417.01 Drivers


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 7, 2004

 Monitor refresh rates higher than 30 Hz cannot be applied on 4k monitors. [2423614] 
Frame Rate Limiter 2 may not work. [2423316] 
[Turing GPUs]: Event ID 14 error may occur if CSM is disabled in the system BIOS. [2434721] 
[GeForce TX 650]: Shadowplay recordings are corrupted. [2416982] 
[G-Sync]: G-sync may not disengage after exiting games. [2418574] 
[GeForce Experience][Ansel]: Ansel images appear incomplete when the resolution is set to 30x or greater. [2082395]
Hmmm. First of the 417 branch. Hopefully these don't introduce more issues than they fix. After some disastrous releases after the Spring Win10 update, I haven't had much trouble lately.
I think I'll wait for others to test and validate. I'm happy with the current 416 drivers at the moment.
Interesting. I haven't had any issues with 60Hz on my 4k monitor. Time to update.
These seem to have fixed my crash to desktop issues with Hitman 2 on my 2080ti even though it's not listed as a fix. It may be placebo or something else but I also generally notice less random frame drops / stuttering across the board.
Interesting. I haven't had any issues with 60Hz on my 4k monitor. Time to update.

Same. Must be via a specific connection (I'm using HDMI) or only on certain monitors. That would be a deal breaker for me.
All the 4xx drivers have been crap for me... breaks surround.. etc. 399 drivers were great.. still be on them if BF5 did not demand the newer driver. Installed the 417.. same issues for me.. surround borked.
I've installed them, only browsed the desktop and played some FFXIV so far but no issues to date.
All the 4xx drivers have been crap for me... breaks surround.. etc. 399 drivers were great.. still be on them if BF5 did not demand the newer driver. Installed the 417.. same issues for me.. surround borked.

Same and exacerbated an issue with my monitors not waking from sleep.
Working good for me, but not an "exotic" setup.
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Same and exacerbated an issue with my monitors not waking from sleep.

Not sure if this will help you or not but I at least have a way to get mine to work. As I indicated above, since updating to the 4xx drivers my surround breaks. Once I get into windows the toolbar is usually across all 3 monitors at the bottom and the NV control panel will not come up. All windows I bring up splash across all 3 32" monitors... it's a big fuggin window..lol. If I go into the task manager and kill off the 1st NV container a few times the toolbar focuses back to the center display and all is good. PC will operate normally after that.. until I reboot that is.
These drivers don't seem to like my system. Connected via display port. I am getting transparent toolbar, paint and snip tool work but pastes black box. System seems very glitchy with these.

edit: uninstalled, rebooted, reinstalled with clean install option and rebooted. Seems to be working again.
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Even with a clean install these refuse to play any full screen games on my 5820k/1080Ti setup. Hard locks my system. First time I ever had such problems with drivers.

Rolled back, works fine.
I'm back to 416.81 drivers; flicker happens when running 120/60hz combo monitors even if NOT in gsync mode.
Decided to upgrade in preparation for the BFV update (which got delayed). No problems so far.
The entire 400 series has had wake-from-sleep issues on my 4K monitors with a 980 (blurry locked image, must restart to restore)
Ive been getting terrible black screen in games like BFV, PubG, DayZ. After it occurs im forced to restart my PC. Sometimes I can hear the game still clearly going, other times Its truly a system crash. Not sure what the hell is going on but reverting back and hoping its just this driver.
I had the 416.39?? Drivers and noticed the backplate was extremely hot to the touch yesterday. Loaded up the 417.22 driver and now its luke warm. Honestly I think these failures are possibly stemming from the driver. Msi Gaming Z 2070.
I started having flashing issues on my 120hz Alienware monitor when it wakes from sleep after this update. It occurred to me that maybe the driver was the problem, but I have been turning off my monitor instead of letting it sleep and it has been fine. I may roll back just to see if that solves the issue.
Question about rolling back drivers. Nvidia mentions to go to device manager, display adapter, click on GPU and then find the driver tab and click roll back. I don't have that option even though I installed my current drivers (417.22) over the old ones. Is it safe to just run the installer for the previous driver version? Want to go back to the old drivers because these ones have artifacts and crashing in Hitman 2 which make it unplayable on the RTX series.
per nvidia....

Option 2: Uninstall the Current Driver:

When you installed your current driver, if you first uninstalled the previous driver you won’t be able to roll back. In this case, follow the same steps that you previously used to uninstall your driver. Once complete, you can then download and re-install the recommended driver.

Hope that helps.

per nvidia....

Option 2: Uninstall the Current Driver:

When you installed your current driver, if you first uninstalled the previous driver you won’t be able to roll back. In this case, follow the same steps that you previously used to uninstall your driver. Once complete, you can then download and re-install the recommended driver.

Hope that helps.


Never uninstalled the previous one (I never do a clean install) but the option is still greyed out. I suppose I can do a clean install but they'd I'd loose all my settings & preferences which is a pain as I don't even recall everything that needs to be set.

Wondering how long it will take Nvidia to get some new drivers out because even not looking at Hitman 2 issues, it seems like these ones have a lot of problems. Haven't had any driver problems in years so getting artifacts and crashing in one particular game is very awkward to me.