WTB - Dead CPU's

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Limp Gawd
Mar 7, 2005
Howdy, I am doing a little decorating in my office. Most of which is my old computer parts. I have my space for mobo's and video cards just about filled up, but I only have one CPU on display. (I got the idea from several pics I have seen here in the [H]forums). So, what I am looking for is any non-working CPUs. Keep in mind this is just for decoration, so I don't have a bundle of $$ to dish out. However, I would really like to see some CPU's that were the most expensive of their kind at the time they debuted. I would really like to have a couple Athlon64 FX's on display but I will look at anything you guys have to offer. So, if you guys are like me and have hardware laying around that you OC'd just a bit too much, drop me a PM.
i could sell you a whole bunch of old cpus id have to dig them out. like p1, a p2 things like that.
You're dreaming if you think someone is going to sell you a fried fx cpu on here. You'd have trouble finding an A64 one, not to mention it's not going to probably be at a reasonable price.
I have a fried Tbird, like 1.2ish ghz and 2 fried Athlon XP's- 1 is 1600+ the other is like 2000+ or something. Let me know if these would be of some interest.
pm sent. Got a friend who is willing to sell his fried 2.8 Ghz P4 with a hole drilled throuhg it and a working p1 and p3.
I found a local computer shop with a bunch of them lying around - thanks anyways guys :D
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