Xbox Live 48 hour code


Dec 13, 2001
Figured I post it in here so someone from the gaming forums can use it.

Figured I post it in here so someone from the gaming forums can use it.


Thanks man worked like a charm. It has been a long time since I played Forza 2 online. My Koenigsegg CCGT is awesome! I seem to get about 10 seconds better a lap than everyone else I play. I need better competition. :)
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Any other free codes? I just got a 360 and would love a 48 hour one to tide me over until my card gets in the mail.
Any other free codes? I just got a 360 and would love a 48 hour one to tide me over until my card gets in the mail.

If it's a new 360 you get a free month, just sign up for silver and it will auto upgrade. If it's used, then not so much.