X800 Card of choice for HL2 30% faster

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Old news, and getting redundant.

We'll find out for sure once HL2 is released.

- D.
theelviscerator said:
ATI x800 was the card of choice amongst many of the testers, as it ran roughly about 30% faster than Nvidia's best cards.


Yet I am sure if you bought a 6800GT you will be able to play it...just not at the same level as an X800.

After playing Doom3 I think its an easy mark for HL2 to be a better game.....

Not a bad read, but also taken with a grain of salt until I see actual numbers. :)
I really doubt the X800's are going to be anywhere near to 30% faster in HL2 lol.

HL2 will have support for Smart Shader 3.0 and 3Dc will bring almost no performance increase at all because of the fact HL2 uses very few normal maps.

nVidia has more money to throw around then ATI so you can bet they'll get their hands in the cookie jar with HL2 as well lol. Especially since its already announced to have SM 3.0 included in a patch.
^eMpTy^ said:
Old news...this has already been talked to death...

there is no reason for this. the game is not out. so there is no hard proof that hl2 will be better on either card
when the game comes out. is when you atinazi can start posting REAL FACTS about the game and profromance....
This is what is holding me off from upgrading right now :)

I know ATi will be able to fight back, hell they've been able to do so for the past 2-3 years. One game isnt going to let them topple
*puts on Agent Smith accent*

What good is a 30% increase on x800...if you can't even find one. mwuhahahahaha


plus nvidia should catch-up even if there was.
The testers where probably using old drivers. The benchmarks on Xbit indicate otherwise.
Sanitarium said:
The testers where probably using old drivers. The benchmarks on Xbit indicate otherwise.
Probably. But don't put too much weight into the Xbit benchmarks, even though they are interesting. That was from the stolen HL2 code 11 months ago and performance probably has changed.

I would be very surprised if the x800 was 30% faster even in it's best case (1600x1200 8xAA, 16xAF) when HL2 is released with current drivers.

If Valve doesn't submit the game to the publisher soon, it's probably not coming out before early October at this rate.
[RIP]Zeus said:
there is no reason for this. the game is not out. so there is no hard proof that hl2 will be better on either card
when the game comes out. is when you atinazi can start posting REAL FACTS about the game and profromance....

namecalling isn't necessary
theelviscerator said:
LOL coming from someone who beats the doom3 pot 34x a day that is roflmao funny..

That's your paranoid imagination at work yet again. And either way, you don't see me starting new posts about old news now do you?

But whatever, if you wanna post this so everyone on the boards can come in here and tell you that it's most likely a bullshit PR number (which you already know) then be my guest...
Doug specifically stated that the ATI x800 was the card of choice amongst many of the testers, as it ran roughly about 30% faster than Nvidia's best cards.

now the Question is....WHAT cards are doug talking about?
the FX series?...i see nothing about doug saying ANYTHING about what type of card the x800 is going agaist in the HL2 battle...
Blad3 said:
*puts on Agent Smith accent*

What good is a 30% increase on x800...if you can't even find one. mwuhahahahaha


plus nvidia should catch-up even if there was.

theelviscerator said:
ATI x800 was the card of choice amongst many of the testers, as it ran roughly about 30% faster than Nvidia's best cards.


Yet I am sure if you bought a 6800GT you will be able to play it...just not at the same level as an X800.

After playing Doom3 I think its an easy mark for HL2 to be a better game.....
Is the game out? No???


^eMpTy^ said:
That's your paranoid imagination at work yet again. And either way, you don't see me starting new posts about old news now do you?

But whatever, if you wanna post this so everyone on the boards can come in here and tell you that it's most likely a bullshit PR number (which you already know) then be my guest...


I figure thats about right... almost one post a day not concerning a 6800 and Doom3....

seems a bit high doesnt it...almost 35 a day?
theelviscerator said:
ebgames is taking preorder money..I know, I have a receipt...
so its pending shortly...

I remember when FF7 was a year away and babbages was taking preorder money for it... so ya never know ;)
theelviscerator said:
ebgames is taking preorder money..I know, I have a receipt...
so its pending shortly...
Whoop de-doo. I pre-ordered Doom 3 in January.
I clicked this thread expecting to see actual benches done with both cards using the final version of the game. Instead I'm linked to and article saying that "Ati cards were the choice of testers because they ran roughly 30% faster?" All this makes me believe is that HL2 is using a less graphically advanced engine than Doom 3. (but still should be a fantastic game :cool: )
theelviscerator said:

I figure thats about right... almost one post a day not concerning a 6800 and Doom3....

seems a bit high doesnt it...almost 35 a day?

Once again I'm forced to explain things at a third grade level.

I talk about Doom3 and the 6800 because that's what EVERYONE is talking about if you haven't noticed...

There's a big difference between talking about stuff in threads made by other people and then starting your own thread about 2 week old news just because you want to point out yet again that some marketing guy made an off-hand comment that shows your favorite card in a better light.

I don't start new threads about Carmack saying the 6800s are THE card for Doom3 do I?

Do yourself a favor and get your facts straight before you post anything in my general direction...unless of course you like looking ignorant...

This has been done before, and it ends up the same. Please please look through the old threads before starting a new thread on a hot topic such as this.
tigerblade just as much as i'm sure your sick of people postings things about ati that oppose your views, i'm getting pretty sick of you pointing out to people that someone is disagreeing with the news/info/whatever and feel you must make some sort of example about it.
I am sick and tired of people fighting over video cards...Go throw leaves at each other.

* Oh and ^eMpTy^, stop posting. You're such an ass to just about everyone on this board unless they worship everything you stand for as far as VIDEO CARDS go.
Consider the source. Doug Lombardi is the director of marketing.

I know that the x800 series will run the game great. The Half Life 2 presentation I saw at E3 this year was run on machines with x800 Pro cards in them, and it was perfectly smooth. That said, wait until the game and official benchmarks are released.

Until that happens we don't have an answer as far as informed performance numbers go.
looking at the scalability of the half life 2 engine, i hardly imagine the game will be taxing on either series of cards
TekSomniaK said:
I am sick and tired of people fighting over video cards...Go throw leaves at each other.

* Oh and ^eMpTy^, stop posting. You're such an ass to just about everyone on this board unless they worship everything you stand for as far as VIDEO CARDS go.

It's not fall yet. You'll have to excuse me if I don't have a lot of patience for certain people on this forum. I try to reach a middle ground but some people won't tolerate anyone elses ideas. If I've in any way lessened your posting experience I humbly apologize.

* So you're saying you don't worship everything I stand for as far as video cards are concerned?
^eMpTy^ said:
It's not fall yet. You'll have to excuse me if I don't have a lot of patience for certain people on this forum. I try to reach a middle ground but some people won't tolerate anyone elses ideas. If I've in any way lessened your posting experience I humbly apologize.

* So you're saying you don't worship everything I stand for as far as video cards are concerned?

you been painting everyone with an ati card as an idiot for weeks..why backtrack now?

if your knowledge is so exhaustive, how come you almost never post in the tons of threads where there are people with 6800 issues? hmmm.....
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