WTB: Nintendo64 64DD Disk Drive


Mar 21, 2003
I know this is a long shot, but I have long sought a Nintendo64 64DD Disk Drive which was only ever released in Japan. If anybody has one and looking to part ways, please let me know.

Gl finding one in the US, they were only released in asia and in very very small numbers. The fun thing will be if you do find one you're gonna need a Japan N64 to use it I believe.
Only need a JN64 if you want to play a game which also requires a cartridge (F-Zero and Expansion).
I think they were released in the US, but only on a lease bases and they would send you the games and stuff, but I think you eventually had to send them back. Doubt anyone got to hold onto them (sorta like the electric car, except the DD didn't blow up on you and burn you alive). Zelda OOC Master Quest was eventually released for the Game Cube, can't remember any other games.
Never realased outside Japan. About 15,000 made and only available through the Randner supscription service.