WTS Geforce 6800 GT 256mb agp


Apr 29, 2002
used for only 4 months mint condition

want to sell geforce 6800 GT 256 agp for $200 (price negotiable)
Gave you an offer on the 6800 in your Personal Mail. Get back to me this morning.

Hey James! Selling your card already?? Didn't enjoy it?

BTW this is Steven

Free bump for you!
I can vouch for him. Good friend of mine. He's the one that got me started here in HardOCP :)
I believe he RMAed his mobo at the end. I went over to his house two weeks ago and his board was in the process of being RMAed.
yea I RMAed my board because of it. i have since tested the card on 4 other computers. they all worked fine except for my ax4c. I got irritated and decided to switch to ATI. the x800 pro didnt come for me yet but as far as I know the newer generation cards only have 2 cuts on the agp interface instead of 3 on the older cards. maybe thats the problem. Any way if the ATI doenst work either im going to have to get a new motherboard.
Do you take non verified cc paypal ? IF so only some heat or feedback will hold me back from it. DIBS
blah... I guess I'll do another favor. He doesn't really post much here nor visit for that matter.

Anyhow, as of yesterday, he told me he sold the card on Ebay already.

Mod please delete this thread as I am pretty sure he won't :)