Worth the Upgrade? Antec SP500 to Corsair HX520w


Limp Gawd
May 13, 2006
Well, I just had to RMA my Smartpower 500 watt PSU and was wondering if I should go and get the 520 watt Corsair. I have heard really great things about the Corasir, and if/when my next Smartpower 500 starts dying in about 4 months, I do not want to RMA that one as well. I will be buying a Direct x10 mid/highend video card around June. This will be with the system in my sig. I do not think I will ever go Sli.

Put simply, yes. HX520 > SP-500.

I've heard enough things about the Antec SP series lately that I'm almost starting to recommend against getting an Antec power supply (which I considered almost sacreligious a year or two ago).

Damn Fuhjyuu (sp?) caps .... :(

JOOC, how're the new Trio and Basiq lines from Antec? Anybody have personal experience?
I was an antec fan, I did some research and I am going to steer away from their PSU's. Don't think twice get the corsair, if you need more juice look at the seasonic S12, M12 series. Corsair PSU is built by seasonic, so are some of the higher end antects (not the crappy ones that die). Good luck, you can also check my thread I am deciding on the corsair and the seasonic. Powerwise from my understading is I would get the corsair HX620w because it has a higher ammount of power it runs more efficient therefore less of the energy that is converted in heat is wasted in heat. Good luck man.
EnderW said:
That doesn't make any sense.

Read the efficiency section carefully, paying attention to the graph

I read it carefully, at low end the HX520watt beats the HX620, but if you carefully when you get near the 295watt imput on the HX520 it outputs about 1% difference in efficiency, then when it gets to 486watt imput the HX520 beats it by almost nothing, anything else up the HX620 is supperior, 486watts input translate to 406.7 watts output wich I think averages is the needs of an average pc. What I'm seeing is that the HX520 does a lot better at the low end spectrum but it does not apply to real life since pc's take a lot more power than the area where it takes advantage, you reach around half way point on the HX520 and it's only efficient by less than 1% wich does not make much difference, in the 2/3rds portion the HX620 pulls away as more efficient, I don't think anything below 1/3 I would take in consideration since it would take a really puny computer to use that little power. Both are really nice the HX620 gives you a little more room to grow. If you plan to get SLI or a more powerfull system in future the 620, otherwise the 520 should do good, I just checked prices, $50 difference but it's 100watts more to play with.
Here they added an updated and they said their list is outdated of real world pc needs.
I went to the site they recommended to see average how much energy I need.
This is what Im getting, I have some parts
core2duo E6600 oc to 2.8
dvd burner
2 stick ram
2usb powered devices
1sata HD
1 standar HD

Recommends a 509watt power supply.
599 watts if I run SLI this is based on 85% psu throtle, crank it to 100% and it recommends a 700watt.
Ok, thanks for the replies, loooks like the upgrade would be worth it. Now, the 520 or 620 watt, I don't do SLI so mabye the 520 watt.
If it helps I just ordered the HX520 to push the first system in my sig. But with an Opty 170 and a second gig of ram. 2 sata disks and 2 DVD burners.

I think you will be fine unless you are going SLi.
I had a SP500 fail on me after about 7 months in a very well cooled case. I RMA'd it and the replacement started acting up in 3 days. I picked up a Silverstone and haven't had a moment's trouble since. (At least no trouble that wasn't my own doing)
Rabid Badger said:
I had a SP500 fail on me after about 7 months in a very well cooled case. I RMA'd it and the replacement started acting up in 3 days. I picked up a Silverstone and haven't had a moment's trouble since. (At least no trouble that wasn't my own doing)

Shit, I am awaiting the new SP500 a I type this. I have also read that others have had their replacement fail after 3-4 months. Did they not change the caps or what ever was wrong? Corsair here I come.

Oh, how long did it take you to receive your replacement from Antec, they are in Cal, and I am in Washington, should not take real long, right?