WTB: HL2 Voucher


Apr 19, 2003
Im looking for an unused HL2 voucher, becuase I want to beta test CS Source. Make an offer..
for one u can't buy or sell anything given for free....read the hard rules :) and have an awsome night :)
hmm.. the examples given for that rule arent exactly the same, but i see your point. Anyone care to sell me a case screw for say, $30 and happen to include a free hl2 voucher :p
a bit OT:but is cs: source now available to those with vouchers? or is that based on speculation?
cs:s is going to be released for beta testing to people who own cs:cz first... i think the voucher thing is just a rumor
pretty sure voucher has been confirmed, since cs:s comes with hl2 anyways. Valve cybercafes get it first, followed by cs:cz and vouchers.
since when did cybercafe's get it first ? =P i work at one and i havnt recieved any notification of that, they just let us preorder 3 months of licencing at a special rate for when hl2 and cs:s come out
wow cannot wait for cs:s, really happy that they are keeping it free with HL2 :D