Windows Formatted External drive not supported on OS X 10.4.5?


Sep 6, 2003
Hey guys, i just got 12.1" Powerbook G4 1.33Ghz 768Mb ram, 80GB hdd from a friend who upgraded to new MBP..This is my first Mac so please explain comment in layman's/PC user terms :p

I have this 40Gb External WD drive in Vantec enclosure.. been using it on PC for a while now.. all my data, school stuff, movies, songs, etc is stored on this. When i try connecting it to Powerbook.. I get this error >> G4/Picture2.png

I have tried disk utility and it only offers me format option >> G4/Picture1.png

Is there anyway i can revive his external USB 2.0 hdd in OS X?

many thanks.
What was it formated with? MacOS should have no trouble reading and writing to the drive if it is in fat32 and should be able to read the drive if it is ntfs although it can not write to a ntfs partition. If the drive was like an os drive or something and had a 3rd party boot loader or ghost or something it may not be able to read it. If it is an option backup the data off the drive and do a fresh format using fat32 in either windows or on the mac and put the data back on. That way both systems should be able to read it without issue.
Sounds as if you have an NTFS volume that has been set to "dynamic" from Windows XP instead of basic. While OS X can read NTFS volumes (but not write to them) you cannot read nor write NTFS dynamic.

It also could be that you used a third party formatting program to format it to FAT32 such as partition magic since you are past 32gb file size limit WinXP sets FAT32 volumes. OS X will say it can read and write to the volume when you look that the disk, but it will generate the same "disk insertion" error when you actually try to read the volume.

swatbat said:
What was it formated with? MacOS should have no trouble reading and writing to the drive if it is in fat32 and should be able to read the drive if it is ntfs although it can not write to a ntfs partition. If the drive was like an os drive or something and had a 3rd party boot loader or ghost or something it may not be able to read it. If it is an option backup the data off the drive and do a fresh format using fat32 in either windows or on the mac and put the data back on. That way both systems should be able to read it without issue.