XDMCP Security


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 25, 2004
I'm going to be rebuilding me home server tonight and I'm probobly going to be installing Linux on it. Would running XDMCP over GDM be more or less secure than just running VNC.

Also how would you rank VNC, XDMCP, and Terminal Services. Obviously I can't run Terminal Services but I'm curious to know where it fits with VNC and XDMCP.
oakfan52 said:
If its linux just use SSH.

The above is a good suggestion assuming you don't need a window enviroment.
Are you doing general *nix maintinance tasks remotely or something else?
Malk-a-mite said:
The above is a good suggestion assuming you don't need a window enviroment.
Are you doing general *nix maintinance tasks remotely or something else?

see my sig for my response to that.
oakfan52 said:
see my sig for my response to that.

Heh - sorry, downside of this forum. I have learned to block out sig files. :)
But the question to the original poster still stands, what do you need to do remotely.
oakfan52 said:
see my sig for my response to that.

Whats wrong with GUI's on Linux/BSD/etc? I'm doing my dev work remotely right now to a Linux box because a cross-platform GUI is required. Having an open source platform is way better for doing development in situations where you really need to know how things are working internally, it's not easy to do that with Windows :) Lots of Windows things are hidden deep down, undocumented, or incorrectly documented. Kinda sad really :(

Back on track:
I'm using XDMCP for my current work (the remote box I consider insecure anyways so throwing out some extra work isn't a particularly huge deal). I'm not aware of any VNC services that can run completely standalone (I havn't dealt with them much either, since most my work thus far has been SSH only). I would like to hear a response from somebody that has a lot of experience with this though!
Mainly just remote administration, managing samba, bittorrent, few other programs. I'd like to use a graphical environment, and I'd be connecting to it from another linux box.