Xbox 360 on a projector...come on..someone has it...


Feb 28, 2001
I wanna see some pics. I was at bestbuy today and saw the 360 on a nice 20ish inch widescreen LCD. Looked pretty good. Just wondering what it would like on my projector. Anyone do this yet? I'd like a screen shot!
well, i've got one at the office...


i'll have to wait till the 2nd shipment of 360's ships :rolleyes:

But when i get it, ill hook it up to the project and get some pics.
forcemac101 said:
I wanna see some pics. I was at bestbuy today and saw the 360 on a nice 20ish inch widescreen LCD. Looked pretty good. Just wondering what it would like on my projector. Anyone do this yet? I'd like a screen shot!

I'll try to get some for you this weekend, my buddy's got a 1080i projector at his place, should look sweet.
I have the projector but no 360. 119" screen too.

I have played the original xbox on it, not in HD though as I don't have the HD pack for it. But it still looks awesome!
I have a Sanyo Z3 HD Projector with a 108" (9 foot) screen and a xbox 360


My place has been dubbed... 'The Church of 360'..... for who step into the chruch shall be converted. The 360 blows all other gaming machines.. be it a PC away (for now at least)

my PC specs are: (which is also hooked up the projector)

AMD64 3700+
2GB of DDR400

I dont own a camera :( but my friend who is out of town (thxgvn stuff ya know) took pictures, so he will be back tomorrow.. I will post them :)
n3wbpwn3r said:
how do u own all that and no camera??


hehe... cause.. i have no money for a camera.. i am not rich, just lucky to have scholarship money to spend ;)

and all my left over scholarship money basically went to my projector, audio system and xbox 360 and 2GB of ram
ThunderGod66 said:
Ok why does my PGR3 look nothing like that? It's full of jaggies on a 30" LCD TV. I think mine's broken :eek:

Is there a secret menu to enable AA? :)
mabey your tv isnt very friendly display a non native res?a VGA cable could display native res though(has all the popular lcd resolutions for whatever reason)
ThunderGod66 said:
Ok why does my PGR3 look nothing like that? It's full of jaggies on a 30" LCD TV. I think mine's broken :eek:

Is there a secret menu to enable AA? :)

Cause thats not gameplay screenies and sure as crap not replay as he claims it is. =)
i am sure it is replay.
Yes the graphics in Photo Mode ARE THAT GOOD.
You can pause anytime during a replay or single player game and take pictures of your car at any angle.

Sorry for the blurry pics, i didnt use a tripod and the shutter speed was really slow.


i never really noticed it till you guys started talking about it but photo mode does seem way more good looking. I bet they slap on some heavy AA and stuff when you go into it. But you can just pause during any race or any replay and freely menuver the camera wherever you want, apply all kinds of filters and effects and take pictures of stuff. You can even take pictures of cars in your garage. I really like that stuff, i spent like 45 mins goofing around with the picture mode last time i played.
ThunderGod66 said:
Ok why does my PGR3 look nothing like that? It's full of jaggies on a 30" LCD TV. I think mine's broken :eek:

Is there a secret menu to enable AA? :)

Do you have it on HD? As in...did you flip the switch on the cable to enable HD?
Lord of Shadows said:
Cause thats not gameplay screenies and sure as crap not replay as he claims it is. =)

Do you have a 360? Do you have PGR3? If not stop trolling. I have the game (not the 360 atm as it is on its way back to M$). From the bit that I got to play.... YES in game looks THAT good.
ThunderGod66 said:
Ok why does my PGR3 look nothing like that? It's full of jaggies on a 30" LCD TV. I think mine's broken :eek:

Is there a secret menu to enable AA? :)
If you have it hooked up to an HDTV, make sure the cable is switched to HD, and not on regular TV.
Lord of Shadows said:
Cause thats not gameplay screenies and sure as crap not replay as he claims it is. =)

Sorry to burst your bubble but you are incorrect. That's what the game looks like, and yes, that's a photo mode shot from an actual replay. It looks exactly the same on my HDTV, even in-game I get no jaggies and it's clear as a bell.