XBLA - Shadow Complex


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 21, 2005
I couldn't find a thread...

Shadow Complex
Based on the world presented in Orson Scott Card's novel Empire, where present-day America faces imminent civil war, Shadow Complex focuses on a young couple away on a camping trip. When the Nathan Drake look-alike hero goes off to fetch a backpack that rolled off a ledge, he finds an underground cavern leading to an ominous (some may say shadowy) complex. Then he finds out that in his short absence, the scary, armored soldiers who work there have have kidnapped his girlfriend. What follows is an adventure through the facility, mixed with equal parts stealth and action. The humongous area maps and the game's 2D plane illicit a strong comparison to the original Metroid games, which becomes even more evident as the hero gains new weapons and increasingly enhanced power-armor.

Game Page:

Screenies & Some Gameplay:

Quicklook Vid (here be spoilers):

Looking very impressive. Sure buy for me. 1200 points, out on the 19th. :D
I want this game but I will wait until reviews Epic has put a bad taste in my mouth with how bad they have screwed up GOW2
I want this game but I will wait until reviews Epic has put a bad taste in my mouth with how bad they have screwed up GOW2
I wouldn't have thought it would make any difference whatsoever. There's no MP in Shadow Complex to screw up, not to mention it's developed by Chair, not Epic.
Not to mention, Epic fixed the MP in GOW2.

Needless to say, I am all over this game. I suspect it will end up being the best DLC game on consoles this gen so far. I loved the 7 minute game play video from the start of the game.
Not to mention, Epic fixed the MP in GOW2.

Except I spent 5 minutes trying to get connected via the Matchmaking last night before smashing my fist down in a mega shockwave of fury. Still broken after, what, a year?
Yeah, I picked it up earlier. Seems good so far though I haven't had much time to play it.
Not to mention, Epic fixed the MP in GOW2.


comedy gold. They've fixed it going on about ten times now. And they finally fixed that host advantage too, right?

Anyway, shadow complex = awesome
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You lost us. Been playing GOW2 just fine with no issues since the last patch. Most everyone I play with as well say the same.

Comedy gold indeed, 10 times. LMFAO.
This game is great. I'm having flashbacks of Super Metroid, and that's a good thing:cool:
This game is awesome!

Definitely worth the 1200points, the only problem is that I want MORE. I want this to be a full retail game instead of just a small XBLA game, so that they can pack in more stuff.
This game is awesome!

Definitely worth the 1200points, the only problem is that I want MORE. I want this to be a full retail game instead of just a small XBLA game, so that they can pack in more stuff.

The game already deserves a retail game price. But you got it in an arcade. Just be happy with that.
So far if I was to choose it would be Trials. It's still growing on me though.

Luckily I didn't have to choose. :D
This game is awesome, i picked it up yesterday didnt even try the demo i jumped right in. I mean jesus its 15 dollars. Don't be cheap. Its such a breath of fresh air, its a great game. They've got these challenge type maps aside from story mode which are fun and challenging. The story mode is sweet, its very interesting experience something we havent seen for quite some time on the xbox.. Go get it.:D
Yea, it definitely is an experience I haven't had since playing super metroid on the snes. Absolutely worth $15.
You lost us. Been playing GOW2 just fine with no issues since the last patch. Most everyone I play with as well say the same.

Comedy gold indeed, 10 times. LMFAO.

No, he's right. Play another FPS game on live and it helps understand the contrast. Halo, COD, neither have the issues GoW2 had and still has.

Of course it's gotten better, but since the last patch we've now encountered a new bug where our guest teammate will sometimes be dead for multiple waves in horde and the guest can't do anything but crawl around for those multiple waves.

Yeah, no game is perfect, but I highly doubt GoW2 mplayer should even be considered polished when compared to real polished mplayer games.
This game is pretty addictingly fun for some reason. I was able to play beyond the trial's limitation. I might have to play the whole game straight through next time.
Shadow Complex is awesome. we need more high quality platformers these days, and this game is still proof the 2d platformer genre is an excellent choice.
Im on my second run through. I hope there is more to come of this type of game.. I had more fun with this then the last three "AAA" games ive bought :)
Bought it and so far really enjoying it.

i gotta add that I'm not a fan of the save system though. If you fall down to a previous save point you might have to go through a lot of the map again vs being able loading up a save.
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Im on my second run through. I hope there is more to come of this type of game.. I had more fun with this then the last three "AAA" games ive bought :)
Hopefully this sells well, as I'd love to see more of these quality titles hitting xbl arcade.

Only played a little bit so far, but I'm enjoying the game so far.
I would love some dlc where you can play through the begining of the game.. like you start off as that agent in D.C and make your way to then "end" when the VP is killed or something. Same gameplay just different local kinda like what they did with crysis/warhead.
No, he's right. Play another FPS game on live and it helps understand the contrast. Halo, COD, neither have the issues GoW2 had and still has.

Of course it's gotten better, but since the last patch we've now encountered a new bug where our guest teammate will sometimes be dead for multiple waves in horde and the guest can't do anything but crawl around for those multiple waves.

Yeah, no game is perfect, but I highly doubt GoW2 mplayer should even be considered polished when compared to real polished mplayer games.

Since the past patch, we haven't encountered those issues, at least the majority of us. Considering I own and play all those games you mention on LIVE, I have to wholeheartedly disagree.
I finally got around to playing the trial version over the weekend and I thought it was pretty good. I haven't bought it yet, but I'm also thinking about getting Trials HD, after playing that demo as well. It's bad enough I have to decide what to spend my money on, for full releases. The XBLA isn't helping things any! :)
/\/\/\ bought both and love them. split my time between shadow complex and making tracks in trials.
I've been playing the challenge rooms in this. Good stuff, though some of them are crazy hard.