xpertvision 7800GTX overclock


Jul 4, 2005
Hey guys,

I'm new to the overclocking game

I want to overclock both of my GTX's, how do i do it??

They have stock coolers atm.....

I was thinking of trying to push 460 possibly 490 and 1300, is that possible with stock coolers?
it appears you have 2 7800 GTX's in SLi.. why the need to overclock.. do you need to get 600 fps in quake 3?
if he had 6600 Gt's or something id see why he wants to oc ..but 2 7800 GTX's can take any game no problem in the first place
Dudeyourlame said:
if he had 6600 Gt's or something id see why he wants to oc ..but 2 7800 GTX's can take any game no problem in the first place

QFT, it's killing me you want to overclock two strong cards. Give me a break.
Dudeyourlame said:
it appears you have 2 7800 GTX's in SLi.. why the need to overclock.. do you need to get 600 fps in quake 3?

he wants his e-penis to be bigger than it already is.
I can't believe you guys are ripping on him because he wants to boost performance (regardless of how big or small the boost is).
arman01 said:
he wants his e-penis to be bigger than it already is.

so it would grow from 1 inch to 1.5 inches? Hardly anything to brag about. :p
RePoMaN said:
Hey guys,

I'm new to the overclocking game

I want to overclock both of my GTX's, how do i do it??

They have stock coolers atm.....

I was thinking of trying to push 460 possibly 490 and 1300, is that possible with stock coolers?

Frankly I find it amazing that you could build or buy this system but not know how to use google... I did it for you...


How high your cards can go? Who can guess? 490/1300 sounds reasonable if you have good enough airflow.
errr the point was to find a enthusiast who has already overclocked a 7800GTX to see what they could get out of there card without cooking it......

google would have taken longer than that post.....

To all the people jealous of my 7800's with the sad posts, eat my fx55(FX59), 2 x GTX's, 2g corsair rig and stick it up your ti 4200's xxxx :)
go to google and enter "how do I overclock geforce 7800" (without the quotes) then press I'm Feeling Lucky button... see page two of that article.

EDIT: in all reality - you should be able to come here and ask a question like that without getting too much "flack" about already having enough power... etc... but you might recieve a warmer welcome in the overclocking and cooling forum.... anyways, also - never under estimate the power of a direct google search either. :D
RePoMaN said:
errr the point was to find a enthusiast who has already overclocked a 7800GTX to see what they could get out of there card without cooking it......

google would have taken longer than that post.....

To all the people jealous of my 7800's with the sad posts, eat my fx55(FX59), 2 x GTX's, 2g corsair rig and stick it up your ti 4200's xxxx :)

You sure are a cocky one to be bragging to people about your uber 1337 computzorz

my computer runs everything i want it to at 1600 by 1200 2x AA/ 4x AF( Counter strike source and World of warcraft addict) and i didnt pay 900 to 1000 bucks for it
Dudeyourlame said:
You sure are a cocky one to be bragging to people about your uber 1337 computzorz

my computer runs everything i want it to at 1600 by 1200 2x AA/ 4x AF( Counter strike source and World of warcraft addict) and i didnt pay 900 to 1000 bucks for it

Wooooohoooo internet fighting!! Who will win?
OC'ing a video typically yields marginal gains at best while OC'ing a proc tends to yield significant gains. To me a big part of being [H] is to push the envelope that will yield the greatest gains. Trying to get an extra 5% speed out of the fastest card for 2 or 3 FPS which itself in those cases in a 1% or 2% gain boggles my mind. If you did that to the 6200 and doubled your clock speed, now that would be [H]. The people that get the 7800GTX's modded and really crank the snot out of them (20%+ clock increases) are [H].
