WSUS 3.0 SP2 Installation - Remote DB Debacle


Jan 8, 2003
This is my little story on installing WSUS 3.0 SP2 on to Server 2008 and utilizing a remote DB running SQL 2008. I thought it would be helpful to share my experience with the [H]orde to save anyone else planning on doing this a whole bunch of wasted time and head-scratching. It took me at least 3 hours to actually get this installed and figure out what was going on.

I consider myself fairly savvy having worked as a Net Admin for a number of years now, and even if I don't know the solution to a problem I'm fairly good at figuring it out (translation: proficient google-searcher ;)). Combine this with the fact that I've installed and setup WSUS before I didn't really think this would be much of a problem.

So I proceed with my install going right along with the MS instructions with no problem, I go to select my remote DB server at the point that you do so during the install and after trying to connect I get the common "Invalid Connection" error. No big deal- I figure I haven't setup Kerberos or the SPN correctly, I go and check and turns out they're fine. Maybe it's something with the windows Firewall- nope, the connections are all allowed through (I even turned it completely off on both systems just to check). So I start to verify permissions and check my WSUS install file, I'm digging through the install log, I try different DB servers, I even install the SQL client- this list goes on and on but nothing works.

So I'm on my second day today and am back at it and during what seems like my 500th attempt at the install I'm going through it and I go to fast and go next when entering the remote DB server forget to enter the instance name- but the next thing I know... IT WORKS. For those of you who've looked at the official Microsoft docs you'll notice that they clearly specify you need to enter <servername>\<instancename> when installing WSUS. Apparently this is actually NOT the case, and if you try it that way it won't actually work. :mad:

After discovering this minor typo I thought I might share my experience so that when it comes time for someone else to install it they can save themselves some time and aggravation.
Had the same problem, and the firewall in windows who somehow activated itself!
people might also want to enable tcp/ip remote connection throught the configuration manager for sql.
The reason you only need the server name is because you're connecting to the default instance (MSSQLSERVER). If you'd created a separate named instance (say WSUS), then you'd use SERVER\WSUS.

Same thing if you use Management Studio to connect to the server. You just put in SERVER, not SERVER\MSSQLSERVER.

Haha, I didn't even notice the original post was over a year old. Whoops!