X850XT PCIe - AtiTool Problem Defined.


Jul 9, 2002
Ok, First off let me state that I love ATiTool and have been using it for a long time. Great program. I hope this thread will help the creator(s) narrow down a problem that many PCIe card users have been having. I am just going to run through the steps I took to narrow this problem down.

My old system was: [email protected], 9800pro, NF7-S 2.0, XMS PC3500 2x512. Used ATiTool back then to OC the heck out of my 9800pro. No problems to speak of.

I recently put together a new system: A64 939 [email protected], X850XT PCIe, XMS PC3500 2x512. ATiTool has major problems on this new system. I'll now outline what happened.

*FYI* Temporal AA is not enabled on my systems.

I put the system together, and loaded windows. Ran some benchies and began overclocking my cpu/mem. Everything went fine, found to be 100% stable at 260x10 1:1 2-2-2-9. Went on to overclock my video card. Installed ATiTool. I began raising the core speed by 10mhz increments, then after setting the clock speed I would run Aquamark3. I kept doing this until I found max stable speeds for both the core and the memory. I ended up scoring over 86,000 in aquamark. Just for the sake of doing it, I decided to check for artifacts using ATiTool.

I clicked "scan for artifacts" and let it run its scan. After about 30 seconds, it locked up and VPU recover reset my interface. I rebooted and went back into atitool. I clicked on the "show 3d" button, and when it came up my video card made a high pitched whine. It is not the fan, as I am watercooled via Maze4. I was a little concerned at this point. I ran another run of aquamark and found it to be WAY slower. Scored something like 75,000 vs. the 86,000 I was running prior to the lockup.

Reloaded my drivers. - no change
Used different drivers (omega, DNA, diff ver. cats...) - no change

At that point I was pretty miffed. I figured atitool had screwed my card up. So for the heck of it, I decided to reload the cat 5.3's and during my un-install I removed atitool as well. Reloaded the cats and ran a benchie... and got normal speeds. I litterally said "wtf."

I reloaded atitool and clicked the "show 3d" button. - no whine noise. "wtf" again. Proceeded to clock back up to where I was prior to the screwup... clicked "scan for artifacts." Imidiately locked up, VPU recover... and the same whine was back and so was the same degraded performance.

Uninstalled cats/atitool. Reinstalled both... problem gone, performance back to normal. The second I hit "scan for artifacts" it majorly screws up something. For it to physically make my card whine is amazing.

I have duplicated this scenario on two systems using two different sapphire X850XT PCIe cards. The motherboards were different... one being a Ultra-D, one being an SLI-DR.

Why this happens, I have no idea. But I now know exactly what was causing my cards to screw up. (after about 20hrs of testing... lol) If there is anything I can do to facilitate a fix, just contact me. IRC is a good place to start... #clandkp on Gamesurge.net
ati tool messes with my x850xt pe too...i use ati tray tool...which works ok...