Worklog: Project Zelda 0.5 - Quicky mod, NF56k


Sep 25, 2002
What happens when you need a case for a case competiton and the project you're working on isnt complete? Improvise :D

The Texas gaming festival is at the end of this week, and I plan on going down with Metarinka.

Since my zelda case isnt done (previous worklog can be found here: ) I needed something to bring, so i decided to work on my old premod aluminum case.

Here's what I started with:

yeah, i know, i know - its ugly

Mods that have already been done on this case/componants:
* Sleeved PSU
* Back fangrill cutout
* Cathode switch in 3.5 floppy bay
* Painted dvd rom for the zelda case
* Psu stock fangrill removed/replaced
* UV stuff to go with the UV cathodes

The insides are prepared pretty much to be moved to the new case once its finished, so i have a fangrill on there already - i planned on changing the fan, but the neon green looks nice with the uv cathodes that are in this case already.


First thing I did in preparation was got an idea for a window design. After looking through a bunch of pictures, I chose one and used photoshop to make it easier to cutout.

from there i inverted the picture, printed it out, and taped it onto the other sidepanel, since a clean slate is much easier to work with.

I cut it out over the period of two days and got it cleaned up with needle files

Then I affixed an old piece of lexan to it with goop brand adhesive. I used reams of paper to keep pressure on it.


Continued in next post
While that was working it's magic, I cut out the x window on the other panel

then I used posterboard and the original screw on things to cover up the blankness of that side.


I have plans for working on this side, involving nintendo's advertising campaign as of late. It should turn out good, I hope.

I planned on switching the side panels around, so i can use the zelda cutout on the main side. I did this, and completed this side - here's the eye candy


mmmm I really love how that turned out :D

I have plans to work on the front panel and more - expect an update a little later this week
nice work there so far, anything else happening to it? if so...PICS!

i used to have one of those cases and altho premodded and all i found that mine was decently easy to work in when need be...
That zelda cutout looks sweet! but what is the other window going to show? :(
That cut out looks amazing. Could you post a little more information about how you approached cutting it? I have a design I'm planning on doing that requires some accurate cutting and I'm not sure how I'm going to pull it off.

Did you gut out blocks inside and then file it into the shape you needed or did you have another approach?

Thanks for any infor.

Originally posted by B1zz
nice work there so far, anything else happening to it? if so...PICS!

i used to have one of those cases and altho premodded and all i found that mine was decently easy to work in when need be...

soon, soon ;)

Originally posted by grjr
That zelda cutout looks sweet! but what is the other window going to show? :(

"I have plans for working on this side, involving nintendo's advertising campaign as of late. It should turn out good, I hope"
you'll have to wait and find out ;)
it should be done in less than 3 days

Originally posted by matoch
That cut out looks amazing. Could you post a little more information about how you approached cutting it? I have a design I'm planning on doing that requires some accurate cutting and I'm not sure how I'm going to pull it off.

Did you gut out blocks inside and then file it into the shape you needed or did you have another approach?

Thanks for any infor.


its not too hard, you just have to cut into the area's that will be cut out a little. Take your time, and do the straight lines as much as possible to get your work going, then take curves slow, and it should be ok. Things that take extra detail, like sharp corners, as link's boots the top cuff took a bit of work, since it was an extreme corner. What I did was worked from the inside going diagonally to the corners, then using the dremel by the side and chipping off as much as i could, then needle filed it down to smoothness
lookin good. i like your other zelda case better tho. not that this one is bad (it's really pretty good) but you should paint it green:)