WoW; 4th expansion Mists of Pandaria

You're going to want to head to the timeless Isle, free 496 gear all day.....and you can get a "rare drop" 535 upgrade for a random 535 piece. As well as a free one in a chest. Grind some rep for a 496 trinket as well

Yeah I've been out there a lot on my paladin. The 496 gear seems to really only be 496 because the game says so -- it almost seems to me like it has a lower item budget than other 496 pieces. Honestly, if it wasn't for all the extra stam, I think most people would be better off throughput-wise with even the 483 LFR pieces once you take gem slots and bonuses into consideration.

My paladin is at a point now with his holy set where I won't need to do anything on the isle, except for maybe grind out the 535 trinket to replace the 483 Spirits of the Sun. For ret, I'll likely just be pvp'ing as holy and then buying ret pvp gear.

My newly transferred rogue has a bunch of the 496 pieces from the isle, but aside from the trinket, they don't seem very good. Just gonna have to get enough to get into the ToT LFR and not get kicked :D
Yeah it mostly is that, free ilvl, which to most people these days means everything. Gets you closer to getting into flex OQ's, or SoO LFR's.

With timeless gear though you just want to make sure you get 2 stat items, otherwise the one stat items really screw you on stats.

It's a shame you don't have to work for gear anymore, and the whole ilvl thing really isn't a great way to judge a players skill. I've seen just as many 540+'s pulling 60K as ~500 ilvl people.

But I guess whatever gets you closer to flex SoO, right?
You're going to want to head to the timeless Isle, free 496 gear all day.....and you can get a "rare drop" 535 upgrade for a random 535 piece. As well as a free one in a chest. Grind some rep for a 496 trinket as well

theres also one from a quest... you need honored with emperor for it though.
It took me awhile but finally got enough gold to buy the next flying upgrade. Started doing Netherwing quests yesterday.

Probably going to take at least a week or two, (I noticed some people camping in the mines by Dragonmaw) but Im going to try snatching a few Nethereggs during daily questing.

Took a short break from questing in Deepholm, I really love the zone (looks beautiful) but after doing dozens of quests the last week I'm a little burned out at the moment. But not to the point I don't enjoy the game anymore. Looking forward to check out Uldum/Twilight and especially Pandaria later on.
I want to say netherwing took me about 3 weeks. You can farm the nether rays and talbuks in a matter of hours though.
Well, I got kicked from LFR for the first time ever this weekend (paladin healer) -- 3rd boss of the 2nd SoO LFR, don't know the name. Me dying was my fault -- got hit by the circle beam thing which should be "LOL DON"T STAND IN STUFF," so I'll give them that. The hps the tank said I was doing .... no chance. My recount was showing me at 48k -- which, not spectacular by any means, but I've definitely seen worse, and only 2k behind the next guy -- one of the tanks in ilvl 550+ spammed some other dps/hps tracker I'd never heard of that had me at 15k (yes, FIFTEEN) hps. I'm pretty sure spamming holy shock on CD would get me close to 15k, and I was always casting in-between. Long story short, he spammed chat until I got kicked. Being from Illidan now, I was initially surprised at the bad rap they get in LFR, but between that (guy was from Illidan) and some of the things other Illidan people were saying in other LFRs this weekend, I get it now.

In an earlier run I got in right at Sha and the pet dropped for me. Somehow, I had two of them in my inventory, so I'm not sure what happened there. Had to learn them to cage them and be able to sell them, but the first sold for 2500g within 5 minutes, so I listed the 2nd and that one was gone for 3500g within an hour. Score! The game can give me two of everything if it would like to...especially when it's quick gold like that!

Got a couple pieces of ret pvp gear, still feel terrible at ret. Takes forever to kill elites on the Timeless Isle. Going to probably get a full set of pvp gear (by pvping as holy) and then just use the spec for farming until I get other characters up.

My rogue finally got into some LFR after the server transfer/faction change completed, hadn't really done any before. Got 8 pieces of gear from HoF & ToES, only used/equipped I think 3 pieces, including the sha-touched dagger. Need to play around with my spec a bit and change my UI button locations, because it's terrible on this toon. Once my paladin's ret set is done, and probably daily at least, I'm going to pvp on here. I LOVE rogue pvp, when I can be effective. Not there yet, not really even close, but I can at least be on interrupt duty!

Made a guild to put my toons in for bank access, just makes everything easier as far as getting crafting mats without toon hopping. Then started my mage, because I like mages. Up to level 13 in a few hours, not really a huge fan of the Goblin starting zones. Too many areas are "Run here, then run there and do this, then run back to here" and nothing is condensed. Will be spending time leveling once I'm valor capped on my 90s. Grabbed tailoring/enchanting, but I might change to double-gathering for money.
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I have been having fun, just farming for Transm. gear :cool: I have two Tanks, a DK Tank, and Tankadin.

This weekend I ran Uldar 25 and ICC 25, for gear drops, got a few cool things, the Lich King 1 hand sword for my Tankadin, and some of the Tier 8 armor set for my DK in Uldar.

But now I want to go after this gear set instead for my DK; The Tier 12 set, specifically I really love that helm + shoulders

How hard is this to come by ?
I had an excellent weekend in WoW as well. Started at 89, hit 90, went to the Timeless Isle and ended the day with a 477ilvl. Enjoying playing a Ret pally quite a bit, as the healing makes farming much easier.
Well, I got kicked from LFR for the first time ever this weekend (paladin healer) -- 3rd boss of the 2nd SoO LFR, don't know the name. Me dying was my fault -- got hit by the circle beam thing which should be "LOL DON"T STAND IN STUFF," so I'll give them that. The hps the tank said I was doing .... no chance. My recount was showing me at 48k -- which, not spectacular by any means, but I've definitely seen worse, and only 2k behind the next guy -- one of the tanks in ilvl 550+ spammed some other dps/hps tracker I'd never heard of that had me at 15k (yes, FIFTEEN) hps. I'm pretty sure spamming holy shock on CD would get me close to 15k, and I was always casting in-between. Long story short, he spammed chat until I got kicked. Being from Illidan now, I was initially surprised at the bad rap they get in LFR, but between that (guy was from Illidan) and some of the things other Illidan people were saying in other LFRs this weekend, I get it now.

It's not very often I see healers kicked. But I think you should aim for a 50k HPS+, anything lower I would either consider to be sub-par depending on circumstances. I have a 507ish ilvl Disc Priest and I usually do 65k-80k HPS on fights in LFR.

But people are going to be cynical no matter what you do. I remember tanking in a Flex that was hosted by a 25M guild that's maybe 10/14 Heroic. I was doing fine up until Spoils, it was maybe my 2nd time doing it (as a tank) and we failed to clear boxes in the allotted time. Ok, cool. But instead of a 2nd try, they mentioned my tanking sucked, this is after 9 bosses successfully cleared, and one of their members went Brewmaster tank and I went DPS. We proceed to wipe 4 more times until they just eventually said nothing and disbanded the raid. I thought about saying something snarky but just kept it to myself. Haters gonna hate.
Well, I got kicked from LFR for the first time ever this weekend (paladin healer) -- 3rd boss of the 2nd SoO LFR, don't know the name. Me dying was my fault -- got hit by the circle beam thing which should be "LOL DON"T STAND IN STUFF," so I'll give them that. The hps the tank said I was doing .... no chance. My recount was showing me at 48k -- which, not spectacular by any means, but I've definitely seen worse, and only 2k behind the next guy -- one of the tanks in ilvl 550+ spammed some other dps/hps tracker I'd never heard of that had me at 15k (yes, FIFTEEN) hps. I'm pretty sure spamming holy shock on CD would get me close to 15k, and I was always casting in-between. Long story short, he spammed chat until I got kicked. Being from Illidan now, I was initially surprised at the bad rap they get in LFR, but between that (guy was from Illidan) and some of the things other Illidan people were saying in other LFRs this weekend, I get it now.

In an earlier run I got in right at Sha and the pet dropped for me. Somehow, I had two of them in my inventory, so I'm not sure what happened there. Had to learn them to cage them and be able to sell them, but the first sold for 2500g within 5 minutes, so I listed the 2nd and that one was gone for 3500g within an hour. Score! The game can give me two of everything if it would like to...especially when it's quick gold like that!

Got a couple pieces of ret pvp gear, still feel terrible at ret. Takes forever to kill elites on the Timeless Isle. Going to probably get a full set of pvp gear (by pvping as holy) and then just use the spec for farming until I get other characters up.

My rogue finally got into some LFR after the server transfer/faction change completed, hadn't really done any before. Got 8 pieces of gear from HoF & ToES, only used/equipped I think 3 pieces, including the sha-touched dagger. Need to play around with my spec a bit and change my UI button locations, because it's terrible on this toon. Once my paladin's ret set is done, and probably daily at least, I'm going to pvp on here. I LOVE rogue pvp, when I can be effective. Not there yet, not really even close, but I can at least be on interrupt duty!

Made a guild to put my toons in for bank access, just makes everything easier as far as getting crafting mats without toon hopping. Then started my mage, because I like mages. Up to level 13 in a few hours, not really a huge fan of the Goblin starting zones. Too many areas are "Run here, then run there and do this, then run back to here" and nothing is condensed. Will be spending time leveling once I'm valor capped on my 90s. Grabbed tailoring/enchanting, but I might change to double-gathering for money.

Are you referring to Skada? Skada is pretty much what most people use now a days.
It's not very often I see healers kicked. But I think you should aim for a 50k HPS+, anything lower I would either consider to be sub-par depending on circumstances. I have a 507ish ilvl Disc Priest and I usually do 65k-80k HPS on fights in LFR.

If you put an equally geared/skilled holy paladin against a holy priest, mistweaver monk, resto shaman/druid, the holy paladin is going to be in last place on the HPS meters 100% of the time, unless the whole raid is taking damage and is tightly stacked for HR/LOTD spam, and I'm not sure it would matter even then. Obviously my gear could be better, and that certainly would help as I tend to run into mana problems toward the end of fights --- but factor out the 40%+ overhealing that the shaman/priest had in that raid compared to my 18-20%, and suddenly my 48k HPS isn't terrible (just ignore the heroic-geared mistweaver at 140k w/ 40% OH, that's stil amazing). My priest is in 490ish gear and I've been ~50k on some fights because cascade is OP, but I'm sure my overheal is probably 30-35% because of it.

Bill86 said:
Are you referring to Skada? Skada is pretty much what most people use now a days.

Yep, that sounds right. I'll install it tonight, I want to see what it's not counting that I only showed up at 15k. Even just watching the numbers come across the screen, I can tell 15k isn't right...I guess unless it maybe counts from start to end of fight, regardless of if I died or not. If I died at 60-65% and was at 48k HPS, 15k might be right if it keeps counting until the wipe (3-4%).
Are you referring to Skada? Skada is pretty much what most people use now a days.

I hope the addon has improved. I remember when it first came out, it chewed up your CPU and spit it out.
I hope the addon has improved. I remember when it first came out, it chewed up your CPU and spit it out.

Typically quite the opposite now, recount eats your CPU alive.

I run skada every fight and for how mediocre my CPU is I do plenty fine.
Yep, that sounds right. I'll install it tonight, I want to see what it's not counting that I only showed up at 15k. Even just watching the numbers come across the screen, I can tell 15k isn't right...I guess unless it maybe counts from start to end of fight, regardless of if I died or not. If I died at 60-65% and was at 48k HPS, 15k might be right if it keeps counting until the wipe (3-4%).

I would bet his meter showed the entire fight which put you at 15K hps and your meter ended when you died so it showed 48K. More or less I'd just say I died, it won't happen again and you should be fine.
Typically quite the opposite now, recount eats your CPU alive.

I run skada every fight and for how mediocre my CPU is I do plenty fine.

Sounds good, I'll get it installed tonight.
Did not install Skada last night, because I forgot :D

Played my rogue a bit in LFR -- ran the first MSV and the first ToT LFRs. Still working toward my first legendary gem, so...that's why MSV. The ToT group I joined was at Horridon (had already wiped), wiped once when I was there and then got the kill the second time. Also wiped once on Council of Elders, but then I got the Bad Juju (502) trinket off our kill. Replaced the 496 trinket from the Timeless Isle, because I don't think that was as good as the 484 (2/2 upgraded) Relic of Xuen. Hung onto the 496 for the ilvl boost because I'm still only 490. DPS-wise, I was #7-9ish in ToT, which I guess isn't bad considering my ungemmed/unenchanted 496 timeless isle gear mixed with --- I think I finished council at ~70k or something, and was 75ish on Horridon (which will be higher next time because I think assassination will work better than sub on that fight).

Timeless isle is WAY easier on my rogue than my ret paladin. I can breeze through the elites in probably 1/2 the time it takes my paladin. Either I'm paladin-ing wrong, or they're just bad.
Either I'm paladin-ing wrong,

This. Go brush up on talents, rotation and gearing over at Icy Veins. Most of my 496 gear isn't even gemmed or enchanted, but I can easily handle 91 elites at this point.
Ret is pretty simple, keep up inquisition. Just follow the simple rotation. Some classes are more gear dependent than others. Rogues seem to be pretty solid all the way up. I believe ret is pretty haste dependent, till you hit the 17K cap.
Ret is pretty simple, keep up inquisition. Just follow the simple rotation. Some classes are more gear dependent than others. Rogues seem to be pretty solid all the way up. I believe ret is pretty haste dependent, till you hit the 17K cap.

That's pretty much what I've been doing -- keeping inquisition up and then spamming whatever isn't on CD. It looks like it's more a priority thing than a rotation.

Anyway, did the first two ToT LFR's last night. Managed 50-55k HPS in the first one on all fights, got ilvl 502 tier gloves token to replace my 483 tier. The 2nd LFR took forever due to a wipe on the 2nd guy and two wipes on the last guy, then 5-10 minutes of downtime while the raid filled after each.

Was ~50k HPS on the first boss, ~67k on the hydra thing, and then something like 20k on the last boss because I had egg duty. Seems in order for paladins to really shine, the raid needs to be grouped within 10 yards for HR spam (2nd boss) .... except I don't have the spirit regen to sustain that yet. I was 100% oom, out of CDs and out of potion when that boss was at ~10%. I was one of two healers still up when he went down, and I popped LoH just for the mana. A win is a win though, right? No drops out of that raid. Going to be doing the last two ToT ones either tonight or tomorrow.
This. Go brush up on talents, rotation and gearing over at Icy Veins. Most of my 496 gear isn't even gemmed or enchanted, but I can easily handle 91 elites at this point.

Icy Veins is a good starting point but I'd cross-reference other sources like Elitist Jerks/MMO-Champion forums/etc. Sometimes Icy Veins isn't the most up to date per say but it does give a nice groundwork to what you can expect. Same thing with It just provides some quick gear/stat checking but may not always be 100% correct. For example, I use Shadowcraft for my Rogue's gearing as AMR provides some whack suggestions that may not be optimal.

I would also HEAVILY suggest downloading WeakAuras/TellMeWhen addons (either or, dont really need both. I find TellMeWhen easier to set up but YMMV). This insanely helps with tracking procs/buffs/cooldowns/internal cooldowns/buffs/debuffs/trinkets - you name it and can be the difference between being an ok player and being an exceptional player. I know for me being a Rogue, I have a large icon in the middle of my screen pop up when I'm in Combat and Slice and Dice is not active. It helps me to maintain high up times which = higher DPS/damage.
I want to say netherwing took me about 3 weeks. You can farm the nether rays and talbuks in a matter of hours though.

Thanks for the reply and for the tip.

I reached exalted with Netherwing early this morning, I had some luck with the mines as there were few people farming for Nethereggs. Got most of those eggs from mobs in the mine, a few from Dragonmaw Fortress, Netherwing Ledge, and quite a few from (like you said) Nether Rays. And doing the daily quests for experience. (Which are pretty tedious)

Man, I was surprised how happy I felt when I could choose a Netherdrake, on that moment it realy felt all your efforts were worth it.

Picking a Netherdrake was hard, especially the Onyx and Azure one. I went for the Azure Netherdrake in the end.

I probably take a break for a day or two and then continue questing again in Deepholm. One thing is for sure, I don't want to see another Netheregg for a long time. I actually saw them in my dream as well last night.
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Thanks for the reply and for the tip.

I reached exalted with Netherwing early this morning, I had some luck with the mines as there were few people farming for Nethereggs. Got most of those eggs from mobs in the mine, a few from Dragonmaw Fortress, Netherwing Ledge, and quite a few from (like you said) Nether Rays. And doing the daily quests for experience. (Which are pretty tedious)

Man, I was surprised how happy I felt when I could choose a Netherdrake, on that moment it realy felt all your efforts were worth it.

Picking a Netherdrake was hard, especially the Onyx and Azure one. I went for the Azure Netherdrake in the end.

I probably take a break for a day or two and then continue questing again in Deepholm. One thing is for sure, I don't want to see another Netheregg for a long time. I actually saw them in my dream as well last night.

You can buy all of them once you reach exalted from the dude in Shattrah last I remember.
I will say, I am having the most fun running old Raids for Transmog gear :cool: Been mainly running Cat and Wrath Raids, I have yet to run an old BC or Vanilla Raid.

It's fun running old Raids so quick and fast, that would have normally taken 3 or 4 hours back in the day, and can now be run in 30 minutes :D

I am having so much fun, running these old Raids, with small groups, and completing them so fast, I am starting to get annoyed with current Level 90 Tier Raids, because they take so freaking long, and people wipe, and have to start over, and running with 25 players is so chaotic.

We ran ICC 25 last week, full run with just 6 players in about 40 minutes tops. We also ran Uldar 25 with like 7 players, in like half an hour.

Last night, I stayed up way too late, running Firelands 10, with just 2 of us :eek: Now that was tough. My Guild mate is uber DK Tank, average iLevel 545 gear, 1 million health, and the dude just rarely died in there last night, even with a dozen elite mobs on him alone. I am also a 90 DK Tank, but only iLevel 505 with 600k health only, and I was getting raped in there when too many trash on me. But we got it done, that did take a couple of hours though, just two of us running a Level 85 Raid. Wasn't as easy as I thought would be.

I was shocked the iLevel difference between us would make that much of a difference ? I am iLevel 503 with 600k health, he was iLevel 545 with over 1 million health. So 40 iLevel difference is that big a deal ? It wasn't just the health difference, but he wouldn't die, could get beat on and beat on, and keep on going, where I would get beat on, and then die. Especially trash mobs, he could handle 10 Elites all over him, and survive easily, and kill em all quick, but when I got 10 on me alone, I was a goner.

Two of the bosses, that I died on early into the fight, he was able to continue on, and beat them solo, pretty easily.
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You can buy all of them once you reach exalted from the dude in Shattrah last I remember.

Thanks for the tip, I didn't know you could have more than one.

I couldn't find the seller in Shattrath, but after looking for it online, there appeared to be one in Shadowmaw Camp. Bought the Onyx one, it actually matches better with my DK, but I hope to use both versions.
I will say, I am having the most fun running old Raids for Transmog gear :cool: Been mainly running Cat and Wrath Raids, I have yet to run an old BC or Vanilla Raid.

It's fun running old Raids so quick and fast, that would have normally taken 3 or 4 hours back in the day, and can now be run in 30 minutes :D

I am having so much fun, running these old Raids, with small groups, and completing them so fast, I am starting to get annoyed with current Level 90 Tier Raids, because they take so freaking long, and people wipe, and have to start over, and running with 25 players is so chaotic.

We ran ICC 25 last week, full run with just 6 players in about 40 minutes tops. We also ran Uldar 25 with like 7 players, in like half an hour.

Last night, I stayed up way too late, running Firelands 10, with just 2 of us :eek: Now that was tough. My Guild mate is uber DK Tank, average iLevel 545 gear, 1 million health, and the dude just rarely died in there last night, even with a dozen elite mobs on him alone. I am also a 90 DK Tank, but only iLevel 505 with 600k health only, and I was getting raped in there when too many trash on me. But we got it done, that did take a couple of hours though, just two of us running a Level 85 Raid. Wasn't as easy as I thought would be.

I was shocked the iLevel difference between us would make that much of a difference ? I am iLevel 503 with 600k health, he was iLevel 545 with over 1 million health. So 40 iLevel difference is that big a deal ? It wasn't just the health difference, but he wouldn't die, could get beat on and beat on, and keep on going, where I would get beat on, and then die. Especially trash mobs, he could handle 10 Elites all over him, and survive easily, and kill em all quick, but when I got 10 on me alone, I was a goner.

Two of the bosses, that I died on early into the fight, he was able to continue on, and beat them solo, pretty easily.

What server are you on? I always try to find people to run old raids for mounts and transmogs!
I will say, I am having the most fun running old Raids for Transmog gear :cool: Been mainly running Cat and Wrath Raids, I have yet to run an old BC or Vanilla Raid.

It's fun running old Raids so quick and fast, that would have normally taken 3 or 4 hours back in the day, and can now be run in 30 minutes :D

I am having so much fun, running these old Raids, with small groups, and completing them so fast, I am starting to get annoyed with current Level 90 Tier Raids, because they take so freaking long, and people wipe, and have to start over, and running with 25 players is so chaotic.

We ran ICC 25 last week, full run with just 6 players in about 40 minutes tops. We also ran Uldar 25 with like 7 players, in like half an hour.

Last night, I stayed up way too late, running Firelands 10, with just 2 of us :eek: Now that was tough. My Guild mate is uber DK Tank, average iLevel 545 gear, 1 million health, and the dude just rarely died in there last night, even with a dozen elite mobs on him alone. I am also a 90 DK Tank, but only iLevel 505 with 600k health only, and I was getting raped in there when too many trash on me. But we got it done, that did take a couple of hours though, just two of us running a Level 85 Raid. Wasn't as easy as I thought would be.

I was shocked the iLevel difference between us would make that much of a difference ? I am iLevel 503 with 600k health, he was iLevel 545 with over 1 million health. So 40 iLevel difference is that big a deal ? It wasn't just the health difference, but he wouldn't die, could get beat on and beat on, and keep on going, where I would get beat on, and then die. Especially trash mobs, he could handle 10 Elites all over him, and survive easily, and kill em all quick, but when I got 10 on me alone, I was a goner.

Two of the bosses, that I died on early into the fight, he was able to continue on, and beat them solo, pretty easily.

Would have been much better if you went frost or unholy... let him grab everything so he can get insane vengeance (and death strike heals) while you blow up everything with howling blast.

2 tanks steals the vengeance so it's pointless and the dps is low.
Would have been much better if you went frost or unholy... let him grab everything so he can get insane vengeance (and death strike heals) while you blow up everything with howling blast.

2 tanks steals the vengeance so it's pointless and the dps is low.

Maybe will try that the next old Raid we run, but all my gear is Tank spec'd, and I don't even have a DPS sepc, or talents.

Could I make a DPS talent tree, and still DPS in Tank gear in an old Raid ?
Learned something new last night .... Galleon can be 14 manned (well, 13 because rogue basically got 1 shot somehow at ~92%), and I can "solo heal" it. I say "solo heal" because DK tank and a boomkin that threw a few rejuvs, but yeah. Warlock *only* did 288k dps on him. Scrub. :D

Got my first drop off him .... and I didn't need it. Was an ilvl 496 ring, and the stat allocation on the 496 pvp one is better, and my 502 w/o spirit is better after a reforge/gem. Ahh well!

Found out from a friend that I can still buy tokens for extra rolls in ToT, so I'm going to go find them (he said Timeless Isle with timeless coins) before I finish ToT this week. I really really want the paladin tier from that tier for transmog (and right now it's all upgrades for me), I love the way the set looks. Only have the gloves so far. Desperately need shoulders.
Maybe will try that the next old Raid we run, but all my gear is Tank spec'd, and I don't even have a DPS sepc, or talents.

Could I make a DPS talent tree, and still DPS in Tank gear in an old Raid ?

You can enable Dual Specialization from a trainer in any major city (DKs might have to use the Gate and go to that one place I think). You can just choose Frost as your other spec and you can switch between them any time out of combat. And yes, you can DPS ad frost in tank gear per say but dodge/parry/etc might not help as much as other DPS stats like haste/crit/mastery but it's going to be better than Tanking DPS w/ no vengeance.
Loving the game again, just for running mog Raid runs for cool looking gear. Transmog has added so much fun to WoW for me :) Makes it worthwhile to run old Raids again for a reason, and they can be run with a much smaller group, now an old Wrath 25man can be 5manned, and BC Raids can be 2manned :cool:

I switched my Paladin to this gear, very easy and cheap gear to attain, but looks cool as hell. I don't have a screenshot of my character, but this is a link to the set, showing a female, but I play a male Blood Elf;
You should be able to solo bc content now. I usually kill kael every week and try for the flak we on any toon that can use them. Remember that you don't need to be in a raid to enter them anymore.
All BC content is soloable. Hell even some cata normal 10 man raid bosses are soloable.
Reached level 85 today, and I have to admit I was glad I could leave Cataclysm behind me and that Pandaria opened up.

Cataclysm wasn't bad, but it is my least favorite expansion so far. It didn't offer the excitement and fun of a new continent, and the zones it had felt disjointed and had little in common. Hyal and Deepholm were fun to quest in, but I could just not get into Uldum and Twilight Highlands. (Vashj'r looks great, but I don't think I could enjoy questing in a water level)

Luckily I only needed to do a few quests in Uldum/Highlands to reach the required levels. And that was mainly because I "milked" Deepholm and Hyal as much as possible regarding questing. The 9th anniversary XP bonus helped a lot too.

Looking forward to see what Pandaria offers.