x1950pro for AGP is confirmed


Apr 10, 2006
It's reality, finally, a state of the art AGP card. Too bad I just upgraded to PCI-E a month ago, got tired of waiting.


Silus said:
Let's just hope the availability and prices are not as its PCI-E version.
What? You actually want to pay more then $199-229 for one?
CrimandEvil said:
What? You actually want to pay more then $199-229 for one?

You know what I meant.
X1950 Pro's availability is bad and its price was completely off the $199 mark for a while.
Dillusion said:
Why the hell would you buy an AGP card anyway. gross.

I'm guessing some people don't want to be marketing sluts?

PCI-E x1950pro cards are $199 and in stock less than a week after launch. How is that poor availability?
They're not all $199, Newegg has three listed and only one of them is $199. The ATI one is $249 and the other card is $229.

I'd hate to see how much the AGP version is.
Varmint said:
I'm guessing some people don't want to be marketing sluts?

PCI-E x1950pro cards are $199 and in stock less than a week after launch. How is that poor availability?

Care to show where ? There was hardly any card available at "launch" and the ones that did show up, had prices above the $199 mark. Even those were "out of stock". I was not the only one to point it out. There are a couple of threads that mention this aswell.
Shit, might have to get one.. Considering I'd have to buy almost another new system to make the move to pci-e, this isn't a bad little upgrade. It's not like my 3500+ is that bad, I'm really only limited by the 6800GT.. Just wondering how far ahead this is over that.. Still, definately cheaper than a new mobo, cpu, vid card, ram, and PSU.. ;)
PRIME1 said:
They really need to ramp up production.

says "In Stock" now

I would really consider getting this as I dont really have the need to upgrade my whole PC just my 6800gt. Any word when this will hit the streets
Yeah, I just saw this card on GPU Review.
It seems like a good idea, although some of its features
1950pro agp vs X850xtpe comparison
Are not as good as the X850xtPE.

I'd be interested to see, once reviews come out, as to what the performance gains are.
I still don't regret getting the 7600GT six weeks ago; even with this news. As we've said all along I'd expect initial pricing to be closer to $229-249 which given the price and performance of a 7800GS is still competitive and good.

Although I suppose if someone would willing to buy my 7600GT for say $150 I'd be willing to part with another $50-80 for the x1950pro; maybe
$229 to $249? Ha! More like $329 to $349 at first, settling down to the high 200's.

As for performance, though, I guarantee it will smoke an X850 XT PE like it's standing still, regardless of a slight disadvantage in pixeling and texturing.
Wait for the G80 to launch and the DX10 fad to officially kick off and this will become "old tech" pretty fast. Hopefully that will mean the prices will go down because I really want one; that is unless they release a DX10 AGP card :eek: ;) :(
After purchasing my 6800GS when it first came out, this could be the only thing worth buying that would give me a decent gain in performance (other than the 7800GS). I was really planning on not spending money on anything for my current rig, and just getting a whole new setup maybe next summer. But depending on prices of this card when it comes out maybe I will have to jump on it.

But then maybe i'm just beating a dead horse. I'm so confused :confused:
fellows said:
Yeah, I just saw this card on GPU Review.
It seems like a good idea, although some of its features
1950pro agp vs X850xtpe comparison
Are not as good as the X850xtPE.

I'd be interested to see, once reviews come out, as to what the performance gains are.

Thats funny, an x1950pro would desimate that x850xtpe. Still love the x850 tho, card holds up very well for it's age
so which would be a better buy?

the xfx 7600gt agp or this x1950pro?
By better buy what exactly do you mean?? If you mean bang for your $$$ then we dont know since there is no price for the agp version. If you just mean which performs better, then the obvious choice is the x1950
I've been looking hard and heavy at the xfx version, but then they mentioned about the x1950... I love waiting for a product to become in stock then buying it, then finding out you can get a better kind if you would have waited..
UrbN said:
I've been looking hard and heavy at the xfx version, but then they mentioned about the x1950... I love waiting for a product to become in stock then buying it, then finding out you can get a better kind if you would have waited..
Yeah but that is always true no matter what
I have an x850XT with a Barton OC'd to 2.4Ghz. Will I see increased performance from moving up to an X1950 AGP card or is the CPU a bottleneck?
speculative said:
I have an x850XT with a Barton OC'd to 2.4Ghz. Will I see increased performance from moving up to an X1950 AGP card or is the CPU a bottleneck?

Well I think you would definitely see an improvement as far as FPS goes, but most likely your Barton will be holding you back from the true power of an x1950pro. In newer-gen games, especially games that utilize 2 cores, your CPU will be a major bottleneck. And in my opinion if you are playing a game where the CPU isn't a bottleneck, the x800xt should be able to handle it pretty nicely.

I would think with the current set-up you have, your money would be better spent with a new mobo/cpu... even newer low-end offerings should be better than what you currently have. Just get a skt939 board with PCI-e that way you can keep your DDR RAM.

That's my 2 pennies :)
yes sorry... I do realize that PCI-X is an extension of the standard PCI slot. Don't mean to be confusing. I meant PCI-e... previous post was edited for my stupidity :p
Shader heavy games will show better performance. Otherwise the x1950pro is not that great of an upgrade from the x8x00 class cards.