xenserver 6.0 help


Dec 31, 2009

I'm just wondering if anyone has some tips/help. I have installed xenserver on a computer on my home network. I have also installed xencenter on my Win7 PC. Both NTP are set to time.windows.com

I have enabled remote admin, so i can putty into the xenserver, however I cannot get the center to synch with the server. I think it has something to do with the server. I can ping my win 7 computer from the server and vice versa, but the server cannot ping citrix.com(or what ever the test site in the console is) The rest of the home network runs fine, streaming from NAS...etc.

The other reason I think it's the server is when you go to the IP address in IE, and you get the 2 links to dload the iso, and/or center. It's like a 5hr dload to get center from the server, whereas it's a minute from the internet.

Any ideas where to start?

Server is a gigabyte 990 chipset
athalon 2, 3ghz
4gigs ram
Gb nic

router wrt54g
What's your network look like (IP, Sub-Mask, Gateway, DNS info correct?) Everything on one subnet? Or are you going through other routers/firewalls on your network?
Are you using DHCP or static assignments?
You can ping those same sites (citrix.com, etc) and get a reply from your Win7 box?
What NIC chipset? Is that single NIC for everything (VM's, Management, storage, etc)?
Thanks for the reply,

The whole network is static, same gateway, every computer on the network has the same dns. Subnet is
xenserver console shows the nic, I was able to assign a ip, has the mac address..etc, I would think xen recognized the nic, if it allows this much
yes I can ping out on my win7 box, playing bf3 today :)

It is a single nic, and I believe it's a realtec nic. Nothing is setup yet, as this is my first time installing/messing with it.

I started with a iscsi on my NAS, but since I was having issues simplified the install to a 80gb sata drive on the host.

I believe it's a connection issue somehow since the connection even with ssh into the box is painfully slow. I'm not able to dload the center software from the server because it's so slow.

The router seems to work with everything else on the network, so unless xen requires some special ports opened I'm not sure.

Thanks again.
Well ... from your original post... my first guess was a misconfigured network.
If all ip related settings are configured correctly, which you say is the case,
I would begin to look at the driver in use for your NIC....especially since you mention
it may be a realtek NIC.

I have heard of some realtek NICs being problematic in both VMware and XenServer.
Since all your other gear on the network is fine, double check the NIC chipset and verfiy
that the driver loaded for it is the best match available.

As an alternate test, you could try an add-in NIC
if you have one available. Intel PCIe Gb NICs go for
about $30 at "The Egg".

I highly recommend Intel NICs as they are highly supported in all major
OS/Virtualization platforms.