WTS: Mac Mini (Core Solo)

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Mar 1, 2011
Currently Upgrading to Core 2 Duo Processors and will be available for sale next week. I will have 2 machines at least, possibly 3.

Comes with: Mac Mini and power adapter

Price: $175 shipped and guaranteed non DOA. Shoot me offers if you think this is too high and we may be able to work something out based on your location.

Here is my heat: http://www.heatware.com/eval.php?pagenum=2&id=25523

Paypal/Amazon Payments accepted.
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tagged as well, gonna see if anyone at work is interested in these
Bump for question: Can we upgrade the ram and HDD?

These are selling like hotcakes. I'm going to be getting another batch of these in soon as well, but some may be a different model. I'll update the OP once I know the specifics later today.
Bump - Stock is updated and older Mac Mini's added at a lower price point.
Bump. I took some time while wiping these machines to pause and use one for a few hours yesterday. I was amazed at how snappy it still performs with a clean install.

Multiple unit discounts as well!

These are great for family members too. My grandmother loves hers. You can set it up for there literally to just be the internet and photos buttons!
Core 2 Duos are now gone.

Core Solo's still remaining! I'm open to offers :)
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What is going on with the forums... I have been having a heck of a time logging on and PMing.
I am not getting in any more Core 2 Duo for the near future unfortunately. **EDIT** I do have 2 more that a buyer has not picked up yet (local sale). If they do not, the 2 will be up for grabs.

But these Core Solo's honestly go blow for blow with the C2D. Literally the ONLY place I have seen a difference is in HD flash video where the Core Solo lags a bit. However, if you use a browser extension to show HTML5 video over Flash on sites like Youtube, NHL.com, etc, I wouldn't know what machine I was using. HTML5 HD video, hardware accelerated video like Plex/XBMC works fine.... plus for things like a home server, this has plenty of power.
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Only 2 of these great little machines left!

All previous sales were shipped today, so they are on their way and tracking info provided!
The c2d's are gone. I wasn't selling them for enough I guess based on how fast they went! They are all already out the door.

2 core solo machines left!


Make me an offer on these. I'll consider low balls. Looking to move these last 2!

If they don't sell, I'm going to upgrade the processor (to core 2 duos) myself this weekend and put them up for sale at the higher price point next week!
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This is the last bump for this thread before I let it go dormant. I will be upgrading the processors this weekend to Core 2 Duo and re-selling these as Core 2 Duo Mac Mini's next week. Send me a PM if you're interested and we can lock it up before they even hit the market!
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