Xcode Run Program Issue


Limp Gawd
Sep 5, 2011
Hello i'm trying to build a simple web browser(to try it out) and when i try to run the program inside the xcode builder(only if theres the web view on it) it says build suceded and then throughs a error and stop loading


    argv	char **	0x00007fff5fbff7b8
    *argv	char *	0x00007fff5fbff940
    **argv	char	'/(My Directory>>>>)'
    2012-09-09 09:59:52.917 Snow Storm[29121:403] An uncaught exception was raised
    2012-09-09 09:59:52.919 Snow Storm[29121:403] *** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (WebView)
    2012-09-09 09:59:52.924 Snow Storm[29121:403] (
    	0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff85f6ef56 __exceptionPreprocess + 198
    	1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff8cb2bd5e objc_exception_throw + 43
    	2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff85f6ed8a +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 106
    	3   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff85f6ed14 +[NSException raise:format:] + 116
    	4   Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bb705 _decodeObjectBinary + 2714
    	5   Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bc976 -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] + 1193
    	6   Foundation                          0x00007fff8d89345c -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] + 486
    	7   Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bb797 _decodeObjectBinary + 2860
    	8   Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8baab2 _decodeObject + 201
    	9   AppKit                              0x00007fff8365cee6 -[NSView initWithCoder:] + 1051
    	10  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bb797 _decodeObjectBinary + 2860
    	11  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8baab2 _decodeObject + 201
    	12  AppKit                              0x00007fff8374dd1a -[NSWindowTemplate initWithCoder:] + 3998
    	13  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bb797 _decodeObjectBinary + 2860
    	14  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bc976 -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] + 1193
    	15  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bc377 -[NSSet(NSSet) initWithCoder:] + 519
    	16  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bb797 _decodeObjectBinary + 2860
    	17  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8baab2 _decodeObject + 201
    	18  AppKit                              0x00007fff83561871 -[NSIBObjectData initWithCoder:] + 2099
    	19  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bb797 _decodeObjectBinary + 2860
    	20  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8baab2 _decodeObject + 201
    	21  AppKit                              0x00007fff83560f1c loadNib + 235
    	22  AppKit                              0x00007fff83560470 +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) _loadNibFile:nameTable:withZone:ownerBundle:] + 217
    	23  AppKit                              0x00007fff8356038b +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibFile:externalNameTable:withZone:] + 141
    	24  AppKit                              0x00007fff835602ce +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibNamed:owner:] + 364
    	25  AppKit                              0x00007fff837d106f NSApplicationMain + 398
    	26  Snow Storm                          0x0000000100001472 main + 34
    	27  Snow Storm                          0x0000000100001444 start + 52
    2012-09-09 09:59:53.026 Snow Storm[29121:403] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: '*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (WebView)'
    *** First throw call stack:
    	0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff85f6ef56 __exceptionPreprocess + 198
    	1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff8cb2bd5e objc_exception_throw + 43
    	2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff85f6ed8a +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 106
    	3   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff85f6ed14 +[NSException raise:format:] + 116
    	4   Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bb705 _decodeObjectBinary + 2714
    	5   Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bc976 -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] + 1193
    	6   Foundation                          0x00007fff8d89345c -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] + 486
    	7   Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bb797 _decodeObjectBinary + 2860
    	8   Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8baab2 _decodeObject + 201
    	9   AppKit                              0x00007fff8365cee6 -[NSView initWithCoder:] + 1051
    	10  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bb797 _decodeObjectBinary + 2860
    	11  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8baab2 _decodeObject + 201
    	12  AppKit                              0x00007fff8374dd1a -[NSWindowTemplate initWithCoder:] + 3998
    	13  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bb797 _decodeObjectBinary + 2860
    	14  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bc976 -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] + 1193
    	15  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bc377 -[NSSet(NSSet) initWithCoder:] + 519
    	16  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bb797 _decodeObjectBinary + 2860
    	17  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8baab2 _decodeObject + 201
    	18  AppKit                              0x00007fff83561871 -[NSIBObjectData initWithCoder:] + 2099
    	19  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8bb797 _decodeObjectBinary + 2860
    	20  Foundation                          0x00007fff8d8baab2 _decodeObject + 201
    	21  AppKit                              0x00007fff83560f1c loadNib + 235
    	22  AppKit                              0x00007fff83560470 +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) _loadNibFile:nameTable:withZone:ownerBundle:] + 217
    	23  AppKit                              0x00007fff8356038b +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibFile:externalNameTable:withZone:] + 141
    	24  AppKit                              0x00007fff835602ce +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibNamed:owner:] + 364
    	25  AppKit                              0x00007fff837d106f NSApplicationMain + 398
    	26  Snow Storm                          0x0000000100001472 main + 34
    	27  Snow Storm                          0x0000000100001444 start + 52
    terminate called throwing an exception(lldb)

Heres what its referring to:

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        return NSApplicationMain(argc, (const char **)argv);

Hope someone can help
