Kim Dotcom to Vacation in the US Maybe


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Seems as if things next door to Down Under are not going so well for Kit Dotcom. in New Zealand's Court of Appeal. The court upheld a ruling for his deportation to the United States to answer to charges of copyright infringement and money laundering. In usual Kim style, he was outspoken about the court's decision.

United States prosecutors say the Megaupload site cost copyright holders $500 million in damages because of illegal downloads, and that the website’s executives made $175 million for themselves by selling ads and premium subscriptions.
If Dotcom were smart, when the time comes, he'd figure out who's going to fly the plane that's going to extradite him and buy the guy off.
i think the whole situation is f*cked up. how are you gonna hold him responsible? he ran a service that sells cloud storage. he wasn't the one pirating stuff. why don't they hold the isp's responsible? the unternet pirating couldn't happen at all if it wasn't for those damn internet people!!! WTF. they're gonna basically publicly hang this guy to scare other people. when he didn't pirate S**T!!!
just like the whole craigslist / backpage personal's thing...

so know it's illegal to have an online local meetup service?
If Dotcom were smart, when the time comes, he'd figure out who's going to fly the plane that's going to extradite him and buy the guy off.

Indeed. There's no way the other party could've possibly made a better offer or twisted their arms real hard until they gave him up. I too have no time for such nonsense.
new zealand is cucked,

nothing that the fbi or their police department did was legal.

next time remember the golden rule.
new zealand is cucked,

nothing that the fbi or their police department did was legal.

next time remember the golden rule.

If a country doesn't play ball with corporate rule they get themselves on the global sanctions list right quick.
If Dotcom were smart, when the time comes, he'd figure out who's going to fly the plane that's going to extradite him and buy the guy off.
When they arrested him, they brought Armored Personnel Carries, multiple helicopters, armored cars, and IIRC, over 100 federal officers. For running a website...that allowed people to upload files and create public links to them (exactly like Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive, etc.). It wouldn't surprise me to find out the people flying him over have the pilot's family in a detention center "for safety".
i think the whole situation is f*cked up. how are you gonna hold him responsible? he ran a service that sells cloud storage. he wasn't the one pirating stuff. why don't they hold the isp's responsible? the unternet pirating couldn't happen at all if it wasn't for those damn internet people!!! WTF. they're gonna basically publicly hang this guy to scare other people. when he didn't pirate S**T!!!

Even worse - in New Zealand, you can't be extradited for copyright infringement. That's why the US made up bogus charges of money laundering, amongst other things. There were also a number of issues with the warrant and arrest that *should* have gotten the case thrown out, but the NZ judges bent over backwards to help the US govt.
Insane. Megaupload was more or less a cloud drive, although MANY people took advantage of it for piracy. Kinda like what they do now using Google Drive, or Dropbox. Are we gonna go after them as well?
They go after this guy for copyright infringement (laughable at best) and won't spend even 1/100th the effort to go after someone like Edward Snowden who they still consider to be #1 on the intelligence community shitlist, forever.

The priorities of the US Government are just a bit out of fucking wack, I'd say.
Don't piss off the people with all the money in the world, or they will make up charges and stick you in jail in a heart beat...
They go after this guy for copyright infringement (laughable at best) and won't spend even 1/100th the effort to go after someone like Edward Snowden who they still consider to be #1 on the intelligence community shitlist, forever.

The priorities of the US Government are just a bit out of fucking wack, I'd say.

Just think.

If it was Russia he was gunna be deported to. Not snowden. the dude with the dodgy accent.

The word novichok would be in this thread somewhere.

Yet again, it claims 2 more victims.

Fucking russians.
They are going after Dotcom for the same reason they are going after Assange. They both can prove the Russians didn't hack the DNC and Podesta emails and that the parties pushing the Russia narrative were so worried about the public knowing about the content of those emails they were willing to risk starting a world war. RIP Seth Rich
Because as we all know, if the files weren't pirated, people would have paid full retail for the content.


Piracy should be viewed as a form of free marketing.

Generally speaking, pirates were never going to pay for the product anyways.
The weirdness of this case is an embarrassment to the US government and the New Zealand one which should have not let it go this far. Kim dotcom seems to be a royal pile of shit but this really looks like an overstep of bounds.

Because as we all know, if the files weren't pirated, people would have paid full retail for the content.


Piracy should be viewed as a form of free marketing.

Generally speaking, pirates were never going to pay for the product anyways.

The amount of pirated software I've seen in small business environments where the people will want it fixed right away is nuts. Had one guy where his idiot IT person loaded a server std vm over server essentials for reasons I can't explain(small firm where essentials would have been fine). I think the IT person just couldn't figure essentials out yet told the guy to buy it. Five minutes after I told the owner he had ordered a server std license for the machine. Owner didn't know what had been done and had no intention of it not being right(for reference each workstation was at least 4500 to 5000 for the towers before software(which costs more), he had SSD storage in the servers(even the domain controller which was the screwed up license had ssds), had 10gb networking to everything, etc. The windows server license that was under a grand was the least of his worries.

Had another client who bought a business where every office install was pirated, we ordered the missing 20 licenses within a week or so of him taking control(there was hardware we needed to discuss as well).

Piracy costs companies money they would have gotten, just not as much as some like to claim.
The amount of pirated software I've seen in small business environments where the people will want it fixed right away is nuts. Had one guy where his idiot IT person loaded a server std vm over server essentials for reasons I can't explain(small firm where essentials would have been fine). I think the IT person just couldn't figure essentials out yet told the guy to buy it. Five minutes after I told the owner he had ordered a server std license for the machine. Owner didn't know what had been done and had no intention of it not being right(for reference each workstation was at least 4500 to 5000 for the towers before software(which costs more), he had SSD storage in the servers(even the domain controller which was the screwed up license had ssds), had 10gb networking to everything, etc. The windows server license that was under a grand was the least of his worries.
I thought you were ramping up to some giant revelation and the end, but nothing?. What is all this shit about SSDs, 10gbe and how do they relate to small business piracy in the slightest?
When they arrested him, they brought Armored Personnel Carries, multiple helicopters, armored cars, and IIRC, over 100 federal officers. For running a website...that allowed people to upload files and create public links to them (exactly like Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive, etc.). It wouldn't surprise me to find out the people flying him over have the pilot's family in a detention center "for safety".

What is even more alarming is that we don't even do that in New Zealand, ever. We don't have SWAT, our police don't carry firearms, if you are running around with a rifle in public we have the armed offenders squad which is for... armed offenders. The court ruled that the police's tactics were way overboard and most of the evidence gathered during the "raid" was beyond the scope of the warrant they had and the method used to serve the warrant was unnecessary. The police argued that they were worried about file deletion but Kim Dotcom didn't have servers in his home. The whole saga is just loopy.
Don't get me started on the US Government/Big Corporation merger to ruin the life of someone on copyright infringement grounds. The dude was raided worse than all the mafia/child molester/murderer/gang banger piece of shits combined. They took everything from this guy and aren't done yet with their intrusive fk-ing him up the ass. All in the name of money and the Big Corporations getting butt hurt, all the while claiming they are doing all this for the little guy. What a bunch of bullshit. They have already done enough to this guy a million times over. Give this shit a rest and leave this dude alone. Every time I read another article of the US vendetta against Dotcom, I want to go pirate something.
I thought you were ramping up to some giant revelation and the end, but nothing?. What is all this shit about SSDs, 10gbe and how do they relate to small business piracy in the slightest?

I guess my point was that money wasn't an issue. He wanted his stuff legit and a stupid IT guy ended up pirating shit he shouldn't have.
They are going after Dotcom for the same reason they are going after Assange. They both can prove the Russians didn't hack the DNC and Podesta emails and that the parties pushing the Russia narrative were so worried about the public knowing about the content of those emails they were willing to risk starting a world war. RIP Seth Rich
Wow except this has been going on long before that.... Is this how backwards the right is now. They're just conspiracy theories now
The Dotcom thing has been going on for longer than that. The only reason it has ratcheted up is because of statements by Dotcom. Dotcom and Assange both say they can prove Seth Rich leaked to Wikileaks and that Russia had nothing to do with it. Not a conspiracy theory at all if you have been following the actual evidence and not what biased sources tell you. Hell the data forensics has long been completed. It is a fact that the DNC emails came from within DNC HQ using a USB 3.0 thumb drive. It is also a fact that there is literally zero evidence of Seth's murder being a "botched" robbery. I am actually not really sure what screwed up world view would cause someone to discount the evidence we have that Seth was the source.