WORKLOG: Project Hideout 2

small update on my room.. I painted it (again).. though my camera makes it look very white.. its stone grey with sand in the paint.. so it feels and looks like stone.. its a neat effect..

here is my old C3 case which is getting parts to be water cooled.. (should be coming any day now) that'll be fun to get together.. also is my endless parts and cases..


and some other random images





I wont post anymore till i finish up my rack space/server closet.. that's going to be a while.. its a hellva project..
wow I give mad props to that desk. I wish I had a little room like that. It would solve A LOT of my current problems.
I spy a Gateway 2000 tower circa 1993 with a Pentium I in that picture. I love my Gateway 2000 Pentium I 60MHz. It's so ridiculously blindingly fast. :D
Originally posted by DJDishwateR
On the topic of stealthed door, go powered sliding door/Star Trek. Now that would be a nice entrance to it. I'd wire up soem kind of RF signal thing so the door stays locked unless your within 3 feet of the door. Like Mercedes/Cadillac keypod thingy. Go go go!

Don't forget the Shaq-on-Cribs style fingerprint scanner
Killer workshop. I wish I had the space to do something like that.

I want your SGI monitor. =P
Originally posted by Afturmath
Killer workshop. I wish I had the space to do something like that.

I want your SGI monitor. =P

funny.. i had 3 of em.. my friend works at EDS and they were house cleaning.. i grabbed all i could fit in my car along with 4 or 5 indigo 2's
Originally posted by eL c0L0mb1aNo
I spy a Gateway 2000 tower circa 1993 with a Pentium I in that picture. I love my Gateway 2000 Pentium I 60MHz. It's so ridiculously blindingly fast. :D

actually thats a P90.. i have sinced ripped that out and put in a Dual PPro200 setup with 4 18gig cheetahs.. the sound from the cheetahs was painfull.. so i stopped using it...
Awesome! :D

I'd love to do something like that. I have the room and everything, I just wouldn't trust myself to build something like that without ruining this whole area of the house :(
Very nice setup!!

With so many computers in close proximity, it's screaming logitech wireless duo and a kvm.
Great job, Im quite jealous. Questions for you:
what program did you use to make that plan?(i think it was your 3rd pic)
did you have anyother room designs?And if so, could you share them.
Did you just buy the wood boards and then cut it to shape and then have it laminated?
Any lamination tips?

Hope to hear from you, Id love to get the wifes permission to do something similar to this.

Originally posted by epicstruggle
Great job, Im quite jealous. Questions for you:
what program did you use to make that plan?(i think it was your 3rd pic)
did you have anyother room designs?And if so, could you share them.
Did you just buy the wood boards and then cut it to shape and then have it laminated?
Any lamination tips?
Hope to hear from you, Id love to get the wifes permission to do something similar to this.

I used sketchup to get a good visual of what i wanted.. then did the real measure and layout work in autocad

I did have a few diffrent room layout designs.. and no i didnt keep any of them.. I kept changing the same drawing.. sorry :(

yes i bought all the supplies at homedepot.. all the wood and laminate.. i cut and laminated everything myself

lamination tips? do it in a _very_ well ventilated area.. that glue is nasty.. other then that is pretty easy.. the laminate is snapped to size then after you put it on.. run your router around the desk to flush it out and get it perfect... its also razor sharp stuff.. wear gloves.. it cut me to the bone on my index finger that kinda hurt :)

my wife was very supportive of me and my room.. tho.. i dont think she knew exactly what I was doing.. and how long it was going to take :D
Bud Light presents, Real Men of Genious. Today we salute you, Mr. Custom Computer Room Builder. You went boldly where no man has gone before, into a pink basement, and turned it into an ass kicking computer room. Now after you have completed your computer room, and top off the job with your very own mini-fridge, lock yourself in the room, and crack open a nice cold Bud Light, download some MP3's, and play all the video games you can untill you pass out, knowing that you didn't even need a designated driver.
Originally posted by Pagan Wizard
Bud Light presents, Real Men of Genious. Today we salute you, Mr. Custom Computer Room Builder. You went boldly where no man has gone before, into a pink basement, and turned it into an ass kicking computer room. Now after you have completed your computer room, and top off the job with your very own mini-fridge, lock yourself in the room, and crack open a nice cold Bud Light, download some MP3's, and play all the video games you can untill you pass out, knowing that you didn't even need a designated driver.

lol.. thats fsckn great :D
Originally posted by Pagan Wizard
Bud Light presents, Real Men of Genious. Today we salute you, Mr. Custom Computer Room Builder. You went boldly where no man has gone before, into a pink basement, and turned it into an ass kicking computer room. Now after you have completed your computer room, and top off the job with your very own mini-fridge, lock yourself in the room, and crack open a nice cold Bud Light, download some MP3's, and play all the video games you can untill you pass out, knowing that you didn't even need a designated driver.

:D Nice one ;)
Originally posted by Pagan Wizard
Bud Light presents, Real Men of Genious. Today we salute you, Mr. Custom Computer Room Builder. You went boldly where no man has gone before, into a pink basement, and turned it into an ass kicking computer room. Now after you have completed your computer room, and top off the job with your very own mini-fridge, lock yourself in the room, and crack open a nice cold Bud Light, download some MP3's, and play all the video games you can untill you pass out, knowing that you didn't even need a designated driver.

So beautiful I cried...

Well not really, but I did laugh my ass off for about 10 minutes.
Originally posted by Pagan Wizard
Bud Light presents, Real Men of Genious. Today we salute you, Mr. Custom Computer Room Builder. You went boldly where no man has gone before, into a pink basement, and turned it into an ass kicking computer room. Now after you have completed your computer room, and top off the job with your very own mini-fridge, lock yourself in the room, and crack open a nice cold Bud Light, download some MP3's, and play all the video games you can untill you pass out, knowing that you didn't even need a designated driver.

That is F'ing awesome!
Thanks for the props to my earlier post.........but in a way it makes me feel as if I high-jacked this thread.

Any new pics of the computer room?
Originally posted by Pagan Wizard
Bud Light presents, Real Men of Genious. Today we salute you, Mr. Custom Computer Room Builder. You went boldly where no man has gone before, into a pink basement, and turned it into an ass kicking computer room. Now after you have completed your computer room, and top off the job with your very own mini-fridge, lock yourself in the room, and crack open a nice cold Bud Light, download some MP3's, and play all the video games you can untill you pass out, knowing that you didn't even need a designated driver.
rofl, pure comedy gold:p :D :cool:

on a side note, i also have an intellimouse 3.0 on an everglide pad.
I spy a Bonz Wallpaper :) THat room turned out great. Now tint the window black so you will never notice the time :)
I spy a Gateway 2000 tower circa 1993 with a Pentium I in that picture. I love my Gateway 2000 Pentium I 60MHz. It's so ridiculously blindingly fast.

amen dude, i still have that monitor. but my dad made me throw away my gateway was 90 Mhz too :(

i honestly envy this guy...awesome building, and damn...i'd bring in the dancing women in there too =P
Originally posted by dss64662
on a side note, i also have an intellimouse 3.0 on an everglide pad.

i used to have a ratpad.. and then a ratpadgs.. but if i explain what happened to them i'd probably get this thread locked and deleted.. :D
you and bonz from the custom case world should go into business building rooms and peoples pc's together and make a killin. Good job on everything!
I am totally poping like 15 boners right now. My wife would crap a lemon if I did that to the comp room. She and I share it and it stays trashed all the time. Great job, especially on the fomica tops. That stuff is a pain if you don't know what you're doing. But it's evident you do. Kudos!
Man, I got an 8'x8' bed room in my house that'd Be PERFECT for that, all but the pocket door idea, my landlord (dad) would kick my ass for doing that. I gotta redo some drywall in my bedroom too.
Originally posted by kort0175
I am totally poping like 15 boners right now. My wife would crap a lemon if I did that to the comp room. She and I share it and it stays trashed all the time. Great job, especially on the fomica tops. That stuff is a pain if you don't know what you're doing. But it's evident you do. Kudos!

i had zero clue about fermica actually and I have the cuts on my hands to prove it.. :D

i just followed the advice of the home depot guy and winged it best i could...

I could post some pics of my 1/2 backed server closet.. but i'd rather get in better shape first.. so maybe nextweekend i'll have some more to show..