Your Ubisoft account can be suspended and subsequently permanently deleted for 'inactivity,' taking your games library with it


Dec 13, 2008

Your Ubisoft account can be suspended and subsequently permanently deleted for 'inactivity,' taking your games library with it

I'm pretty sure I have a Ubisoft account⁠—it's the sort of thing that's come up every few years when there's a Ubisoft game I want to play, and I've had to go through the company's proprietary launcher/digital marketplace, Ubisoft Connect, formerly Uplay, to access it. Leaving a Ubisoft account inactive for too long, though, apparently puts it at risk of permanent deletion.
"It is not clear how long a Ubisoft account can remain inactive before receiving this notice of suspension. I have reached out to Ubisoft for clarification, and will update this story if I hear back"

that's why I always try and log into all my digital gaming accounts at least once every few months (even if I'm not playing anything on them)
I wonder what happens if the Ubi games were bought through Steam? I "own" Far Cry 5 on Steam but it ofc Ubi still demands I make an Ubisoft Connect account to actually play the game, and I haven't played the game in awhile because... drumroll please... Ubisoft Connect kept crashing!

God I hate this crap so much. I wish more games were available on GoG. I would just <redacted> FC5 but I play with the Resistance Mod which only works on the excessively inconvenient "Legit" versions.
I wonder what happens if the Ubi games were bought through Steam? I "own" Far Cry 5 on Steam but it ofc Ubi still demands I make an Ubisoft Connect account to actually play the game, and I haven't played the game in awhile because... drumroll please... Ubisoft Connect kept crashing!

God I hate this crap so much. I wish more games were available on GoG. I would just <redacted> FC5 but I play with the Resistance Mod which only works on the excessively inconvenient "Legit" versions.
I've had the same question because I own all of them on Steam. They all show up on Ubisoft Connect as well even though I never bought one through there.
I wonder what happens if the Ubi games were bought through Steam?

I've had the same question because I own all of them on Steam. They all show up on Ubisoft Connect as well even though I never bought one through there.

I'm guessing that as long as you're logged into your Ubisoft Connect account then it counts as being if a Steam game requires you to log into your Ubisoft account then it's the same thing as if you owned the game on Ubisoft Connect
The article doesn't mention how long your account is inactive to be automatically deleted, because I haven't signed in with mine for a year now since I sold my gaming PC and haven't played any games since.
Pretty sure my account is nuked then. Last time I played Far Cry 3 I had only one child.
Just logged in and luckily my games are still there. Considering the amount of shit games Ubisoft creates, I'm not shocked that nobody has logged in for many years. As much as I hate Ubisoft, they unfortunately do have games I like, for example Rayman Legends and Origins. This is unfortunately becoming a common practice that games you bought and legally own, can be removed from your account because of TOS. This does bring up the question of ownership since these companies can just decide that you no longer own the games you paid for. This is why laws should be created that force companies like Ubisoft to first warn you that they're about to cancel your account, and also allow you to recover your games. By recover I mean allow you to download the games without needing Ubisoft online approval to play them, like GoG. Shit like this should take Ubisoft to court and sue their pants off.

No respectable place should be closing accounts for inactivity, or discontinue online servers for games that have an online requirement to play. But obviously ubisoft has not been a respectable company for a very long time.
So never give Ubisoft any money at all.

Problem solved.

If you like their games... There are other solutions.
given the last time i used my Ubisoft account AC IV was new, i am just going to assume its long, long gone
As much as I hate Ubisoft, they unfortunately do have games I like, for example Rayman Legends and Origins.
Ironically, the Steam version of Rayman Origins does NOT require a Ubisoft account or Ubisoft uPlay/Connect. There's no 3rd-party DRM at all on the game. Also currently $6 on Steam in case anyone is interested.


Your Ubisoft account can be suspended and subsequently permanently deleted for 'inactivity,' taking your games library with it

I'm pretty sure I have a Ubisoft account⁠—it's the sort of thing that's come up every few years when there's a Ubisoft game I want to play, and I've had to go through the company's proprietary launcher/digital marketplace, Ubisoft Connect, formerly Uplay, to access it. Leaving a Ubisoft account inactive for too long, though, apparently puts it at risk of permanent deletion.
This article reminds me that I somehow have an Ubisoft account. I still have no idea where it came from. I have no recollection of ever making such an account, and I can't imagine why I would have ever needed to do so. No idea when I last logged into it, so I guess I gotta keep an eye out for a closure email. Not that I care. I have no paid items on it.
Didn't receive a suspension email and AC Black Flag is now gone. Thanks for nothing Ubi!
Hm. I had two ubisoft accounts and while I can login to them on the website, they show no attached games. I had a few older far cry and assassin's creed games plus Rayman legends on there! I also recently bought ac odyssey and origins on epic but hadn't linked them in yet.

I may just get a wii u copy of Rayman legends and pretend the rest never existed while not buying ubisoft games again.

We tried to warn against steam and digital game libraries that could be yanked at a company's whim, but everyone wanted the convenience of online :(.

Now it's been normalized and people hate physical media like blu-ray or cartridges for the most part. I still value them and buy blurays whenever I can... No digital streaming movie collection here. Better quality anyway especially on audio.
Deleting an account because of inactivity is unacceptable regardless of the length of time, and a warning email doesn't legitimize the action. People generally don't seek out unpleasant experiences, so limiting one's interactions with Ubisoft to those strictly necessary is only natural. It's a miracle this hasn't been reported before.
Guess one could have ubisoft connect login when u boot up windows, sucks though. What's next, if u haven't played a specific game in long time they will start removing individual games.

Your Ubisoft account can be suspended and subsequently permanently deleted for 'inactivity,' taking your games library with it

I'm pretty sure I have a Ubisoft account⁠—it's the sort of thing that's come up every few years when there's a Ubisoft game I want to play, and I've had to go through the company's proprietary launcher/digital marketplace, Ubisoft Connect, formerly Uplay, to access it. Leaving a Ubisoft account inactive for too long, though, apparently puts it at risk of permanent deletion.
Fuck that.
Welp, I guess I was too slow. My account is gone. I suppose that just means I'm never buying a Ubi title again.
And really fuck that! Sue these fuckers!

The only possible saving grace for Ubi might be, that if my account gets deleted, but I still have the original game + activation code, IF the user could make a new account and re-activate the game. Bet that once the code is used it's not re-usable even if they delete the account.
And what about digital only purchases? Effed in the A sounds like.

I hope they get sued so damn hard.

"Database maintenance"
Bull fucking shit.

IF they want to do database maintenance, which is a weak damn excuse to begin with, they could simply MOVE inactive accounts into a separate database of inactive accounts. And establish a procedure to have them re-activated. Straight up deleting is inexcusable.

No more Ubi games for me until they change this practice.
This does bring up the question of ownership since these companies can just decide that you no longer own the games you paid for.
You never owned them to begin with, what they are selling you is a license to run the software, not the software itself. And you can bet the EULA that you need to accept to activate has a clause that says they can stop providing you access to the software that you don't actually own at any time and for any reason. Is the EULA legally binding though? Probably not, but who is going to sue them for a $60 or $70 software? The only way to make them pay is by class action, and probably even that won't be enough to be a deterrent for the future.
Just to let people know I just checked and the last time that I played a Ubisoft game was in December 2019, almost 4 years ago. I just logged in to Ubisoft and all my games are there.

For all we know the inactivity period is decades and put in place for the incell overweight gamer that has no family and dies of a heart attack at 35 while playing a marathon session of WOW.
Just to let people know I just checked and the last time that I played a Ubisoft game was in December 2019, almost 4 years ago. I just logged in to Ubisoft and all my games are there.
Did you check through the site or their app? I only looked at the account site.
Wonder what about games bought through Steam using Ubi as an underlying launcher
Actual account that ever purchased from them, I really doubt that something Ubisoft want to do or are pleased to do, it is their interpretation of a law in the eurozone: lists the rights,his or her personal data
According to Ubisoft:
  • The ownership of PC games since the creation of the account: accounts tied to purchased games are not eligible for deletion
this would need to be validated but if the deleted account never purchassed a game linked to that account it is a completely different story. It is more than 4 years old of inactivity account that never bought a game (outside bug-error that could obviously happen).

One big issue is that spam detector and people receiving their emails (could be an old email account after 4 years) would think it is spam.
So never give Ubisoft any money at all.

Problem solved.

If you like their games... There are other solutions.
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I don't even want to pirate their games, because they are that bad. The games I have are Rayman games, Beyond Good and Evil, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, Assassin's Creed III, and Prince of Persia Sands of Time, and Splinter Cell. These were when Ubisoft made good games, though Far Cry 3 and Assassin's Creed 3 are games I don't plan to ever play again because they fall into that Ubisoft formulaic design of copy and paste quests.
You never owned them to begin with, what they are selling you is a license to run the software, not the software itself. And you can bet the EULA that you need to accept to activate has a clause that says they can stop providing you access to the software that you don't actually own at any time and for any reason. Is the EULA legally binding though? Probably not, but who is going to sue them for a $60 or $70 software? The only way to make them pay is by class action, and probably even that won't be enough to be a deterrent for the future.
You bought the license and it can't be revoked. EULA's though are just legalese that gives the company power within their services, but outside of EULA's the court will throw them out over law. For example, you can't put a sticker on a product that says warranty void if removed, because if taken to court they will disregard that sticker since it's illegal. Yet those stickers are still everywhere and nothing is being done about it. That's a lot like a EULA. Specht v. Netscape basically threw out the EULA, which proves they are useless but everyone still has a EULA. The only reason companys like Ubisoft still do what they do, is not because of the EULA but the huge teams of lawyers behind that EULA. So yes, you would need a huge class action lawsuit to fight them and you would likely go nowhere as these things just get settled for peanuts with the lawyers taking all the money. It might force Ubisoft and other companies to do something like warn their customers that their account will be closed if they don't log in within 30 days of notice.

Ultimately the only people that actually own anything are the people that paid nothing.
. It might force Ubisoft and other companies to do something like warn their customers that their account will be closed if they don't log in within 30 days of notice.
They do, do that has mentionned in the article.

So yes, you would need a huge class action lawsuit to fight them
  • The ownership of PC games since the creation of the account: accounts tied to purchased games are not eligible for deletion

Considering that part, I do not imagine people would have much harm to class action them, that their given for free by ubisoft games are not accessible anymore ?
They do, do that has mentionned in the article.
A warning is not enough unless they demand a response to it. It can land in spam, or not even reach the intended person. No response doesn't mean I'm OK with my account being deleted.
  • The ownership of PC games since the creation of the account: accounts tied to purchased games are not eligible for deletion

Considering that part, I do not imagine people would have much harm to class action them, that their given for free by ubisoft games are not accessible anymore ?
The original article before ubisoft responded it says the account had hundreds of dollars worth of games that got deleted. So both can't be true someone is lying.

Also purchased games can mean a lot of things, purchased from who? It can mean only accounts that has games purchased directly in the ubisoft store, and not ones activated by key.