X-Wing and Tie Fighter games


Limp Gawd
Sep 17, 2004
I was wondering what the latest X-Wing or Tie Fighter game was? The last one I played was X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter and I loved it. I was wondering if there was a newer one out and what you guys think about it. I'm pretty sure I've never played a more fun space sim than these games and want to get some space action going at the next lan.
X-Wing Vs. tie Fighter was the last one I am familiar with...to date there has been other games allowing you to fly either for brief periods but not the whole game based on that concept...been a long time since I seen one...sorry for being no help...lol
If I'm not mistaken I believe that was the last in the series of Star Wars space combat sims.

Edit: Dang! Beat by a few seconds... :D
that sucks they haven't made any newer ones, those were really fun games. I could see a really fun game being made with those mechanics and updated graphics and physics and whatnot...
As far as I'm aware Xwing: Alliance was the last one. X-wing vs. Tie Fighter was the best, though. One of my favorite games ever...and hands down the best space flight sim ever.
That is incorrect.

X-wing Alliance was the most recent one. It is probably the second best one. Tie fighter probably beats it but alliance attempted to add an RPG flair to playing as a Smuggler/trader who eventually joins the alliance.

Xwing alliance had by far the best simulator and it lets you make rather extensive scenarios if you get good with it.

You will be in for a treat since Xwing vs tie was the worst game in the series hands down.

XvT 's claim to fame was its great as a highly customizeable internet game in the era before internet gaming was popular. I dont understand why people say it was the best. I have owned all 4 games and i must say i feel xwing vs tie was kinda a waste of money compared to the others. Why pay full price for a game that is essentially just a scenario builder that was imbedded in Alliance anyway a few years later. If im not mistaken you can play Imperial, Rebel, Pirate, and civilian ships in the skirmish maker just like you could Xwing -alliance. Hell if u get a mod you can even drive capital ships.

Buy Alliance you will enjoy it alot i suspect.
Have you played Tie Fighter and it's expansion? That was my favorite Star Wars space combat game.
actually i never played the expansion to tie fighter was it good? Obviously it was lol. Sad i missed it to late to go back now. The horror of playing a dos game.

Xvtie was the first of the series to use Windows 95. Required it actually
The expansion to Tie Fighter was more of the same for the most part. I think it added a couple Empire fighters in the mix and bunch more missions if I remember correctly. Fun stuff! I still have both boxes... Tie Fighter on 5 floppies and Tie Defender (I think?) on 2 floppies.
Strangely i own them all on CD. I remember being really irritated that Tie Fighter came out on Floppy disc monthes before its CD release.

I even have Xwing on CD. Funny looking back that floppies came out before cds
Rouge Squadron 3D is a current Flight Sim for Star Wars series. But it's not as fun as the X-Wing games... I also saw Battlefront II where you can fly X-Wings and stuff, but I can't confirm that for sure.
hity645 said:
Rouge Squadron 3D is a current Flight Sim for Star Wars series. But it's not as fun as the X-Wing games... I also saw Battlefront II where you can fly X-Wings and stuff, but I can't confirm that for sure.

Ya but those arent the same. Those are more arcadey imo. There is prob a better word for it then arcadey. Honestly i wouldnt be suprised if the next Xwing/tiefighter game is on the horizon. Lucas Arts as exhausted Battlefront.... empire at war.... and prob the jedi knight franchise at least for the time being. Would only make sense to go back to the Xwing series.
It's rumored that LucasArts is bringing back an old StarWars title. They haven't said which one yet. I'm praying for Tie Fighter 2! :D
What I'm afraid of is for any new Xwing/Tie Fighter game is that it's not going to come close to the original. This is due to the fact that the original development team is no longer together, LucasArts having been reorganized and their emphasis on console games. That and the on-again/off-again saga of Sam 'n Max.

That being said, their latest PC-only RTS title gives hope that they might still have a little magic to 'em.
Torgo said:
What I'm afraid of is for any new Xwing/Tie Fighter game is that it's not going to come close to the original. This is due to the fact that the original development team is no longer together, LucasArts having been reorganized and their emphasis on console games. That and the on-again/off-again saga of Sam 'n Max.

That being said, their latest PC-only RTS title gives hope that they might still have a little magic to 'em.

I dont know if Lucas Arts would still go in house for making a game, hopefully they would just pick a really good developer who could do the series justice. The great thing about Empire at War is that they went with Petroglyph Games to make it and that company is made up of RTS veterans from Westwood (Command and Conquer series) so the game came out well. Unfortunately there isn't too many companies out there who could do the X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter series and space combat genre justice.
you cant bring the up the game Tie Fighter without throwing out major props. It and Wing Commander were the best space sims ever created hands down. And these two games are among the best games ever made in terms of their story and great gameplay. Very awesome for not only their time but even now. I dont think anyone who popped them in a seriously gave them a go would be able to set them down without beating them.
Xwing Allinace is prob the 2nd best of the series, with Tie Fighter being the best. XvT was a paid for test of network play, though it was fun 2 manning Star destroyers in a pair of Y-wings.

Space combat simulators (Freespace 2 and Xwing orignal for life)
Adventure games (Monkey Island and King's Quest)

RIP =(
X-Wing: Alliance was the last Star Wars sim.

I used to play Tie Fighter and Defender of the Empire (That was the expansion, I think. It had you flying the TIE Defender a lot, and introduced the Missile Boat, which was super bad ass. Dual missile pods that could fit 80 advanced concussion missiles, very strong shields too, but it had only 1 laser cannon. Oh, and it had the boost too, so when you hit N, it'd drain your laser energy and double your speed.) for days. I had a mission editor too, it was text and hex based.

I tried getting back into Alliance, since I never beat it, but after playing Freespace and Freespace 2, the Lucas fighters just don't do it... they feel like you're in a stationary bubble, shooting at moving targets whereas the FS series feels like you're in an epic war.
Tie Fighter was definitely the best. I think I was in the Emperors 7th circle
I generally dislike flight/space sim games, just not my thing. Not quite sure why.

Tie Fighter, I LOVED. Goddamn that game was good. It really taught me to hate those rebel scum with a passion.
Yeah tie fighter was quite a treat...damn good game it was. I had xwing and tie fighter both in original 5-floppy format (my old ibm 386 really had a hard time with tie fighter in particular...more than 2 capital ships and it slowed to a crawl). And I still currently have (and routinely play!) xwing vs. tie fighter, the expansion (balance of power), and xwing alliance. Damn they're fun.
I have to agree newer games deffinately look better, but the fun I had playing the star wars games was awesome. I absolutely loved Tie fighter and XvTie was the last one I played in the series. A buddy of mine is bringing over Alliance this weekend. I think I will go out and get freespace 2 also and do a fun-o-meter comparison. Does anyone know of any new space sims that are coming out that would rival Alliance or freespace 2? Just got a bad craving for space flight sims.... And not games like Rouge Squadron wich are just shoot em up arcade style, I'm not into those much.
I have yet to find another space sim like the X-Wing/Tie-Fighter series. Nothing as intense as dogfighting in an A-Wing near an imperial capital ship and constantly juggling your meager power between shields, weapons and engines :D

My favorite ship in X-Wing was the A-Wing, then Tie Fighter came along (basically scaled down A-Wings). It was kinda unsettling working for the dark side at first, but then i started enjoying taking out those pesky resistance.

Die Rebel Scum!!!
TIE Fighter indeed kicked ass....it was one of the last real "technical" star wars space sims. Juggling shield power, tractor beam in the Defender while dodging fire...ahh, much more sim as opposed to arcade. Who can forget the arbitrary units of hull strength, RBU? :D X-Wing Alliance I viewed as basically a modernized version of X-Wing/TIE Fighter, except of course, you're on the Alliance side. Oh, and my joystick actually worked really well in Alliance...it was a bit "hackish" in TIE Fighter.
Sly said:
I have yet to find another space sim like the X-Wing/Tie-Fighter series. Nothing as intense as dogfighting in an A-Wing near an imperial capital ship and constantly juggling your meager power between shields, weapons and engines :D

My favorite ship in X-Wing was the A-Wing, then Tie Fighter came along (basically scaled down A-Wings). It was kinda unsettling working for the dark side at first, but then i started enjoying taking out those pesky resistance.

Die Rebel Scum!!!

The closest thing has been the Rogue Squadron/Rogue Leader series on the Nintendo consoles. The Gamecube iterations, especially, had gotten me close to my fond memories of the X/T series'. Not quite there, but damn close. If you've got a Gamecube, give them a try. In the mean time, I'm gonna go find my X-Wing vs Tie Fighter floppies :D
X-Wing Alliance was my favorite. The scenario builder was EPIC. You could re-create the final battle in Return of the Jedi (almost exactly, it's missing a few ships). Who doesn't want to blow up the shield generator of a star destroyer in an A-wing then watch it get blown to pieces by allied capital ships?
the Xwing Alliance Upgrade project is very good, especially if you haven't played alliance at all. Then it's all new game for you, with nearly current graphics.

Also, look at the "Source Code Project" for Freespace, which, like the XWAUP, significantly increases the graphics to "current" levels.
General Crespin said:
For anyone who has XWA, visit www.xwaupgrade.com and drool.

There is also a project in the works to convert XWAUP OPTs to XvT, and I vaguely recall one for TIE Fighter but I have no idea what happened to it.

And if anyone wants a mission editor, check out http://www.troyed.com/x-wing/ , AlliED is a very powerful tool.

sigh, now i have to find the game to install it again
i just bought the game xwa, but i am having trouble getting it to run om my 2005fpw :(
Does anyone remember if XWA had good options for controller customization (like which axes did what, button assignments, etc.)? I would love to play it with all of the XWAUP stuff but all I have is a gamepad (Nyko Airflo) and I'd need to be able to fine-tune things to get the most out of it.