Your favorite CSS Maps


Mar 14, 2010
Reinstalling our gaming group's server. What are your favorite CUSTOM vanilla and gungame maps?
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always liked assault, even as unbalanced as it could get sometimes.

nuke was fun, one of my best matches when i used to play cal-o (we were awful) was on nuke

i think office is my favorite, dust 2 i played a lot on, i like it for awp whoring
all the cal maps are awesome. I wished they still made them. 1 map i liked alot but then later died was de_ruska (not sure on spelling)
I like cs_militia and cs_assault even tho its a bit unbalanced at times its still alot of fun.
I liked just about every single map that came with the game. Office, Militia, Dust 1/2, Compound, or that one where the Terrorists spawn in the backyard of a mansion. There were plenty of good custom maps as well.

I have not played the game is almost 3 years. Perhaps I should try it again sometime, though now that I prefer realistic games I doubt I can get into it anymore. Are there sufficient American servers with good pings to be worth installing?

Perhaps I will wait and see how Global Assault turns out and get that if it looks good. Though I don't like some of the changes...
Thanks guys for all the suggestions. Over a page without any bumps.

I'll be adding the maps soon enough. I'll post the server address too. I wish it got more action than a few hours every couple months when we have a lan.
Thanks guys for all the suggestions. Over a page without any bumps.

I'll be adding the maps soon enough. I'll post the server address too. I wish it got more action than a few hours every couple months when we have a lan.

are there still ppl on public CSS servers?
I play source regularly still and some common, custom maps are:

de_losttemple_pro - custom? Not sure