WU stopped half way through


Oct 23, 2003
This was wierd.
My best folder just got done crunching through a P1477 and picked up another one immediately after. It made it to 47 (out of 100) and then I got this message:

[08:23:17] Completed 58750 out of 125000 steps. (47)
[08:40:27] Gromacs cannot continue further.
[08:40:27] Going to send back what have done.
[08:40:27] Logfile size: 17139
[08:40:27] - Writing 17675 bytes of core data to disk...
[08:40:27] Done: 17163 -> 3742 (compressed to 21.8 percent)
[08:40:27] ...Done.
[08:40:28] Folding@home Core Shutdown: EARLY_UNIT_END
[08:40:31] CoreStatus = 72 (114)
[08:40:31] Sending work to server

What causes this?

At least there is a redeeming factor here, my next WU is a P1150 600 pointer. :D
Several things can cause that. Over heating of the CPU, unstable RAM, and Low Voltage etc. On the other hand it could have been just a bad random error. It does happen, but shouldn’t happen very often on a stable machine.

Before you get too far into that 600 pointer I’d shut down and find the problem, if there is one. Try running Prime95 for a few hours; if you can do that then I’d say the error was random. If you can’t prime, start by checking your CPU temps, cleaning out that HSF and fan, case fans etc. If that doesn’t make you stable back down your over clock (if you are over clocked) and try that.

Keep in mine Prim95 is not a flaky program, if it errors you have a problem.

Let us know how you make out, we are here to help