Recent content by naveed

  1. N

    Anyone still playing Planetside?

    I loved it in beta. It was an exciting concept and a lot of it was a really good time. However I found the changes they made after beta really took a lot of the fun out of the game. I couldn't stand playing the game in retail.
  2. N

    World of Warcraft has just stolen my life!

    The game really comes into it's own at level 60 if you have the time to put in for it. If you join a guild that is just starting to learn Molten Core and can learn with them you will have a great time. It's really who you play with that will make your experience.
  3. N

    What we are playing now.

    WoW is where its at. Blackwing Lair is a good time.
  4. N

    Where Team Fortress 2?!!?

    It might come, it might not. In the mean time I find it fun to watch the progress of Fortress Forever. It's a mod being made by a bunch of people who play / played TFC.
  5. N

    Cancle WoW

  6. N

    One more year...

    WoW would keep you occupied for 2 months unless you get into a good guild, then you'd be around it for a while...
  7. N

    WOW and Dave Chappelle....

  8. N

    Whoa, an interesting read on "real life" gaming

    tbh it sounds a bit more nerdy then just sitting around all day playing games.
  9. N

    [H]ard Forum WoW Player & Realm list!

    59 Dwarf priest on Stormreaver. 300 Tailor and 300 Enchanter...
  10. N

    WoW vs. Guild Wars

    Also at level 40 you end up with a mount which makes it all extremely convienent.
  11. N

    Little peeved with WoW

    I'm pretty sure you rolled back. What server you playing on? You might want to look into the history of that server in terms of downtime and all that before you get so far in that you can't switch. edit: by teh way, stick with it ;D it's worth it :)
  12. N

    World of Warcraft Battle Grounds on the Test Realms

    You play PvE.. if you don't want to get ganked then don't flag. It's as simple as that. If you played PvP then I might sympathize a bit but it's really not that bad, even without the option to un-flag.
  13. N

    FPS capture the flag ? TFC mod for HL2 in development.
  14. N

    Stronghold 2

    I heard about it and looked at some screenshots earlier today and really wasn't impressed. The battle scenes reminded me of those from Medieval: Total War but without a certain kind of... I don't know. I was put off from taking a closer look at it :\.