WoT - World Of Tanks - Post your User

I'm down , Username Loky911. I have tier III to tier X , Working on T57 Heavy at the moment. My tier X's are IS7 & IS4. I also paid alot to have almost all tier 8 premiums , even got 2-3 premium tier 7's. Love the game alot . Usually put in 3-5 hours a day or as much free time as i can get.Add me to friends and when u see me on it's go time for a while.
My user name is


add me and send chat box to let me know your from HARD
HOPE to see youll soon i play with comms also, artey ,lights , mediums and heavys anb some td's also
same name, mostly tier 5-7

US med&light, German TD, Brit heavy...and eventually China
I'm still playing this more than anything, I clock about 20 hours a week into WoT and 0 into other games. This game is rock solid, but has a burn in time.. not necessarily a learning curve, but burn in. People will get owned and blame it on F2P instead of learning how to property strategize.

I haven't bought a new game in close to a year b/c this F2P one is that good. :D
i have to agree its the only thing ive played since loading and im glad they =nerfed artey so noobs cannt just jump into them and play them
Been playing for a little while have a T6 M6 highest tank my name is Vincent_58.


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unlocked my first tier 10 tank the jagdpanzer e 100 cool stuff with its uber cannon :D
Had a horrible experience.
After fending off the red advance on the East side of Steppes, I'm all tunnel visioned when a Tier 9 French TD crawls over the rise from enemy lines in front of me. I panic in my IS3 and move to tread lock and pummel his sides. Get the kill then it dawns on me with the text scrolling away....

...he was GREEN...:eek:

So embarrassed I haven't loaded in since
Grinding t4 tanks sucks. I'm still consistently getting one shotted but am doing pretty good in t2 and 3 tanks. My win percentage is still below 50% but im still using standard rounds and my tank crews aren't 100% yet.

My m5 stuart just has vents and camo. Trying to get binoculars now. But honestly it is frustrating at times. Been setting little goals like lasting till the end, getting 2 kills a match, spotting 5 tanks, or my favorite sneaking to the back of the enemy camp without getting hit.

Still fun but the learning curve is pretty unforgiving.
I just got into this game and I'm totally hooked. Bought 6 months of premium after about 2 days because I can tell I'm going to be staying for a while. Frustrating sometimes in pub matches but thats how any game goes.

Currently mostly running in t5-6 with my T49, SU-85 and T-34-85 mostly although I really like artillery as well.

User is Protocol49 on the NA server, always looking to platoon up and have a better chance at winning.
Had a horrible experience.
After fending off the red advance on the East side of Steppes, I'm all tunnel visioned when a Tier 9 French TD crawls over the rise from enemy lines in front of me. I panic in my IS3 and move to tread lock and pummel his sides. Get the kill then it dawns on me with the text scrolling away....

...he was GREEN...:eek:

So embarrassed I haven't loaded in since

Lol. Worst I did was shoot at the enemy tank... Only for it to ricochet off and killing a teammate.
Been playing since early beta and still going strong. Do I get frustrated with it at times? Sure do but that's life when you play with other people sometimes. Latest tank I bought is the E-25. First fixed gun TD I have really liked. I much prefer the Jackson or Hellcat though. Most days I play early afternoons or late at night. Life of a shift worker.
i play mostly tier 7 now with the T29 fun tank...

When maxed out, the T29 is the best tier VII in the entire game, with the IS close behind. The T32 plays completely different, does not have a reliable beast front mantlet either. Also the biggest gun on the T32 is the same on the T29.

So.. never sell your T29, enjoy it.
Too bad 90% of WoT players would fail special ed. They seem to think that losing (or literally doing nothing to help your team) is winning.

Hell, even bots would do better then 80% of the player base.
Too bad 90% of WoT players would fail special ed. They seem to think that losing (or literally doing nothing to help your team) is winning.

Hell, even bots would do better then 80% of the player base.

Sounds like you were in some truly bad pubs today. ;)

I get frustrated at times, but then I remind myself that there's little I can do about how others play yet I have full control of my own attitude about it. Depending on which tier you are in, and depending on the RNG, a strong player can literally make up for half a dozen shitty ones just as long as the opposing team has shitty players as well.
I got tired of being one shot so moved on. Game would be semi decent if they gave you a chance. Tier 1 and Tier 2 are a blast but once you hit tier 3 and especially tier 4 the game falls apart, at least for me it did.
I got tired of being one shot so moved on. Game would be semi decent if they gave you a chance. Tier 1 and Tier 2 are a blast but once you hit tier 3 and especially tier 4 the game falls apart, at least for me it did.

There are some issues with Tier 4-6 because you get into games with people who have been playing for years but keep playing for free in their Tier 5 or 6 tanks and you get owned badly when you up against those guys.

I have a number of Tier 5 and 6 tanks where I do that myself. I totally own when I run my Tier 6 Hellcat (though I only have a 57% WR after 320 games, guess I don't play it that often). In my AT2 (Tier 5) my WR is 64%, I love owning in that tank so much.

With Tier 4 the issue is that you can basically get to it within like an hour of playing the game from Tier 1. Tier 1-3 don't really count for much because the games are fast and it's just a mad rush without that any tactics are involved. Tier 4 then becomes a total change of pace because you are all of a sudden up against tanks of higher tiers where you really need to learn where to shoot tanks, where people usually go, which spots on the map are good and which are bad.

IMHO patience is the key to get through Tier 4 and 5. Just hang back, conserve your HP, observe what higher tier players do and how well what they do works.
any1 want to run lmk and send me invite , i have tiers 1-10 lots and lots of tanks to play most tech trees i have

I just noticed last night that my overall WR is approaching 51% at a little over 1000 battles, pretty happy with that. I usually (unless my team gets totally facerolled) score in the top 3 in every match in tier 4-6. Been trying really hard to learn the tactics and techniques, watching youtube videos of the "pros" and all that, I went from 44% WR at ~500 battles to where I am now so I improved a lot.

any1 want to run lmk and send me invite , i have tiers 1-10 lots and lots of tanks to play most tech trees i have


What server do you normally play on?
Hell, even bots would do better then 80% of the player base.

That's a total bs reply. If you really think that then you got some serious distorted view of the game. The player base is not that bad.
i play on server with best ping rate , most of my time is based on NA east server , made about 300k xp this past weekend during the X5 event
I got tired of being one shot so moved on. Game would be semi decent if they gave you a chance. Tier 1 and Tier 2 are a blast but once you hit tier 3 and especially tier 4 the game falls apart, at least for me it did.

Not at all actually, you didn't figure the mechanics out by tier 4 is what happened. No fault to you, but the game is actually incredibly balanced and amazing until tier 9'ish. 8 and under, 7 specifically is some of the best gaming I've experienced since Counter Strike 1.6.

This game rewards players who invest time researching their enemy and game tactics. Learning how to peak, side scrape, angle your armor. Learning specifically the 1-3 spots on every tank you can actually penetrate, learning when to swap to Heat ammo etc.. All of this is why you end up getting owned by other players. You shoot at them, bounce.. they shoot at you and hit HARD. They know what they're doing, you do not. Thats all there is to it.

There is absolutely no pay to win in this game, it may be the single best F2P game structure I've seen. Buying into a tier 8 premium does more harm than good. Being a new player, or unskilled and buying into tier 8 means you will get your ass handed even worse than before. By tier 8, players are at another level. I recommend this game to everyone, but only if you have the patience to learn something new, try something out of the ordinary and are humble enough to understand that Yes in fact, I just got smoked by someone who out played me.
Not at all actually, you didn't figure the mechanics out by tier 4 is what happened. No fault to you, but the game is actually incredibly balanced and amazing until tier 9'ish. 8 and under, 7 specifically is some of the best gaming I've experienced since Counter Strike 1.6.

This game rewards players who invest time researching their enemy and game tactics. Learning how to peak, side scrape, angle your armor. Learning specifically the 1-3 spots on every tank you can actually penetrate, learning when to swap to Heat ammo etc.. All of this is why you end up getting owned by other players. You shoot at them, bounce.. they shoot at you and hit HARD. They know what they're doing, you do not. Thats all there is to it.

There is absolutely no pay to win in this game, it may be the single best F2P game structure I've seen. Buying into a tier 8 premium does more harm than good. Being a new player, or unskilled and buying into tier 8 means you will get your ass handed even worse than before. By tier 8, players are at another level. I recommend this game to everyone, but only if you have the patience to learn something new, try something out of the ordinary and are humble enough to understand that Yes in fact, I just got smoked by someone who out played me.
Couldn't have said it better.

Although to be fair, it really doesn't help dispel the Pay 2 Win accusations, from people who don't understand how the spotting works, when I tell them I have a cloaking device and they should go buy it from the gift shop. :D
I am the biggest idiot in the history of gaming. I just found out you can zoom in. I'm now racking up kills instead of trying to shoot open sights.
Not at all actually, you didn't figure the mechanics out by tier 4 is what happened. No fault to you, but the game is actually incredibly balanced and amazing until tier 9'ish. 8 and under, 7 specifically is some of the best gaming I've experienced since Counter Strike 1.6.

This game rewards players who invest time researching their enemy and game tactics. Learning how to peak, side scrape, angle your armor. Learning specifically the 1-3 spots on every tank you can actually penetrate, learning when to swap to Heat ammo etc.. All of this is why you end up getting owned by other players. You shoot at them, bounce.. they shoot at you and hit HARD. They know what they're doing, you do not. Thats all there is to it.

There is absolutely no pay to win in this game, it may be the single best F2P game structure I've seen. Buying into a tier 8 premium does more harm than good. Being a new player, or unskilled and buying into tier 8 means you will get your ass handed even worse than before. By tier 8, players are at another level. I recommend this game to everyone, but only if you have the patience to learn something new, try something out of the ordinary and are humble enough to understand that Yes in fact, I just got smoked by someone who out played me.

At first I was somewhat offended at this post, thinking my gaming skills couldn't have diminished this much. But I figured wtf, I never use HE rounds so lets go research ammo.

I'm at a complete loss at how much I didn't understand about the dynamics of the game. I thought that if I could se the tanks then my shells should od damage. Switching to HE shells, especially on my M3 Lee has made a world of difference. Just want to say thank you for this post and encouraging me to look more into the various dynamics of the game. The last couple of hours I'm doing more damage, knocking out more tracks, guns, and personnel than in the last couple weeks of playing. The M3 lee isn't so bad any more but the real beast has been the M8A1. Been getting closer to top gun and have been winning more matches so again thanks. Took a look at where most modules are located and that has helped a ton.
At first I was somewhat offended at this post, thinking my gaming skills couldn't have diminished this much. But I figured wtf, I never use HE rounds so lets go research ammo.

I'm at a complete loss at how much I didn't understand about the dynamics of the game. I thought that if I could se the tanks then my shells should od damage. Switching to HE shells, especially on my M3 Lee has made a world of difference. Just want to say thank you for this post and encouraging me to look more into the various dynamics of the game. The last couple of hours I'm doing more damage, knocking out more tracks, guns, and personnel than in the last couple weeks of playing. The M3 lee isn't so bad any more but the real beast has been the M8A1. Been getting closer to top gun and have been winning more matches so again thanks. Took a look at where most modules are located and that has helped a ton.

Hi, could you please give me the short version of when to use HE rounds. I am new to the game when i use HE shells it doesnt look to do much damage. Might be aiming at wrong spot.
Read this there are several other guides that can explain penetration and various dynamics of which guns your using and range to target.
At first I was somewhat offended at this post, thinking my gaming skills couldn't have diminished this much. But I figured wtf, I never use HE rounds so lets go research ammo.

I'm at a complete loss at how much I didn't understand about the dynamics of the game. I thought that if I could se the tanks then my shells should od damage. Switching to HE shells, especially on my M3 Lee has made a world of difference. Just want to say thank you for this post and encouraging me to look more into the various dynamics of the game. The last couple of hours I'm doing more damage, knocking out more tracks, guns, and personnel than in the last couple weeks of playing. The M3 lee isn't so bad any more but the real beast has been the M8A1. Been getting closer to top gun and have been winning more matches so again thanks. Took a look at where most modules are located and that has helped a ton.

It really is amazing how deep the play goes in this game despite how simple it appears on the surface. There's a lot of really bad players running around out there; some have even gone 40k games learning everything by trial and error, and they're still bad at it.

Knowledge is power in WoT, the people that understand that and seek it out are the ones who succeed.
I'm only at 390 games or so. I had a 70% win ratio ip to t3 but then the m3 lee grind staryed and I'm down to around 50%. Trying to decide which route I want to go either the m4 or the hellcat or whatever the t5 TD is.
I'm only at 390 games or so. I had a 70% win ratio ip to t3 but then the m3 lee grind staryed and I'm down to around 50%. Trying to decide which route I want to go either the m4 or the hellcat or whatever the t5 TD is.

48%-51% is the average win rate on the NA servers, so I'd say you're still well above the potatoes you'll find in a lot of matches.

Try to focus more on learning the game's mechanics such as where to shoot tanks to ensure damage, which ammo to use (and when), vision/spotting mechanics, etc. Once you have the mechanics down and can exercise common sense about when to fight and where, your per-game performance will increase dramatically. Win rate comes naturally as a result.

The T49 and Hellcat are both very powerful tanks in the hands of a skilled player, but a lot of people fail to utilize them properly and end up thinking that the tanks are crap as a result.

If you (or any [H] players) want to chat or whatever in game, feel free to add and message me. I don't really platoon lower tiers much though.

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I'll add you but I try not to pester more experienced players. Just fun to chat up some matches and what not.