XBOX 360 Broke for 4th time!!


Limp Gawd
Nov 9, 2002
Ok so i have already had to return my XBOX 360 2 time so far, so my current xbox is my third different console. Today I just got the 3 flashing red lights AGAIN and now i have to send it back to receive my 4th XBOX 360!

This is rediculous, last time i complained to microsoft and all they gave me was a free 1 month subscription to xbox live...which i didn't even use.

Does anybody else have this much of a problem with xbox? Any ideas on what i can try and get microsoft to do for me?
maybe when u get the replacement u should sell it because it sounds like you dont care much for it and it keeps failing you
its not user error, i try to not throw my xbox when pressing the eject button. but thanks for your concern.
i had won a launch xbox360 and that one died after about a year. i figured, what the hey, it's a launch unit, probably to be expected. i went out and bought a new elite and that one died after 5 months time and 2 completed games. after that i sold all my games and accessories right here on [H]. bought a ps3 and a bunch of games and i'm having a blast with it. the xbox has a lot of good games, but what good is it with all the hardware issues? true the ps3 doesn't have a load of games yet, but the list is growing. it's not like i played every xbox game available. and i don't have lots of time to game between work and a new child.
Make sure you put the box in a place that it has plenty of air flow. Also make sure the power brick has plenty of air flow and is not sitting on carpet or other surfaces that may suffocate it.

Most of the cases of multiple failed boxes I have seen come from people not putting them in spots with adequate ventilation and getting the new box and putting it in the same spot only to fail again.
Have had my 360 for over a year. Constant gaming online and offline. Have never had any problems with it whatsoever. Maybe I've just been lucky, but I keep the xbox horizontal rather than vertical for better ventilation, if that makes any difference.
Have had my 360 for over a year. Constant gaming online and offline. Have never had any problems with it whatsoever. Maybe I've just been lucky, but I keep the xbox horizontal rather than vertical for better ventilation, if that makes any difference.

None at all. You've been lucky.

I always kept my 360(s) horizontal and in a well ventilated area. Didn't make a lick of difference.
I thought that if you made it to a 3rd xbox, they replaced it with a new one instead of a refurb. If they didn't do that, ask them to do it this time.
Never had any issues with the two 360s I have owned [I upgraded to an Elite from a Premium]. I've been a 360 owner for over a year and a half. 360s are still subject to failure, but you hear about this a lot less than you did when the console first came out. I think things are beginning to smooth out over time.

At the end of the day, you have to decide whether or not the 360, even with its problems, is worth it for all of the games that it can offer. For me and many other people, it's a simple choice. I'll deal with the uncertainty for XBL and some of the games only to be found on the system [Gears, Dead Rising, etc].
That is most likely your fault. Move the console, it is obviously over-heating and giving you the RRoD error.
Give the system plenty of space and don't let the power brick lay on the carpet.
the xbox and power brick are on its own shelf of my entertainment center. god for bid micosoft build a product that can operate correctly in one of the most common setups.
its on a power strip

there is your problem. dont connect it to a power strip like i did. on my 4th one i put it horizontaly and into a normal socket and its been good to be for the last 4months, "touch wood"
I've had mine since launch, and it's always worked fine. Been both vertical and horizontal. Been doing some gh3 jamming as of late.. Jinx, perhaps?
there is your problem. dont connect it to a power strip like i did. on my 4th one i put it horizontaly and into a normal socket and its been good to be for the last 4months, "touch wood"

Lol, a power strip has nothing to do with it. And I would certainly hope you'd put your expensive electronics on one.
I think manufacturing standards were really crazy with the 360, i have friends who have had consoles die in months, and ones who have had nothing go wrong since purchase. October seems to be a good month around here. my current 360 was made October 17th 06, my friends October 16 06, and neither of them have ANY freezing issues (his has overheated once. ) hes had his since june 07, ive had mine since early december (old one had a dead DVD Drive when bought, not RRoD, MS generously covered it anyway ^_^ ) and they both run great. a touch loud, but wonderful. they both sit horizontally on not so amazingly ventilated desks, mine runs off VGA cables @ 1280x720 to a CRT that JUST manages to scales its size to a near perfect 16:9, and it has no hiccups.

Just some food for thought.

Good luck and hope you dont have to wait long for it to come back to you.
Lol, a power strip has nothing to do with it. And I would certainly hope you'd put your expensive electronics on one.

A power strip wouldn't do anything, but according to Microsoft the 360 should not be plugged into any kind of surge protector or UPS.
Yeah, I wouldn't plug mine right into the wall. I am guessing MS wouldn't fix the system if it got fried because someone was listening the their advice and plugging it straight into the wall. I have always plugged it into a surge protector and have only had problems with one (DVD drive). I am not sure why they would recommend you do that. Someone should really ask and see what kind of explanation they have for that.
I plug mine into a surge protector but it is the only thing on it. I also have mine sitting on a laptop cooler. Neither myself nor my 3 other friends, who have early revisions of the 360, have had any problems. Some people get the RRoD even with the coolers though.
I plug mine into a surge protector but it is the only thing on it. I also have mine sitting on a laptop cooler. Neither myself nor my 3 other friends, who have early revisions of the 360, have had any problems. Some people get the RRoD even with the coolers though.

That's too bad, the irony of your name and a few broken xbox's would've given me a priceless laugh.
I've had mine since lauch date. Works fine, i've knocked it down a few times while it was on, but it still kicks. However I never have actually met one person that had the three rings of death. That's untill my sister had RRD a few months ago, she got hers on christmas (06).
I have a launch system, and I have had NO problems.

I have no idea what you guys are doing to yours. :confused:
My buddy has a launch system (bought it 3 days after launch) and has had not one single issue, except the lovely gears of war "dirty disc" error.
I got my Elite late last year and havent had one issue yet. Well I take that back..since the last Forza update Forza locks up on me every now and again, but I dont blame the machine.
Mine has been going fairly strong for about a year and a half. It sometimes freezes, which I HATE, but other than that it works strong. Mine is also on a home entertainment center, just with an opening at the back and a much larger space than needed.

I would agree though, make sure the power cord isn't in a closed space, for you will over heat it. Especially make sure you don't put it behind your console, for I tried this for a while and the system was almost scalding hot after when I ejected the first game after about a 2hour session.
Mine is a launch system, from the mountain dew every 10 minutes thing... and its never RRoD. It does have a few weird quirks, but they always seem to resolve themselves in time... its not totally failed on me yet.
Launch console here, been used a lot for long hours straight. Been transported to multiple locations many different times, banged around. Still going strong, in fact I have never even had a single problem with it.

Plugging the 360 directly into the wall is a troubleshooting step. If you are having problems try that and see if it fixes them.
Most of the cases of multiple failed boxes I have seen come from people not putting them in spots with (*1)adequate ventilation and getting the new box and putting it in the same spot only to fail again.

*1 - Adequate ventilation: Liquid submersion cooling and Phase-change cooling Note: parts not included some assembly is required
It's pretty funny that countless upon countless numbers of people are having Xbox's overheat and die on them, yet people still believe that it is always the users behind the problem.

Just look online for the failure rate on these things. Most retailers seem to report a 20%-30% failure rate on these things.