* X360 * Wii * PS3 *

* X360 * Wii * PS3 *

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DMA, Xenos only has a 128 bit memory interface as well. So I really don't consider that a weakness in the RSX's architecture. The biggest performance difference is vertex shading.
so how the #%@#%$ is it able to run oblivion with supposivly "better" graphics then the pc version on a mere 7600..... like u guys say explain this!
so how the #%@#%$ is it able to run oblivion with supposivly "better" graphics then the pc version on a mere 7600..... like u guys say explain this!

This is the answer for all consoles: because it's a closed system. You're able to do a whole lot more with what you're given when the specs are static. Oblivion for the PC has to run on a variety of different hardware specs, which results in a lot of inefficiency. Remember, the PS3 also has the benefit of the Cell processor (which is good at computations relevant to gaming) to help out the RSX. EDIT: it will never have better GFX than a high-end PC.

DMA, Xenos only has a 128 bit memory interface as well. So I really don't consider that a weakness in the RSX's architecture. The biggest performance difference is vertex shading.

Xenos is much quicker than RSX because the architecture is vastly different. Read up here for some info on the RAM differences and the unified shading capability.
Not as though this is god, but from wikipedia: "Staff at Sony were quoted in Playstation Magazine saying that the "RSX shares a lot of inner workings with NVIDIA 7800 which is based on G70 architecture. Since the G70 is capable of carrying out 136 shader operations per clock cycle, the RSX is expected to feature the same number of parallel pixel and vertex shader pipelines as the G70, which contains 24 pixel and 8 vertex pipelines."

I don't have the issue, so I can't back it up, but from everything I've read including this ultra-comprehensive comparison those are the stats specified.

Oh, and having a 7600GT (lets see...an overclocked version of the 6800 Ultra with a 128-bit bus?) is most definitely an insult when compared to Xenos.

Sure, we've got the extrapolations, but they're still not published specs. And really, the 7600 is more than just a 6800 ultra, LOL. Not much, I grant you, but at least it's closer to the 7800.

In either case, Xenos also has only a 128bit bus, so it's got some crippling in that area too, though the on-die 10MB EDRAM likely alleviates the majority of those issues.

In any case, both are capable, with each obviously having a few perks and drawbacks as compared to the other. Believe me, having now gone through 4 360's and waited interminably for the miserably poor customer service to actually get me a *working* unit, I'm no drooling 360 fannyboy. If there's only one thing that's clear about PS3 to me at the moment it's that it's obviously *built* better than 360, even if the theoretical design isn't nearly as elegant.
This is the answer for all consoles: because it's a closed system. You're able to do a whole lot more with what you're given when the specs are static. Oblivion for the PC has to run on a variety of different hardware specs, which results in a lot of inefficiency. Remember, the PS3 also has the benefit of the Cell processor (which is good at computations relevant to gaming) to help out the RSX. EDIT: it will never have better GFX than a high-end PC.

Xenos is much quicker than RSX because the architecture is vastly different. Read up here for some info on the RAM differences and the unified shading capability.

PS. I'm not going to talk anymore about all of this just because I think it's going to devolve the thread. I'll stop here!

Actually, Cell isn't particularly good at game relevant code (integer) it's particularly good at *Video decoding* (floating point) operations. Xenon is actually superior to Cell in Integer processing. Cell will be awesome for physics, though how much developers utilize that remains to be seen. How relevant it is to fun gameplay also remains to be seen (realism isn't necessarily fun, if it were I'd giggle all the way to work every morning, traffic and all).
And really, the 7600 is more than just a 6800 ultra, LOL. Not much, I grant you, but at least it's closer to the 7800.

Obviously they're most definitely different in terms of power consumption and architecture, but real-world performance is more in line with a 6800 Ultra overclocked by, say, 50-75mhz. In fact, I'd bet that the 6800 would be better in higher resolutions because of its 256-bit wide bus.

it's called "extra year of development time" :D

lol, yup.
DMA, Xenos only has a 128 bit memory interface as well. So I really don't consider that a weakness in the RSX's architecture. The biggest performance difference is vertex shading.

I realize that both have a 128 bit bus. That doesn't make it "not a weakness", it makes it a SHARED weakness. Xenos handles it a bit better thanks to the 10MB eDRAM, of course. The performance vectors in both pixel *and* vertex shading both fall squarely into Xenos' lap, though, it's clearly and simply the superior GPU. I'd say that nVidia's own 8800 being designed along a startlingly similar model to Xenos, utterly abandoning the 7xxx architecture in favor of it, is a strong vindicator of that position.
Obviously they're most definitely different in terms of power consumption and architecture, but real-world performance is more in line with a 6800 Ultra overclocked by, say, 50-75mhz. In fact, I'd bet that the 6800 would be better in higher resolutions because of its 256-bit wide bus.

lol, yup.

You're probably right regarding 6800 at higher resolutions. There's no possible way to give too much stress to the importance of memory bandwidth :D. IMHO it's the single biggest weakness in both PS3 and 360.
decelopers have had more time to get used to the 360 hardware, and all the multi-system games were ported from 360 not developed for PS3, in fact oblivion for PS3 is supposed to look better and have shorter load times.

just wondering myself. I have a Wii and an xbox 360 with a 1080p TV. ive seen gears of war at its best but have been really dying to play ::: RESISTANCE: FALL OF MAN :::. for the PS3. how do you think Graphics compare to the Gears of War.?

and how is the gameplay compare to gears. I didnt like gears at all shitty game so would getting ::: RESISTANCE: FALL OF MAN ::: be worth it.
so how the #%@#%$ is it able to run oblivion with supposivly "better" graphics then the pc version on a mere 7600..... like u guys say explain this!

i thought this article had alread been explained here. oblivion devs removed quite a few shaders and altered texures slightly so that it would run smoothly on the ps3. it runs smoother on the ps3 but can look better on the pc..... wasn't there a whole thread on this already???
Let's keep it civil people. It is possible to express a preference without bashing somebody else's.
i thought this article had alread been explained here. oblivion devs removed quite a few shaders and altered texures slightly so that it would run smoothly on the ps3. it runs smoother on the ps3 but can look better on the pc..... wasn't there a whole thread on this already???

No, they used new shader techniques, thanks to an extra year of dev that allowed the PS3 version to look superior to the 360 version and PC versions initially. There was no removal of the shaders as you would lead people to believe.

They also stated that these changes should be making it out to the 360 and PC at a later date to update the game. However there are optimizations to the PS3 version of the game made soley for the Cell processor that wont be able to be made on the 360 and PC for obvious reasons.

If you read the whole thread you stated, you didnt read it close enough
just wondering myself. I have a Wii and an xbox 360 with a 1080p TV. ive seen gears of war at its best but have been really dying to play ::: RESISTANCE: FALL OF MAN :::. for the PS3. how do you think Graphics compare to the Gears of War.?

and how is the gameplay compare to gears. I didnt like gears at all shitty game so would getting ::: RESISTANCE: FALL OF MAN ::: be worth it.

Different games. Gears is more of a "duck and cover" style shooter, while Resistance is very much a normal straight ahead run and gun FPS. If you don't like Gears, shooters in general might not be your thing. Either that or you don't really care for the cover system.
Anyway, Resistance is a pretty good game, but nothing amazing. It's kind of like a hybrid of Call of Duty and Halo. The first half might as well be Call of Duty with aliens shooting at you instead of Nazis. The 2nd half reminds me of Halo. Graphics are good, but I think Gears definitely has better. One nice thing is once you win the game, you get new weapons when you go back through. They're nothing to write home about, but it's a nice touch.
If you like straight ahead shooters like Halo, Painkiller, Call of Duty's mission play, etc. you'll likely enjoy it. It's a good game, but I think Gears is better in almost every way.
I voted for the 360 ..tho I don't own , nor have ever played with a wii or PS3 .. the 360 has many attractive features that sold me on it when I was looking into getting a console

The game library including the BC titles are fairly extensive
The dashboard is extremely easy to use
Online play is easy to get into
Integration with my PC adds another dimension to my 360 and truely enhances the overall "media" aspect of the system.
The HD-DVD player (sold seperately) is not integrated into the unit and can work on a PC

The only drawback that is of possible concern , as already mentioned, is the quality of the build of the 360 ... I'm on my 2nd unit now and tho some have had no issues with their consoles, others can tell tales of horror and woe with theirs ..

..was just thinking , couldnt Microsoft (like they did with the HD-DVD) make a Blue-Ray player to plug into a USB port should that format win the "format wars"...?
LOL, you hate MS's business practices and yet you're OK with Sony's? Dear god, talk about a double fucking standard, LOL. Apparently bundling software for free is evil, but flat out LYING and INSULTING your own customer base over and over and over again while shoveling unwanted technology down their throats at a $200 premium is A-OK, right?

As for the Wii, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about, so it's pointless to even discuss the issue with you. Enjoy your PS3 while far more of us enjoy our Wii's as it continues to outship and outsell PS3 month in and month out. Don't expect that to change anytime soon, either. PS3= Playstation in 3rd Place.

It's the buying up of every good dev company and causing them to start producing shit games that bothers me in terms of the 360. No other company has the kind of money MS does to just buy these companies and force them to be exlcusive.

I like how I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about yet I've owned a Wii for 2 months. You have no idea what you're talking about so shut the fuck up.
It's the buying up of every good dev company and causing them to start producing shit games that bothers me in terms of the 360. No other company has the kind of money MS does to just buy these companies and force them to be exlcusive.

I like how I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about yet I've owned a Wii for 2 months. You have no idea what you're talking about so shut the fuck up.


DMA is the master of bashing the 360 and ps3 yet owns neither. Then there are us who own(ed) all three and still are clearly in the wrong with our opinions. Starting to wonder why the bitterness. Perhaps a left out feeling?
360. Why? XBL.

BUT, I did not choose it because I am very sure of its victory. To be honest, any system can win right now. I just think it's the awesomeness of XBL that will really hold the 360 through, especially with the release of halo 3 (even though I didn't like halo 2:(). I will probably own either a PS3 or a Wii in the near future. Just waiting for games that will turn me over...*watches the horrid gameplay movie of Lair for the PS3 @ kotaku and sobs*

DMA is the master of bashing the 360 and ps3 yet owns neither. Then there are us who own(ed) all three and still are clearly in the wrong with our opinions. Starting to wonder why the bitterness. Perhaps a left out feeling?

No offence to voodoo, but his comments are retarded.... MS doesn't own that many dev companies and definitely not the major ones. And why would MS buying a company make them produce shit? If anything the extra capital would help the developers make a better game. It's just pure MS hate BS.

I think the votes speak for themselves.

Another thing I noticed is how the smallest majority is the loudest.... its like they are brainwashed. It has "potential"! lol well no shit. All the consoles have equal potential. The only thing that matters is what the system delivers and imo the xbox360 is the system delivering right now; games, XBL, arcade games, demos, Intergrated features (friends list, vioce chat, background downloading, background music, etc.) and more.
For now, I chose Xbox360. I love the Wii, but it needs more games asap.

I voted 360 also. I just offed my Wii honestly because of the lack of games. Everything thats out is a party game now. BooooooOOooring. Seems like ive done this with every nintendo system, except the DS since the N64. They just dont keep any good stuff coming after release, at least not for a year.

Nothing on the immediate horizon looks promising either, and everygame that comes out when reviewed has its "cons" listed as "frustrating controls".
I'm pretty sure the Wii is going to be the winner this gen. Looking at the sales and how they increases really fast and the stocks in stores go out fast you could already tell its going to sell millions. Xbox360 will hold its ground at a steady pace but most likely the Wii is going to catch up and mosts likely pass it up at this rate.PS3 will still be at the same position it is now lol. Not super sure about the future but right now you already know how well all systems are doing by just going into the store and asking them if they have it in stock ;)
I'm pretty sure the Wii is going to be the winner this gen. Looking at the sales and how they increases really fast and the stocks in stores go out fast you could already tell its going to sell millions. Xbox360 will hold its ground at a steady pace but most likely the Wii is going to catch up and mosts likely pass it up at this rate.PS3 will still be at the same position it is now lol. Not super sure about the future but right now you already know how well all systems are doing by just going into the store and asking them if they have it in stock ;)

Its way to early to call that. Reports are saying the Demand for Wii is waning and that its possibly reached its peak. Plus with NO good games on the horizon for the Wii and plenty of good 360 and PS3 games in the next 3 months, time will really tell. The wii's library is just as mediocre, if you will, as the PS3s at this point. Aside from Zelda, and a buncha party games, what else is there to keep it interesting? No online yet, no other great single player experiences to be had.

Im just stating the otherside, we know the PS3 has a mediocre library also. The 360 is truly the only system that looks in great shape right now.

Imo the Wii is still just a big fad and once ppl get bored with it, like i have, they will be shelving it to collect dust. Also Conker, check the PS3 sales from JAN, they are almost matching the 360, and have increased, even with the 600 price tag. Doesnt look like its going to be staying behind for that long. Especially with the game releases coming up.

I honestly dont think there will be any clear cut winner this gen. Its gonna end up all pretty mashed together. Which is good. More choices for consumers.
Plus with NO good games on the horizon for the Wii and plenty of good 360 and PS3 games in the next 3 months, time will really tell. The wii's library is just as mediocre, if you will, as the PS3s at this point. Aside from Zelda, and a buncha party games, what else is there to keep it interesting? No online yet, no other great single player experiences to be had.

I completely agree that there aren't many games available for the Wii right now, but beyond Zelda I've really enjoyed CoD 3, Elebits, Trauma Center, and WarioWare (obviously WW is a party game). In the near future I'm really looking forward to SSX Blur, Prince of Persia RS, Blazing Angels, Godfather: Blackhand Edition, MoH, Super Paper Mario, Tiger Woods PGA Tour, and Mortal Kombat Armageddon. Those are all being released in or before April, which gives a decent list of titles to look forward to in the near future while we all wait for Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brothers, and Metroid Prime to arrive.

Heck, I never thought I'd take advantage of the GC backwards compatibility, but now I realized I've missed so many good games that I have those to fill up the lull. I think a lot of this lull is due to developers not wanting to support a system that could go bust; now that the lag from developers waiting to see whether the system will catch on has passed, I expect to see a number of very good and innovative titles arriving for the Wii. Just like the DS, I think great things are inevitable.
I voted for the Wii because I think it's the only console pushing the boudnaries of what games are supposed to be. If I need more EA sequels I can buy a PS3 or 360, and if I want good graphics and great multiplayer I can go upstairs to my PC.

I think we may see a lot more support from 3rd party developers for the Wii in the future, since I suspect developers just realized that they can put together a fairly easy game to program (IE: Gamecube game with Wii controls) and sell it to tons of non-gamers, as well as gamers. If I were a game executive, I'd be salivating over the thought of all those families, senior citizens, and other new gamers who will find the Gamecube-quality graphics amazing, and who are scared shitless of the number of buttons on the PS3 and 360 controllers.

Also, the Wii apparently prints money.
looks like the PS3 isn't doing as bad as most the internet seems to think it is

TAKE THAT BACK! This is the internet, pal. Everything on it is FACT.
That chart you posted is flawed.

Why not start with the actual release of the Xbox 360. And compare sales curves. Sales spiked HIGH around the release and right now the ps3 is only outselling it by thousands of units a month. to make real headway it would need to sell hundrededs of thousands more. Like oh I don't know... the Wii perahps?

Yes the PS3 is managing to have competitive sales with the 360. Good for it. BUT it is very lackluster compared to what they NEEDED the sales to be.
I voted for the Wii because I think it's the only console pushing the boudnaries of what games are supposed to be.

..in my opinion , if a game is fun/enjoyable/appealing ... then that is what the game is supposed to be.

whether that game is on a an X360, PS3 or a Wii ...makes no difference

some say the Wii's controls are gimmicky ..I say , so what if they are ..if it's fun then who cares.

..well the PS3 and X360 have to many buttons .. umm , says who? That same person is probably afraid of typing on a keyboard or using a phone too eh? ..wow , so many buttons!

Console bashing seems to be the latest forum fad and it's getting pretty ridiculous in my opinion.

My name is ThreeDee ...and I own an XBox 360

looks like the PS3 isn't doing as bad as most the internet seems to think it is

The PS3 has yet to outsell the 360 head-to-head. While that could happen as soon as this month (though I doubt it), it's going to be pretty hard for Sony to catch MS when they don't sell as many units per month.
It's the buying up of every good dev company and causing them to start producing shit games that bothers me in terms of the 360. No other company has the kind of money MS does to just buy these companies and force them to be exlcusive.

I like how I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about yet I've owned a Wii for 2 months. You have no idea what you're talking about so shut the fuck up.

Ah, I see the CHILD portion of your handle is at least accurate. As far as your retardo claim that MS is "buying every good dev and causing them to produce shit games" comment, you evidence your ignorance even further. What devs have they "caused to start producing shit games"? Which games specifically? Sure, some devs produce shit games from time to time, that's just a fact of life, and not one developer on this *planet* has been immune from it.

Your view of the situation is, however, typical of an ignorant child just looking for something to rant about.

DMA is the master of bashing the 360 and ps3 yet owns neither. Then there are us who own(ed) all three and still are clearly in the wrong with our opinions. Starting to wonder why the bitterness. Perhaps a left out feeling?

No, nimrod, I do in fact own a 360 and have since May of 2006, which is why I know that it's a piece of trash in terms of build quality (I'm on 360 #4). Pleasant to see your ignorance however.

I do not own a PS3, however, nor have I any intention of doing so. It's a disaster of a console with the king of unethical corporations promoting it, and perhaps more importantly I refuse to contribute to a company who's intentionally attempting to take gaming away from the masses and turn it into a rich, elitist hobby that only the wealthy can afford.
No, nimrod, I do in fact own a 360 and have since May of 2006, which is why I know that it's a piece of trash in terms of build quality (I'm on 360 #4). Pleasant to see your ignorance however.

I do not own a PS3, however, nor have I any intention of doing so. It's a disaster of a console with the king of unethical corporations promoting it, and perhaps more importantly I refuse to contribute to a company who's intentionally attempting to take gaming away from the masses and turn it into a rich, elitist hobby that only the wealthy can afford.

Thanks,we all know your opinion by now, its actually just rhetoric, and the PS3 is slowly showing your view on it up. So, im looking forward to the next year and your hateful comments toward it even becoming more and more insignificant. I am just curious why such hate. It boggles me. I mean, its pure hatred you have. If you dont like it, dont bother with it, thats cool.
Ah, I see the CHILD portion of your handle is at least accurate. As far as your retardo claim that MS is "buying every good dev and causing them to produce shit games" comment, you evidence your ignorance even further. What devs have they "caused to start producing shit games"? Which games specifically? Sure, some devs produce shit games from time to time, that's just a fact of life, and not one developer on this *planet* has been immune from it.

Your view of the situation is, however, typical of an ignorant child just looking for something to rant about.

Your ignorance is amazing.

Apparently Jimi Hendrix or even SRV managed to have their amazing musical careers without one notice from you.

Go back to fluffing Billy boy.
Thanks,we all know your opinion by now, its actually just rhetoric, and the PS3 is slowly showing your view on it up. So, im looking forward to the next year and your hateful comments toward it even becoming more and more insignificant. I am just curious why such hate. It boggles me. I mean, its pure hatred you have. If you dont like it, dont bother with it, thats cool.

What's even funnier is a few months ago he said Blu-Ray had no chance and I said it would win... funny how that one has turned out.

It's also ironic how he says Sony is a horrible company and he gives M$ a metaphorical blow job despite the fact they are producing a shitty product which he admits himself (4th console in a year... that's some good quality control)
I do not own a PS3, however, nor have I any intention of doing so. It's a disaster of a console with the king of unethical corporations promoting it, and perhaps more importantly I refuse to contribute to a company who's intentionally attempting to take gaming away from the masses and turn it into a rich, elitist hobby that only the wealthy can afford.

Look, we all know how you feel about Sony and the PS3. It isn't necessary for you to restate it in every thread. If you like the 360 and Wii so much better, how about go and play the two consoles you do own instead of bitching about the one that you don't own or even like? I don't care much for the 360, but I don't go aroud posting up a detailed report on my disdain for the system(or in your case, the company behind it) every chance I get. I just don't post in the 360 threads.

I don't recall that Sony ever stuck a shotgun in anyone's back and forced them to buy any of their products. If you hate this company so much, then don't buy from them. It's as simple as that.
I voted for Wii, simply because it appeals to everyone whereas the 360 does not. (PS3 isn't even a valid option... it lost.) Most of my family won't even touch a video game, much less play one for hours - until I got my Wii. Thanksgiving last year was basically eating, followed by all 8 of my family members present playing Wii Sports for around 4 hours.
I voted for Wii, simply because it appeals to everyone whereas the 360 does not. (PS3 isn't even a valid option... it lost.) Most of my family won't even touch a video game, much less play one for hours - until I got my Wii. Thanksgiving last year was basically eating, followed by all 8 of my family members present playing Wii Sports for around 4 hours.

Yep, I have many people have immensely enjoy the wii when they won't even touch regular games, Nintendo really made a brilliant marketing move to include wii sports with the wii.

right now most of the good games for the wii aren't out yet, but the wii has 3 killer games coming out later this year and it's lineup will hopefully get stronger, but even if it doesn't Wii sports and the big 3 games themselves do more then justify the purchase of the wii.
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