WoW; 7th expansion Battle for Azeroth

This morning I was kicked out of my guild :(. Complete shock, jaw drop.

I was newer to this Guild, as of pre expansion for BfA. I never made any rude or racist or sexist comments, I'm not like that. I never made fun of others. No way.

But I did ask questions about my class a lot. And the lady GM just had this snobby attitude Everytime I asked in G chat. Like bitchy sny remarks. I always brushed it off.

Today I asked another class specific question, she said "Just Google it and stop asking this stuff".

Others replied, saying isn't it alright to ask game questions and stuff ? She said "Sometimes people aren't the right fit". Then boom removed from Guild. All 4 of my chracters. And removed from their FB page.

I whispers her politely, asked hey what's up what did I do ? She said you seem like a nice guy, but putting you on ignore and you'll find another guild.
This morning I was kicked out of my guild :(. Complete shock, jaw drop.

I was newer to this Guild, as of pre expansion for BfA. I never made any rude or racist or sexist comments, I'm not like that. I never made fun of others. No way.

But I did ask questions about my class a lot. And the lady GM just had this snobby attitude Everytime I asked in G chat. Like bitchy sny remarks. I always brushed it off.

Today I asked another class specific question, she said "Just Google it and stop asking this stuff".

Others replied, saying isn't it alright to ask game questions and stuff ? She said "Sometimes people aren't the right fit". Then boom removed from Guild. All 4 of my chracters. And removed from their FB page.

I whispers her politely, asked hey what's up what did I do ? She said you seem like a nice guy, but putting you on ignore and you'll find another guild.

Seems like a douchey guild to me.
Seems like a douchey guild to me.

Only reason I joined them I research they been a Guild since 2006 and have a very active membership. But I do see a lot of numbers always joining usually Guilds are more selective but on a daily basis I'll see a couple people added to the guild all the time.

but a few guys I made close friendships with, they were newer to the guild too and some of us have a dark sense of humor and comedy and would say some crude just silly jokes not against any players but just in general funny comments and we would get Whispers from the GM that that wasn't allowed
Well I did something different, Faction transferred to Alliance on my 110 DK.

Used to be Alliance from Vanilla to Wrath, then been Horde since then, so need a change of pace, new expansion, new Faction to me in 8 years, and will find a new Guild.

I changed my Death Knight into a female Night Elf, and holy cow the plate gear looks AMAZING the TW19a andT21 sets look outa this world.

I also want Void Elf race, will wrap up the rep needed, will use the DK for that. Think I only need exalted with Argusson Reach and they should unlock the Voids. I know the other requirement I have done already.
Melee dps is a pain in the ass, switching to caster dps. Unfortunately I have to grind up to 120 again. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Melee dps is a pain in the ass, switching to caster dps. Unfortunately I have to grind up to 120 again. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
do you pvp? then do not go caster. While im loving BFA's PVE content. They are not addressing ANYTHING on the PVP side. People are triple stacking Artifact powers and 1 shotting people, Moonkins are mass murdering machines with star fall. Its really really bad in arena right now. Worst its been in a long, long time.

On that note, the PVE content is absolutely amazing and cant wait to sink my teeth into the new rail and war campain.
Im a 141 ilvl VE mage and a 132 human Paladin.
Really wanted to create a Void Elf race, been waiting for Alliance to get the Blood Elf looking race, which in my opinion one of the best body types in the game, for being normal and somewhat realistic, not fat and bloated like male Humans, and not a gorilla ape like Night Elf males.

But having to go back to an old expansion and run old content and farm rep is a turnoff, I paid $50 for BfA, and also paid $50 for Legion couple years ago, why am I forced to run previous expansion old content to unlock them ?

Anyways my Blood Elf Paladin is 10k / 21k revered Arguss Reach, so do I just suck it up, and farm that now to unlock the VE's ?


But I just read up on Void Elf's again, and dang, they can't be some of my fav classes. No Paladin's, No Demon Hunters, and No Death Knight's for V Elf's. Those are my three most played classes. And even Night Elf's can't be Paladin's either ? So F it. I might not even bother now.
I was skimming over what I need to do to unlock the dark iron dwarf race......yea. That's alot of stuff. Was going to save my free 110 for a dark iron dwarf monk
My mini review real quick;

I absolutely liked Legion more at launch than BfA. When Legion launched there was a crap ton to do before you got bored, and I thought I would never say this, but I miss Artifact weapons, knowing you always had the best weapon, not waiting on a lucky drop in a dungeon or raid, and the weapon grew in power as you progressed. Yeah it need some major tweaks and revising, but could have been changed to be better and still in BfA.

And I actually miss Dalaran city, I found it much easier and faster to navigate around, and it was a great launching pad to get to the Broken Isle or Broken Shore or Argus from Krasus Landing quickly. Compared to the BfA Faction cities, they feel overly large and too spread out and complicated to get around fast. I much prefer Dal as the main city for an expansion.

And then back at Legion launch, I never once made a thread or replied to an MMO Champ thread bitching about Legion. I was too busy working on leveling up, and getting my artifact weapon, and doing class hall campaigns, and artifact appearance quests, and M+, etc...I was having a blast at Legion launch. Whereas BfA I feel sort of bored, and just not into it, and actually missing Legion.

I also do not like two separate continents for the new zones. It's sort of a pain to get from continent to the other. Why not just place like Broken Isle or Pandaria ?

And the whole world PvP stuff, just isn't my cup of tea. I know I can turn off War mode, and I did, but this expansion is forcing PvP too hard.

But it's still early on in BfA, I am still leveling alts, and only i335 geared up on one level 120 character, rest of mine are level 112 to 113. I do like the Alliance zones more when questing compared to the Horde zones. And I mainly play Horde, but one of my alts is Alliance.

Allied races are great, but not the insane grind to unlock them. Why do we have to go back to a previous outdated expansion, and farm rep in an old zone from 2 years ago to unlock a brand new BfA race ? I paid $50 for BfA, and I paid $50 for Legion couple years ago, just let me create a Void Elf already, without this grind from old expansions. I wouldn't mind the rep grind, if it was current BfA zones and a BfA faction were getting exalted with, that would be good, but not forced to go back to an old continent.

So far I think BfA is good, not great. At this time in Legion, I thought Legion was great.
you had 2 years to gain the rep for those factions in legion no one is forcing you to go back and do it now. Factions really arent a grind unless you make it one. They even made it easier in legion to gain extra rep with the faction of your choice with contacts.
Leveling up.a Night Elf DK, she's 114 now. I switched to Unholy recently after reading up on the speck and my god I've never really played Unholy before it's so fun. With two pets, and if you chose the talents you can play it like a caster or Hunter. Just hang back let your pets go to town and you cast your 30 yd spells.
Got a 43" 4K monitor to play this. WoW looks amazing in 4K and I did a quick screenshot comparison.

I hit 120 on my main (Fury Warrior) and for the most part was pretty painless until the very end (119-120) when the mobs+auto levelling started outpacing the rate I got new gear. That was bogging me down and it took what seemed like forever to kill, especially if they were in groups. Had to "cheat" a little by first freeing the friendly NPCs (guards or this or that) that helped you fight in a few places to get through.

I'm working on my other alts now (DH, Monk, DK, Hunter) and wanted to try Rogue. This morning I just used a L100 boost I had lying around to bump my L28 rogue. Playing my DH from 100-108 was like 5 buttons, but (Assassin) Rogue ... is like a billion buttons. Definitely going to be a learning curve.
I don’t know how people have time for more than one toon given all you can do in the game to progress.
I hit 120 on my main (Fury Warrior) and for the most part was pretty painless until the very end (119-120) when the mobs+auto levelling started outpacing the rate I got new gear. That was bogging me down and it took what seemed like forever to kill, especially if they were in groups. Had to "cheat" a little by first freeing the friendly NPCs (guards or this or that) that helped you fight in a few places to get through.

I'm working on my other alts now (DH, Monk, DK, Hunter) and wanted to try Rogue. This morning I just used a L100 boost I had lying around to bump my L28 rogue. Playing my DH from 100-108 was like 5 buttons, but (Assassin) Rogue ... is like a billion buttons. Definitely going to be a learning curve.

For me, 119-120 was tough because gear upgrades from quests seem rare. Usually running a few extra dungeons to get a few upgrades helps but that can be a chore(RNG might get you nothing) if you just want to hit 120 quickly. Alternative is to buy a few upgrades off the AH, nothing crazy just a few hundred gold for some greens.
I have unsubscribed because I'm a casual and BfA is not casual friendly at all.
Also, I really dislike the fact they locked a lot of content behind reputation grind, like new races which is something that was always released with a new expansion.
I paid €40 for new zones and that's it. I have been playing WoW since vanilla and this is the worst expansion ever for casuals. Enough is enough. Fuck you, Blizzard.
I have unsubscribed because I'm a casual and BfA is not casual friendly at all.
Also, I really dislike the fact they locked a lot of content behind reputation grind, like new races which is something that was always released with a new expansion.
I paid €40 for new zones and that's it. I have been playing WoW since vanilla and this is the worst expansion ever for casuals. Enough is enough. Fuck you, Blizzard.

The grinding is the same as previous expansions.
I never power level - I try to hit every quest in every zone. If I happen to hit level cap, that's just gravy on top. I don't have time to RAID or anything crazy like back in the day, so it's PvE, a little PvP and just exploring, trying to work my way through all the caves or climb to the top of all the mountains. Once I get bored, I unsub until the next expansion. While I'm disappointed in the race lockout, this expansion I think I'll try to get enough rep to unlock the races and maybe try to level up a few of my neglected toons, especially for crafting. I'm still not sure I understand crafting in BfA. I've only used the old / trusty mining and skinning but it looks like they revamped the craft system as well. That kinda sucks since I (and everyone else) sunk so much time maxing out the old craft skills.
The grinding is the same as previous expansions.

I don't know about you, but in Legion I did not have to grind reputation to play Demon Hunter. Nor I needed to grind Panda reputation to play Pandas in MoP.
Or I could just spit on a mob while wearing heirloom gear and it would fall dead. Not so anymore.
Fellow Vanilla alumni here, and I have to disagree with this Xpack being unfriendly toward casuals. I've been a filthy casual since Cata launched, skipped most of MoP and WoD, and only played Legion half-heartedly. I'm really enjoying BFA, and actually find it quite accessible. Quests in the new areas are fun (I've done Boralus so far) and dungeons are interesting. I even like the new capital city, despite the lack of nostalgia we had with Dalaran 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I'm planning on hitting 120, finishing the new zones, then going back to Legion to see what the raids I missed, and other content were like.
I don't know about you, but in Legion I did not have to grind reputation to play Demon Hunter. Nor I needed to grind Panda reputation to play Pandas in MoP.
Or I could just spit on a mob while wearing heirloom gear and it would fall dead. Not so anymore.

If you want to progress at a high level in the game, of course it won’t be casual. This is not a change. However I’ve seen the last two expansions show gear is easier to obtain and especially with the warforged/titanforging.

But rep grinding is common for additional reward and obtaining flight. If you’re unhappy with the game then stop playing.
MoP release had the brand new Panda race and Monk class, you buy MoP and you get to select that as a new character right away. You won't forced to run Cataclysm again to unlock Panda's.

Legion release and the brand new Demon Hunter comes with it. You buy Legion, and you can select and create a brand new Demon Hunter immediately. You were not forced to go back to Dreanor content in WoD to unlock Demon Hunter's first.

But now in BfA, we get Allied races. You buy BfA but still can't select an Allied race, you are forced to go back to a previous expansion and old continent and farm outdated rep to unlock Allied races. I find that a F up by Blizzard, and now that BfA is live the Allied races should be unlocked for everyone now.
Back in my day reaching exalted took months of hard grinding to achieve! You know how damn many necklaces I had to collect to get exalted with Timbermaw?! Damn kids have it too easy these days!
I have unsubscribed because I'm a casual and BfA is not casual friendly at all.
Also, I really dislike the fact they locked a lot of content behind reputation grind, like new races which is something that was always released with a new expansion.
I paid €40 for new zones and that's it. I have been playing WoW since vanilla and this is the worst expansion ever for casuals. Enough is enough. Fuck you, Blizzard.

If you’re unhappy with the game then stop playing.

I got the impression he had already decided to stop playing.
Yeah, I've stopped playing.
But I can't understand how can you be taken something from and find it ok? I think that's stupendous.

Fellow Vanilla alumni here, and I have to disagree with this Xpack being unfriendly toward casuals. I've been a filthy casual since Cata launched, skipped most of MoP and WoD, and only played Legion half-heartedly. I'm really enjoying BFA, and actually find it quite accessible. Quests in the new areas are fun (I've done Boralus so far) and dungeons are interesting. I even like the new capital city, despite the lack of nostalgia we had with Dalaran 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I'm planning on hitting 120, finishing the new zones, then going back to Legion to see what the raids I missed, and other content were like.

So basically the only thing you're describing so far are the new zones. Maybe you should re-read my first post.
This game copies a lot from legion, especially the daily quests.

Seems like they test features in an expansion and then solidify it in the following if it works.

I do like the AP unlocking gear specialization’s.
With BfA I am conflicted. On some ideas I really like it, and others I think it's boring and generic.

I'm happy we finally have new content after two years of Legion it's just good to have new zones to level up in, new dungeons, a new Raid, etc...

But...I do miss the simplicity of Legion. I loved Dalaran city, just such a easy City to get around fast, that look cool and had the launching pad FP to go to Broken Isles or broken Shore.

I'm really not a fan of either of the new cities for Alliance or Horde they seem overly scattered or complicated and too large or messy if that's the word? Just not as intuitive or easy to get around like Dalaran.

And then I'm really conflicted on sort of bored at end game but then also there's too much to do it end game. I ding'd 120 on my Rogue after the first week or so, and then what ? Ok WQs to gear up. that get to i300, then jump dungeons start with Normal, then Heroic and then Mythic 0.

Then I hear about Atathi Highlands, go in there to kill the 20 rates and chance for i340 loot off each boss. Ok did that. I'm i335.

Now M+. Ok...feels like a grind now.

Then Island Expeditions, those seem lame.

Then the Warfront, ok, I get i370 cape and i340 legs which I already have, but Warfront felt ultra boring, almost as if you can go AFK and come back and have the gear in your bag.

I haven't been in the Raid yet.

And rep farming I just hate to do now. WQs for rep only is so freaking bad to me. I like to World Quest for new gear, but to do this just for AP is a real chore and a job. Zero fun.

I've gone back to leveling my alts and taking my time. I have a level 116 UH DK, a 113 V DH, and 113 P Paladin, I am taking through BfA at a leisure pace, and finding this more fun than the end game rat race of M+ and Raid runs every week, rinse and repeat.

The AP rep grind is probably my biggest beef, it's so freaking lame to have to do that. Takes out all of the fun in the game, to do trivial quests or boring stuff just to get more AP so you can level up your necklace. Why even have a system like that in the game at all ? What happened to like MoP days, you wanted better gear you ran the Raids and got badges or tokens to get the gear. This whole AP rep grind crap is for the birds. I refuse this AP grind, and give two shits about my silly necklace, I'll just run M+ and LFR and Normal Raids like I typically would each expansion, and if I get AP there good, if not, oh well...I am not going out of way to farm for some stupid AP crap. This is a video game, I play to have fun and enjoyment, not a part time job.
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I don’t grind for AP unless I’m close to leveling that neck.

I always hated rep grinding, it unlike AP, it’s finite and will come in time.
MoP release had the brand new Panda race and Monk class, you buy MoP and you get to select that as a new character right away. You won't forced to run Cataclysm again to unlock Panda's.

Legion release and the brand new Demon Hunter comes with it. You buy Legion, and you can select and create a brand new Demon Hunter immediately. You were not forced to go back to Dreanor content in WoD to unlock Demon Hunter's first.

But now in BfA, we get Allied races. You buy BfA but still can't select an Allied race, you are forced to go back to a previous expansion and old continent and farm outdated rep to unlock Allied races. I find that a F up by Blizzard, and now that BfA is live the Allied races should be unlocked for everyone now.

I had access to 2 of the new horde races in an hour or 2, just needed to do the required questlines, not blizzards fault you never got round to get the rep needed back when the content was new/relevant, the last of the races requires rep from the current expac so you wont need to go back for that one.

I can agree that it's a bit unusual to go about it in the current way, but since they are allied races and not new ones I can see why they did it they way they did, and you get more "new" races then you would if they went about it like in previous expacs.
What I do miss from the most recent expansion in Legion. I actually miss the artifact appearance quests, I found those fun, and something fresh to do, and I loved unlocking new weapon styles for my artifact weapon. Is there someway to bring that back into BfA, minus the artifact weapon ?

And I miss the Class Halls too, was sort of neat to have your own specific place to go to weekly that was your class only, and it had the weekly treasure chest in there and class gear upgrades. Felt like a cozy home, and some place special.

Those two things are stuff that Legion did right, and would have liked to have seen that kept moving forward, just tweaked and revised for the better.
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comparing the beginning of an expansion to the end of the previous one will always result in feeling under powered. A new expansion almost always makes your nifty purple epics and legendaries you acquired in the previous one irrelevant. You replace them almost immediately with greens and if you're lucky a blue or two until you start running dungeons and raids. Not everyone was happy with artifact weapons when legion came out, people bitched about grinding artifact power like they are bitching about azerite. It took a few months of tweaking and patching before people stopped complaining.

Rep grinds have always been a part of MMO's they are nothing new, they weren't new when WoW launched they are not new now. My main toon in everquest (Iksar warrior) was kill on site in EVERY town but his home town until i did the rep grind to make everyone stop wanting to kill me in a few towns.

My only complaints with BFA as of now are island expeditions are too repetitive and the reward for doing them too little, and so far warfronts are a bust considering alliance hasn't even been in one yet. These are all things Blizzard has commented on that they aren't happy with either so I assume they will be tweaked.

BFA has more "stuff" to do then any other expansion, it just needs to be fine tuned a little more IMO
The Dreadwake mount you get for purchasing 6 months of WoW looks cool. But wtf? It doesn't have Water Strider water walking? :/
Mini review of BfA so far, not bad, not great

I am original launch WoW player like most here. Never a [H]ardcore player, but not just a casual player either, I am somewhere in the middle. Each expansion I played different amounts, based on obviously how much I am enjoying it. Only expansions I truly took a along break and unsubbed from would be half of Cat and most of WoD, and the end of MoP with that crazy long 14 month drought of nothing new from SoO to WoD.

Legion, I LOVED that expansion, i played 7 nights a week, for almost it's entire 2 year run, except the very end this Summer. which I was itching for something new, and took a break in June until pre patch release. But overall Legion was the most I played WoW since Wrath, just really liked it so much, and the beginning I was sickly addicted to Legion, playing a ton of hours each at launch for a few months.

My main playing in Legion, was M+10 to M+ 13 dungeon runs, and current Normal raids, and some partial Heroic raids a little here and there. But mostly M+10's and Normal raid runs were my bread and butter Legion time, and running the Class Hall stuff and Artifact appearance quests.. And always running old legacy mog run stuff. So by no means hardcore, but more than just typical casual.

Ok...Battle for Azeroth. I see a ton of hate for this expansion, and also a fair amount of people defending it. I am somewhere in the middle of that for this expansion so far. One thing that gauges whether I like an expansion or not, is how much play time I put in, or how much I am itching to play the game. And right now, I am sort of "Meh" with it, just feeling lukewarm on it. By no means do I hate BfA, no. But there feels something missing, or it's just not grabbing me and holding onto me like Legion did at this time of launch. Hard to explain, it seems like a good expansion, but it'
s missing that special sauce or something.

I have 2 level 120's they are both only i340 geared, and I have 4 alts I am leveling up still, a 116, 113, 111, and 110. I am enjoying taking my time, and really checking out the zones and having a good time going from 110 to 120. So most of my time is still in the leveling phase, and not a ton of end game stuff yet, I have run several M+ dungeons which were pretty cool, and I did a couple Normal raid runs of Uldir which was good too.

BfA mini review;

- Class Halls were a great idea, I miss that.

- Dalaran is a great Faction shared city, easy to navigate and fast to get around. Not a fan of the separate faction cities, and they both seem overly complicated and a confusing maze to get around, and just too large.
- Artifact weapons, I know it wasn't the best idea, but I would take a revised redone version of that, over Azerite gear. And now hoping the RNG gods allow a weapon drop we need.

- Warfronts; why such a crazy long time wait time for it to be up and ready ? Right now Horde is still still gathering resources to be ready, which I thought last Tuesday it was going to open up again, but it then takes a week for resource gathering to unlock it again ? WTF. And then Warfronts itself, feels pretty lame, you can almost sit back and chill, and still get gear, which isn't fair. It's not fun or exciting whatsoever.

- Island Expeditions, I forgot they even exist already, haven't been in one since the first week of BfA. Ran a few the first week, and was instant bored, no desire to ever do them again.

- AP grind, I am sick of the grind, and Legion did that too, which was the most negative aspect of Legion. Artifact Power grind is a chore, like a part time job, and zero fun.

- World Quests, again from Legion, they are ok for a quick way to gear up on a fresh 120, but once your like i325/i330 they are useless, and become monotonous. And do faction WQs for the emissary's, which is basically a faction grind, also becomes a chore again, and gets old. WQs just seems like another grind.

- Classes and the GCD and haste issue, this is a big deal to me. Where a lot of my characters feel like stuck in mud, or slow motion in their rotations. Why does Blizzard feel the need to redo character classes each expansion ? I was very happy with my character classes in Legion, maybe a few needed some minor tweaks and revisions, but the cool down issues now, and rotations just feeling slower, is terrible. Even at i340 with good Haste, that still doesn't help. It's like a BfA thing, even if you could be i390 geared and 50% haste, your rotation could still be slow mo. Basically a lot of my characters feel lame and generic now.

So once you are level 120, and geared up to like i330 / i340 or so, through WQs and some Portal Arthi stuff, the game just becomes the typical run M+ and Raids to gear up, and nothing more really. And that leaves more bored and sort of disappointed. That end game eventually just boils down to Mythic dungeons and raiding to progress, and really not a ton of other stuff to do then. ( I don't PvP, zero interest in that )

Yeah you can run Warfronts, but those are only up for a week or two at a time, and they seem boring AF, once you've run through them a couple times already. And then what, do the WQ emissary's to get exalted with each BfA faction ? Ok...but that's boring too, and doesn't take that long anyways.

I just feel Legion had more to offer, besides just dungeon and raid runs, once level capped.