Anyone still playing Planetside?


Mar 10, 2004
I played a bit back a couple years ago, and I re-activated my account to get back into it. Its a pretty fun game, and I'm just wondering if anyone here is still playing. How is it?

I've got a BR20 CR5 Vanu on Emerald. If anyone is still playing, look me up :).
Sorry man, I haven't played since the Beta testing phase I won off of gamespot.
I had a lot of fun playing it back then, and I'm looking forward to starting up again.
Direwolf20 said:
I played a bit back a couple years ago, and I re-activated my account to get back into it. Its a pretty fun game, and I'm just wondering if anyone here is still playing. How is it?

I've got a BR20 CR5 Vanu on Emerald. If anyone is still playing, look me up :).

I onlt played it because my friends played it. I liked the game concept but didn't like the execution. The vehicles were the worst in just about any shooter, not a hint of realism or physics. The weapons all lacked a certain "punch" to them. I remember thinking how cool it would have been if BF1942 had had a large scale concept like this.
I remember thinking how cool it would have been if BF1942 had had a large scale concept like this.

Isn't WWII online like that? I have never played it, but I hear it is pretty good.
WWII online is a piece of shit in a box.

Some people like pieces of shit and buy it and thoroughly enjoy their own piece of shit, but the sane and non perverted majority will tell you that it's just shit in a box.

Sorry to use such harsh words, but there really is no other way to describe the fiasco that WWII Online is.

Such a great gaming idea, so extremely badly executed. The developers (Cornered Rats) should not ever be allowed to program anything again in their whole life.
I used to play the Beta. It was a cool concept, but it lacked a lot of things. I always got locked out of vehicles by my teammates and had to go solo for 10 minutes just to get to a base.
ScYcS said:
WWII online is a piece of shit in a box.

Some people like pieces of shit and buy it and thoroughly enjoy their own piece of shit, but the sane and non perverted majority will tell you that it's just shit in a box.

Sorry to use such harsh words, but there really is no other way to describe the fiasco that WWII Online is.

Such a great gaming idea, so extremely badly executed. The developers (Cornered Rats) should not ever be allowed to program anything again in their whole life.

I find it to be an excellent game. It's a sim, not an FPS like BF1942 so gameplay is slower but it is alot of fun. Probably the most strategic game out there. And unlike planetside, WWII Online has actually improved greatly and continues to do so, thanks to the hardworking development team.

Planetside is a game that had huge potential back in beta. It seemed like it was going to be WWII Online meets Tribes 2 which would have been great. But the game just turned out so lame. I had that there are 3 sides, should only be 2. I hate that there are a bunch of continents instead of one solid landmass. I don't like how the terrain is pretty much pointless. I don't like how all battles are just base vs. tower. And they all seem to be carbon copies of one another. It's just a barren world aside from some bases so why even fight over it?
They should put in some cities, make it look like a war zone. Make terrain have an affect on gameplay, so it matters that you have taken that hill or that bridge or crossed that river. It matters if you are losing ground and not just bases. I just don't like the game.
i still play planetside all the time. i got a br25/cr5 on tr emerald
there is a free month trial thing going on for people with older accounts that left
I loved it in beta. It was an exciting concept and a lot of it was a really good time. However I found the changes they made after beta really took a lot of the fun out of the game. I couldn't stand playing the game in retail.