XP-120 or XP-90?

No, you guys kinda threadjacked it into soemthing about lapping XP-120s... only 2 guys actually responded and im seeing if i can get more responses on this and other forums...

What has your personal experience been Burner?
Personally, I'll be using the XP-90 on my new comp in October - I just feel like its more practical than the huge XP-120. Also, from reading reviews, it didn't seem like the XP-120 did THAT much better at cooling, it was just a little more quiet.
deathBOB said:
No, you guys kinda threadjacked it into soemthing about lapping XP-120s... only 2 guys actually responded and im seeing if i can get more responses on this and other forums...

What has your personal experience been Burner?

Going from an SP94 to an XP90 and dropping 4c off idle and load. I'd say it's great! Plus I don't have to worry about all that weight coming crashing down on my CPU. Not that it would happen.
What kind of fan? The one i listed is like 55cfm at 35 dba, but it has a lot of pressure
deathBOB said:
What kind of fan? The one i listed is like 55cfm at 35 dba, but it has a lot of pressure

It's a Panaflo with those same specs
I recommend the XP-120, if you have the room. My temps dropped 10deg from stock cooler and 5deg from my theraltake silent boost.