Windows 7 'Games' folder


Jun 21, 2008
I just noticed that Windows 7 (maybe Vista too?) conveniently stores all games in a 'Games' folder in the start menu.

Out of curiosity, how does the system know which application is a game? Local database of software authors that are known for publishing games only? Online database that is queried every time a potential game is installed?

I think it's a great feature, but it has me thinking about how it works :confused: :D
I think it's just a feature that game developers can use if they wish to, it's just a case of where you put your shortcuts and making sure you follow the protcols for making the game shortcut work there, it has some neat intergrated things like being able to just right click a game and select your directx level (only when supported)

I never actually use it though, I've been installing all my games to C:\Games\ for as long as i've used a PC and simply pinning the shortcuts in the start menu, thats never going to stop.
It doesn't know EVERY game. Any games that carry the "Games for Windows" branding HAVE to add themselves there. Plus MS has an extensive database of game executables. Some games will be added after the first launch. You can also drag and drop others in there.