Windows 8.1 ram limit


[H]F Junkie
Nov 27, 2007
do I need Pro version to use more than 16gb of ram for Windows 8.1? I thought this would be an easy thing to search but for some reason cant find it.
thanks I dont know how I missed that. :eek:

at least now I know I can save some money and skip the pro version as I am pretty sure 128gb will be enough...
It depends on what you're looking to do as far as if you can use Home / Pro.

Single PC / Home network w/o a domain = Home version is fine
Since PC / Business network w/ a domain = Needs Pro to join domain
Applocker and some other things
Pro also adds in Hyper-V support and group policies. Group polices is nice to be able to help prevent cyrptolocker.
Good luck with the latter... You'll be infected within a day most likely :)

Installed Virtualbox (or whatever VM you prefer) and surf that stuff in a Linux sandbox. Be tough to infect Linux that's with in a closed sandbox (not impossible, but at the web browser level just about).

Its what I do for file sharing sites.
Installed Virtualbox (or whatever VM you prefer) and surf that stuff in a Linux sandbox. Be tough to infect Linux that's with in a closed sandbox (not impossible, but at the web browser level just about).

Its what I do for file sharing sites.

That works if a dedicated linux machine is not available. Whenever I'm not gaming and I want to use the desktop instead of my MBP, I use my USB3 bootable puppy linux which runs 100% in ram.
Good luck with the latter... You'll be infected within a day most likely :)
there's almost no chance of that unless you're doing some sketchy stuff. I don't download or install anything. Just the usual sites most people go to.