stock and was able to complete a purchase but later received an email that my order was voided, happened multiple times. After leaving a sour taste in my mouth multiple times I just decided to spend my fun money on something else. Looks like I'll be waiting for the ti version.
Missed getting a evga 1080 2x yesterday from newegg and im using nowinstock. Its like playing a video game buying a card. The fastest response times win. I never made it though, my card got removed before I could finish cause of stock limits.

I've been doing the exact same for the 1070 and have not had any luck either.

For some of us at work during the day, that would be like winning the lottery, at this point I don't think I have any shot in hell at even getting a chance to buy the card for another few months. I wish there would be a way to reserve a purchase instead of auto-notify. Once it auto-notifies, I'm sure the notification is going out to countless other people who are competing in a click race to purchase it.