Age of empires 3 demo/ release date.


Bring on Titan X Volta
Oct 3, 2002
So I just saw the new demo is out for aoe3, dont know if this is old news or not, but Im downloading it now as I speak. Has anyone else played the demo yet? What are your thought? Have the graphics improved as much as they are saying? Also they said its a set release right now for 10/18, so I am looking forward to that.
wouldn't even work on my PC. Instead of going out of my way to hack the files just to get it to work I deleted it.
It worked on mine just fine. However, aside from the fact that you play in various time periods there is nothing new aside from the graphics. It's the same boring AOE that I've come to hate.

Seriously, I've never liked the AOE series. Too much economic crap and not enough combat.
yea, aoc? But its still the same type of play? There is no army fatigue or other factors that are used like RTW?
Sir-Fragalot said:
Seriously, I've never liked the AOE series. Too much economic crap and not enough combat.

I had the same problem too; I'm a general not an analyst! The only way I really had fun was being on a team where we had shared resources and one of us managed economy and I did the military. That or just play deathmatch but that's not the same as a full fledge game from start to finish.

You might be interested to know that the home shipments really help out on the economic side; when I played Spanish in the demo I just keep cranking out units in the shipments without having to worry about how I paid for them, since they were free...
Same ole Same ole.

They upgraded the graphics, but the gameplay is still basically the same rehashed thing.

The combat is still mindless "build up units, send to attack" with no strategy involved in the actual combat.

They took out formations like Volley, etc and the "basic" formations in the game are more for simple "show" as your men when attacking will generally mash together in one big blob of bodies that looks like something out of a warner bros. cartoon.

The main thing I enjoyed was the Naval battles, but with the demo you can't really experience them because the NPC doesn't like to build a dock/make boats.

But the ships and water look awesome, and the sounds the cannons make are sweet.
Isaacav2 said:
Age of Conquerers witch was the expansion to Age of Expires 2: Rise of Rome

Whoah that's definitely not right.

The Conquerors was an expansion for AOE2: The Age of Kings

Rise of Rome was AOE1.
Stiler said:
Same ole Same ole.

The combat is still mindless "build up units, send to attack" with no strategy involved in the actual combat.

I agree with this but I also wondered how would you make it strategic, other than the basic rock/paper/scissors method of horseman<bowman<infantry<horseman mold? The battles would be more like Total Medieval War and would result in the game taking wayyyy too long or with no tactical control whatsoever (Civilization III).

Generally, war itself can be broken down to whoever has the most/biggest guns, is going to win. Elite units can only do so much, as can tactical ability.

Although, I predict that within ten year we will see something along the lines of a Starcraft or other RTS type of game except where each one of those infantry units are controlled by an individual player playing an FPS setup (would be an FPS just with more tactical stuff). You would have hundreds to even thousand of players in a game, and games would be scheduled (just top of the hour or so). We've seen this starting with BF2, Tribes, literally all modern FPS's, it's just hardware has limited such a thing from happening...but as more people switch to broadband/cable and hardware continues to improve, it's only a matter of time...
AOE is the best RTS of all time and I am sad that the demo didn't work on my computer, since no games work on it right now for some reason.
Gob said:
AOE is the best RTS of all time and I am sad that the demo didn't work on my computer, since no games work on it right now for some reason.

I disagree. It's a very good game, but I believe Donkey Kong is the greatest.
Blakestr said:
I agree with this but I also wondered how would you make it strategic, other than the basic rock/paper/scissors method of horseman<bowman<infantry<horseman mold? The battles would be more like Total Medieval War and would result in the game taking wayyyy too long or with no tactical control whatsoever (Civilization III).

Generally, war itself can be broken down to whoever has the most/biggest guns, is going to win. Elite units can only do so much, as can tactical ability.

Although, I predict that within ten year we will see something along the lines of a Starcraft or other RTS type of game except where each one of those infantry units are controlled by an individual player playing an FPS setup (would be an FPS just with more tactical stuff). You would have hundreds to even thousand of players in a game, and games would be scheduled (just top of the hour or so). We've seen this starting with BF2, Tribes, literally all modern FPS's, it's just hardware has limited such a thing from happening...but as more people switch to broadband/cable and hardware continues to improve, it's only a matter of time...

By having formations that actually mean something.

I love the Total war games and they don't really take that long, heck AOE games that a long time aswell , if you don't rush.

I really would have liked to have Saw AOE 3 have two major changes.

1. Strategy/tactical combat systems. Formations, ambushing, morale on the troops, etc.

2. A more 3d terrain. This is something that imo is a bane to many many many RTS games, they seem to be stuck in a "2d" plane , with only a few that get out of that rut. Myth, TA, Total war, etc.

I would have loved to have seen Aoe 3 be more of a true 3d RTS game in terms of the enviroment, have combat with formations that were vital to making tactical descisions.

As it stands, who has the most troops to counter wins, period. all they have to do is attack. There's NO friendly fire on the cannons so people can blindly use those and fire into a huge mess of their own troops,.

I'd liked to have been able to actually think, "what formation should I put these troops in?" "I should advance that line and send my calvary in a wedge to flank his men." "I'll set up my longbowmen on the hillside there to give them a longer range and better line of sight."

But nope, can't have that.
The demo actually differs from the final retail game quite a bit. Go read the developers blogs.

*edit* Also, you can't call AOE a rehash and then laud over the TW series. They are rehashes too. A re-hash is not bad if you like it.