WTB Combo, Video Card, and SSD


Limp Gawd
Jan 22, 2010
I've got a buddy that is in the market for a new combo. I'm looking for both Intel or Ryzen, 16GB of ram, at least a 500GB SSD, and 1070 or better. I'm willing to buy from separate people, but if you have the full combo it will be a quick sale.

My zipcode is 79110, so please include shipping in your price when you PM me what you've got. paying with paypal.

Thanks guys
Might help noting what generation you’re looking for, budget range, or maybe just what he has currently looking to upgrade from?
Might help noting what generation you’re looking for, budget range, or maybe just what he has currently looking to upgrade from?

He's upgrading from an ASUS laptop with an i7 (not sure the generation, it's 3 years old), GTX 980M, and 16GB with a SSD. As far as budget, i'd like to stay under 600 with the card if possible. As far as what generation, i'm pretty open. I'm thinking something around a 6700k or better. I forgot to mention he streams on twitch, and i'm wanting to get him something beefy enough to do the single PC stream.

Thanks again guys