Worst VG characters


[H]F Junkie
Jun 12, 2012
If we have a topic about the best characters, it is only fair to have a topic about the worst of the worst as well.
Those annoying, characters that ruined the story, that always got in your way, and you wished you could just put them out of their misery.

And what's better to start with, than a with a case where your main character is the worst? There is nothing more annoying than that.

Max Payne - Max Payne 3 (The real fall of Max Payne)

You're probably thinking this iconic character should be among the best of the best, and you'd be right, if we only looked at the first two games. But the third simply shattered all images of greatness. Rockstar turned Max Payne into a self pitying, worthless, suicidal drunkard. It's a caricature at best and a complete failure at worst. If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd say they did it on purpose so they don't have an in-house competitor for gta.

And while we're talking about GTA:

Every damn playable character
in modern GTA games.

Just admit it, they're all uninspired, dull, or annoying, and probably more than one of those at the same time. Their motivations are unclear, their actions unjustified, and unexplained. Or badly explained. That bill easily fits niko bellic, as well as all three characters in gtav. Oh and I Forgot the worst part of them: they are all completely unrelatable.

Jason - Far Cry 3

If Vaas is one of the best villains ever, then Jason has to be mentioned as one of the worst protagonists ever. The end of the game certainly didn't help matters, but the character is completely unrelatable anyway. Spoiled brat turns rambo in the course of a day and wages a guerilla war against well trained well equipped soldiers. Yeah - right.

Rahm Kota - Force Unleashed 2

If there was ever a better personification of annoyance then this is it. The character's sole purpose in the game is to annoy the player by shouting mission goals to him, during the entire damn garbage game. And start complaining if for 1 second you dare not go directly towards the goal in the shortest possible line.

Whoever Bioshock Infinite

I don't want to write spoilers, but if you played the game you know what I'm talking about. It makes zero sense and I hate the guts of it.

Fenris - Dragon Age 2

The local emo, enough said

Jonah - Tomb Raider / Rise of.

Born looser, and a fool. Always doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, and not doing the right thing for any reason. The type of guy that should stay away from adventure.

That's all for starters.
Trahearne in Guild Wars 2 is a personal pet hate. The writers not only thought it would be a good idea to make your character play second fiddle to an NPC who everyone in the story inexplicably treats as the real hero, even though you're doing all the work, they also made him one of the most tiresome and annoying characters in the game. I think I heard you get to kill him off or something in one of the expansions, but I can't be bothered to go back to it.
Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5, annoying as hell, bad temper and badly written dialogue (game is also pretty mediocre, abandoned it out of boredom)

Lo Wang while I think he was still cool in the original game, in SW2 his attempts at humor were mostly painfull and/or cringeworthy, the game is also noting special, I did skip the first of the modern games, and I have no intent to get it after playing the 2nd one.
Sara and Scott Ryder from ME:A

Too vanilla, boring, bland, uninspiring. Felt like I was doing chores in outer space instead of exploring and going on dangerous raids.
Sora from Kingdom Hearts
Midna from Zelda Twlighlight Princess
Every character from Xenoblade Chronicles, FFX, and most from FFVIII
a bit obscure but I'm playing Theif 2 and the main villian is super annoying... sounds like a kid programmer did the voice-over for it
and yea, that's basically it off the top of my head, anything that reminds of some annoying kid screaming into the microphone is what grates on my nerves...
Club Kid : Twisted Metal 3

...Actually the whole game was a turd.

Fallout 3 : Moria
Fallout 4 : Shaun
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The Catalyst aka. starbrat - Mass Effect 3
You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! God damn you all to hell!

Ashley - Mass Effect trilogy
Space racist!

Suvi - Mass Effect Andromeda
My ship is too small for your superstition! Hell, the entire Andromeda galaxy could do without that bullcrap.

Addison - Mass Effect Andromeda
Probably the worst written character in the entire universe, It's not just bad, it's bad to a level of being cringe worthy. Both the dialogue and the voice acting.
Sara and Scott Ryder from ME:A

Too vanilla, boring, bland, uninspiring. Felt like I was doing chores in outer space instead of exploring and going on dangerous raids.

Ryder had an interesting relationship with SAM actually. I just wish they developed it more.

But yeah. Feels like Bioware was torn between a "blank slate" character (like alot of old roleplaying games) and a distinct, set character like Shepard, hence they ended up stuck in the middle. Ryder's character is too set to roleplay, but a little too generic as well.

FO4's Sole Survivor has the same problem, but fans were pissed for opposite reasons. ME fans wanted a strong character like Sheperd to tell a story, while Fallout fans wanted a blank slate to roleplay in the world. Cyberpunk 2077 seems to be walking a similar tightrope (set, voiced character, but way more customizable than Geralt), so it'll be interesting to see if they pull it off.
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Borderlands 2 - Tiny Tina. Maybe if I was still 12 I'd find it funny.

Claptrap would get my vote over Tiny Tina. No other character's voice acting rubbed me the wrong more than his in the 100s of hours I spent playing the game.

Holy crap no kidding! I wanted to punch my monitor! Half the reason I didn't finish the game, the other half is that I have no friends.

Fixed. :p
Claptrap would get my vote over Tiny Tina. No other character's voice acting rubbed me the wrong more than his in the 100s of hours I spent playing the game.

Fixed. :p


Will you be my friend?
Max Payne - Max Payne 3 (The real fall of Max Payne)

You're probably thinking this iconic character should be among the best of the best, and you'd be right, if we only looked at the first two games. But the third simply shattered all images of greatness. Rockstar turned Max Payne into a self pitying, worthless, suicidal drunkard. It's a caricature at best and a complete failure at worst. If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd say they did it on purpose so they don't have an in-house competitor for gta.

I disagree entirely.

I just finished my 3rd playthrough of MP3 yesterday.

Max is a classic / tragic / anti-anti-hero.
Types of Heroes | Hero Archetype | Anti Hero
What is the difference between a tragic hero and an anti-hero? - Quora

He gave up "the bottle" half-way through this game.

He was constantly questioning his motivation - throughout the game.

He wasn't suicidal - he was realistic.

He had nothing to live for - and nothing to lose.

He might as well try to save someone's life - even if it cost him his own.

When he fucked up everything that he tried to fix - he tried to do the next right thing.

Eventually - he realized he couldn't "earn" salvation - so he opted for revenge.

Well done Max.

Well done.

*read that again w/ the Max Payne graphic novel voice over.
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I will vehemently disagree here.
Nothing exists of the classic anti-hero max payne in mp3. It is a pathetic burlap sack of a disappointment, always doing the wrong thing, ending up an utter failure. Throwing out self pitying remarks like that's normal breathing out.

The real anti-hero which he was in MP2, and MP1, is when he did everything as best he could, never fucked up, but still came up short. That is the max payne I want. Not this. But there were other issues with the game detracting from its value, apart from the character and the story.
No way.

Max was a loser in MP1 & MP2.
He tried very hard but still lost everything.
MP1 - his wife & child.
MP2 - Mona.
MP3 - himself.

BUTT - yeah, it seems like Rockstar put a nail in Max's coffin.

It seems like the only way it could have ended for him...

UNLESS - he bought a sailboat & meets a girl on a waverunner & washes up on the Island of Doctor Moreau.
~ REF: Far Cry 1 / FC Classic for the noobs...
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Sorry dude - fixed - edit that quoted text or delete the post...

Its ok, I'll probably never play it anyway. Wouldn't want it to spoil the fond memories I have associated with the first two.
No way.

Max was a loser in MP1 & MP2.
That's not what I mean. Yes he lost, but not due to his own damn self pity and foolishness. He did everything right or as best possible. In MP3 he does many foolish things that the player has no control over. That's why I hate the story in MP3.
That's not what I mean. Yes he lost, but not due to his own damn self pity and foolishness. He did everything right or as best possible. In MP3 he does many foolish things that the player has no control over. That's why I hate the story in MP3.

MP1 and MP2 he tried his best but came up short
MP3 he is just a drunkass full of selfpity

Also i agree on the player control was taken away from the player and you did utter stupid things.
it looked like it was meant to go on consoles and didnt have thet ressources to give players the exploration and backtracking nature of 1 and 2.
especialyl towards the end you just automaticall run into the middle of a room and get surrounded before you can take control of the character again... so stupid
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I don't get too annoyed by characters but one, and only one, came to my mind as I read this thread title:

That bitchy little dinosaur from Star Fox Adventures that follows you around everywhere.
Its ok, I'll probably never play it anyway. Wouldn't want it to spoil the fond memories I have associated with the first two.

DO IT. Ignore the naysayers and make up your own mind...
~ you can watch some youtube playthroughs to decide too.
~ Max Payne 3 - Playthrough - (No Commentary) (60FPS) - YouTube

Add it to your Steam wishlist & pick a $ # you like for 10+ hours of gaming (I played 3x = 43 hours).

I paid $30 back in the day, but it goes on sale for less nowadays...

Beats the shit out of any Hollywood movie @ 43 hours gameplay / $30 = $1.43 per hour

MP1 and MP2 he tried his best but came up short
MP3 he is just a drunkass full of selfpity

Also i agree on the player control was taken away from the player and you did utter stupid things.
it looked like it was meant to go on consoles and didnt have thet ressources to give players the exploration and backtracking nature of 1 and 2.
especialyl towards the end you just automaticall run into the middle of a room and get surrounded before you can take control of the character again... so stupid

Well, I guess I just relate to Max.

Try as you might - you do everything thing right - butt you still get fucked over on some major, major shit.

It leaves you empty. If you are young & never had that experience yet, I guess you might not be able to relate - yet.
Well, I guess I just relate to Max.

Try as you might - you do everything thing right - butt you still get fucked over on some major, major shit.

It leaves you empty. If you are young & never had that experience yet, I guess you might not be able to relate - yet.

The issue is the character is majorly different between 1&2 vs 3 with no real crossing over.
The gameplay fo the game was different 3 never felt like it was a follow up to 1&2
1&2 felt like a PC game where you get to explore the world. 3 feelt like a console game where you go from one shotting tent to another.
just like Serious sam 2 felt a lot different than FE and SE.

if you loved you favorite metal bands first and second album you would probably dislike it when the 3 is a popsynth album.
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The issue is the character is majorly different between 1&2 vs 3 with no real crossing over.
The gameplay fo the game was different 3 never felt like it was a follow up to 1&2
1&2 felt like a PC game where you get to explore the world. 3 feelt like a console game where you go from one shotting tent to another.
just like Serious sam 2 felt a lot different than FE and SE.

if you loved you favorite metal bands first and second album you would probably dislike it when the 3 is a popsynth album.

I TOTALLY see MP3 as a natural progression of the character.

After losing everything in MP1 & MP2, what's next...

Keep on keeping on & be the "good cop"?


Drown in a bottle?


Take any fucking job a drunk ex-cop can get?


As far as gameplay, I feel like a lot of levels made you explore (at least to find pills), but I agree that - in part - it was a "shooter on rails" for a large portion of the game.

However, I like that & it did not make me hate the game.

It did feel like a console port vs a dedicated PC game - just like hundreds of others...

I can't really hold that against them anymore - it is the norm.
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Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5, annoying as hell, bad temper and badly written dialogue (game is also pretty mediocre, abandoned it out of boredom)

I think I'll agree that Ryuji was sort of a clown, but the game itself as "pretty mediocre". I guess we all have our opinions. For what it's worth I played the game in original JP months before replaying the EN version, and all the characters had different vibes and often times came off sounding far different than the EN voices had me believe the second time through. I think that's par for the course with translation and localization though, wouldn't be the first time I've experienced that with imported games.

I honestly thought Chie in P4 was more annoying, in both languages...
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I think I'll agree that Ryuji was sort of a clown, but the game itself as "pretty mediocre". I guess we all have our opinions. For what it's worth I played the game in original JP months before replaying the EN version, and all the characters had different vibes and often times came off sounding far different than the EN voices had me believe the second time through. I think that's par for the course with translation and localization though, wouldn't be the first time I've experience that with imported games.

I honestly thought Chie in P4 was more annoying, in both languages...

I would like the game more if I could actually play it iso beeing blocked of doing anything by the mechanics of the game, can't go to the store when you want, can't raid dungeons when you want, the game is too restrictive imo to be fun, guess I'm too used to the go anywhere do anything type of games not games where you have to go to bed after shopping iso of clearing the next part, but to each his own.
Well, I guess I just relate to Max.

Try as you might - you do everything thing right - butt you still get fucked over on some major, major shit.

It leaves you empty. If you are young & never had that experience yet, I guess you might not be able to relate - yet.
But that is exactly the problem. He doesn't do everything right in 3. He does a ton of shitty, or outright stupid things that the player can't control. And on top of that the gamelplay is a mile behind the first two as well.
The narrator in Black and White!!! Hate that fucker...

Now it's time to learn to roTATE. Click xxxx to roTATE. No no no... We're learning to roTATE. Please roTATE... Sure, we will get to that, but not until you learn to roTATE.

But that is exactly the problem. He doesn't do everything right in 3. He does a ton of shitty, or outright stupid things that the player can't control. And on top of that the gamelplay is a mile behind the first two as well.

I was saying - even tho he made the effort to do right in 1 & 2, he got fucked over & was empty and fatalistic for 3.

I get it. I can relate. I enjoyed the game. You did not. I get that too, but can't relate. ;)
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