WTB:4x120 Fans,Red Cathodes,Fan Controllers, Case Stuff

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Limp Gawd
Nov 21, 2006
well like title says im a go into cooling right now, so im looking for the following, im open for deals.


4x120 Fans-$5 shipped each.$18 for all 4 from same buyer
*pm me specs and such, i would buy red led fans in a heartbeat*

Red Cathodes Kits-$8 Shipped For Pair Kit, 4 Shipped For Solo

Fan Controllers-$10 Shipped
*Prefer Vantec or anything that controls 4 fans and has red led or no leds*

Fan Grills-$5 Shipped
*anything cool or normal*

Power Supply-$50 Shipped
*im only lookin for solid psus at the moment, thats my starting askin price, im open for offers for a good psu*

Rainbow Six Vegas-$15

Payment:paypal CC
Communication:private Messaging or Xfire (juanthapimp)
Shipping:Ups W/Trackin
well sorry no im not www.svc.com even tho i recommend them alot.. not a huge selection and don't always get your order right but they are close every time! One problem they have is not telling you something is out of stock and holding your order up.. anyway


bump - ive got 4 red LED fans, 2 red cold cathode tubes coming soon, a red saitek eclipse keyboard and a red razer...:D Looks sweet. And no you cant have it :p

Bump BUMP.
I just received the red razer diambondback last week, and the saitek eclipse II should be here tomorrow *3 different colors*, have 2 red clear fans, 1 red cold cathode, and a new smidolon case w/ blue neon lights attached to the front chassis *came that way*

/ bump
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