Wish Beta screenshots (56k most likely bad)


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 13, 2002
I managed to get into the Wish Beta 2.0. So far the game is really unstable and 2 races are yet to appear, along with a number of features. Despite that I think it has a lot of promise, and I thought I would share a few screenshots from the beta. It's mostly around beginning areas since I haven't played much due to server downtime and the Guild Wars January event.

Anyway, here they are (note the last 2 were taken with 4x FSAA, but it doesn't run well on my 9500pro at 1280x1024 so the majority are no FSAA):







It's far worse then Lineage 2, I was in Beta 1 and I downloaded Beta 2 but couldn't bear to play it for longer then an hour before uninstalling it.
Yah to be honest it just looks like the concept thats being done over for the 30th time or so. Even it's looks don't really bring anything new to the table..
Graphics look pretty crappy, but if the gameplay is good then who cares.
The graphics and name font reminds me of DAoC. Doesn't stand a chance graphically compared to other new MMOs.
the biggest problem i can see is with alot of the textures, some of them look pretty good while other ones look like crap, but it's still beta so there's time for improvement, unless the art assetts are already locked in place.
the second and third shots remind me of Everquest 1, the rest remind me of DAoC (I played both of those for 6mo or so). Not a good start...
Hopefully the game has more in store, I thought the textures looked weak as well. As far as I know, 2 races are still in the concept stage without in-game models (Dragonkin and Imps) so maybe they're saving the graphics for last. It doesn't look that bad while actually playing, but the first thing I thought when looking at their website was "These graphics look like they're from 2-3 years ago".

There's still at least 1 more closed beta stage and 1 more open so they do have time to add some things.

After careful consideration of all the facts and analyzing all the data which we have gathered from the Wish Beta 2.0 test so far, we have decided to cancel the Wish project.

Hell I never was even able to log in to look at it. Consider yourself lucky. The servers were always down and I tried many many times to log in. Oh well. Sounds like it might be for the best.
elation said:

Hell I never was even able to log in to look at it. Consider yourself lucky. The servers were always down and I tried many many times to log in. Oh well. Sounds like it might be for the best.

Well that's somewhat of a surprise. I guess I'll have more time for AO and Guild Wars when it releases. Or maybe I'll get sucked into the addiction that is WoW.
Those graphics are ghastly. I play FFXI which is several years old now and it's visuals make this game look utterly amateurish. Gameplay may be what's really important but if this game is released looking like that a lot of players, myself included, are going to be very turned off.

AceTKK said:
Those graphics are ghastly. I play FFXI which is several years old now and it's visuals make this game look utterly amateurish. Gameplay may be what's really important but if this game is released looking like that a lot of players, myself included, are going to be very turned off.


Check the two posts above, the game was just cancelled. :D
IcedEmotion said:
Check the two posts above, the game was just cancelled. :D

Damn, looks like that was just posted today too. Its because we were all mocking the graphics! Its about gameplay people!!!
alot of the textures are quake 2 quality, while others look much better. I understand gameplay matters most but that's rediculous.