XP automatic update - Beware!


Jan 22, 2004
I just had an odd problem on my new dell laptop. I have noticed that for the past several days, the automatic update shield pops up, and then immediately disappears. Nothing was downloaded or installed (I have it set so that updates will download, but not install till I say.) Well I noticed on my desktop comp at home, that when I connect to the internet, a whole list of updates comes up. Basically, the laptop wasn't seeing any new updates.

So I try a manual update, and the thing says I can't update until I install the verification tool. Ok, fine. I install the tool, verify my copy of windows (like Dell couldn't have done this? sheesh) and then check for critical updates. Yep, there's the list of eight critical updates.

It looks like sometimes that windows verification tool will not automatically install, preventing one from getting updates. The worst part is, if you've set to auto updates, you think you're covered, but you're NOT! How many Dell owners do you know who are paranoid enough to do manual updates after telling the computer to do it automatically?

Maybe I have just done something stupid, but you might want to check your machines just in case...

EDIT: (Changed subject after SjConsultant said MS shouldn't prevent non-validated comps from getting updates.
I had a regular (non-Dell) PC come up with like 6 updates last night, all at once, but my other PC sitting right next to it didn't weird.
I've noticed this just recently as well with the last round of updates. At first I thought I was going to have to manually go to the windows update site and run the verification tool on all pc's because many of our computers were not automatically acquiring the recent updates. But later found that not to be the case because some computers did acquire the update without the verification tool installed.
Then a day or so ago most of the pc's did finally acquire the updates and install.

My guess is MS was controlling the release of the last batch of updates. I know they have done that in the past with other updates.

Another thing I've noticed is the 3 nag options in the security center in control panel have been disabled on all the pc's I've bothered to check. I normally leave that option enabled on the office computers where you get a nag ballon if your antivirus is out of date or not installed, firewall is not enabled, and automatic updates. All the check marks are mysteriously removed. Verified that on all my home pc's as well.

BTW - my main pc at home is not a Dell. (built from scratch and in my bio)
lordof7 said:
So I try a manual update, and the thing says I can't update until I install the verification tool. Ok, fine. I install the tool, verify my copy of windows (like Dell couldn't have done this? sheesh) and then check for critical updates. Yep, there's the list of eight critical updates.

It looks like sometimes that windows verification tool will not automatically install, preventing one from getting updates. The worst part is, if you've set to auto updates, you think you're covered, but you're NOT! How many Dell owners do you know who are paranoid enough to do manual updates after telling the computer to do it automatically?

Maybe I have just done something stupid, but you might want to check your machines just in case...

FYI, Microsoft has already plainly stated Windows Genuine Advantage verification is *not* required to download security updates and that includes security updates.

Therefore while your warning is a well intentioned effort, it's not entirely true since MS does not prevent computers who have not performed WGA from obtaining security updates.

FYI AFAIK no OEM is *allowed* to pre validate the WGA process therefore that is why Dell has not done it in the first place.
Hmmm. SjConsultant, I suppose it could have eventually updated by itself if I hadn't manually done it. It did seem weird though, that I could not manually update until I did that verfication thing. Although Microsoft may allow non-validated comps to get updates, that doesn't mean they are making it easy/automatic.

Thanks for clearing up the Dell thing. I'm sure there are many reasons why they wouldn't bother, but your explanation seems reasonable.

I still would recommend you all check your comps though - at least if you're as paranoid as I am!
I've noticed the same thing here, on a recent build of XP Professional SP2. The shield pops up, tells me it's downloading updates, then disappears never giving me the option to install them. I have to go to Windows Update to get them to install. This is on a home-built PC.